Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 1399: Ye Geng 1: Not necessary

Makoto Yada is missing?

The first thing Ye Gengyi thought of was that the other party had already contacted him, and under the eyes of the famous detective Mori Kogoro, he confirmed that Kudo Shinichi pretending to be amnesiac was indeed a feasible solution, and he was going to return to the forest hut to kill the deity, so as to This replaces it.


It is impossible for the little detective not to think of this. But even after being hit with a sap, it seemed that he was still confident that Makoto Yada would not turn back halfway to kill someone.

Did I overlook something?

Ye Gengyi recalled the details, and then fixed the picture in his mind on the shattered window on the wall of the hut in the forest.

At that time, in order to prevent the little detective from losing too much blood, he simply observed the traces in the room, and after confirming that there were no traps, he ignored the scattered glass and mirror fragments.

Now, the shard of the mirror has the answer.

After all, from fan to black, for revenge, he even did plastic surgery to make himself the most annoying appearance.

It's even worse than when I was young and ignorant, tattooed the name of my favorite idol on my body, but before the soul of the middle school was burned out, the idol was sent to prison for committing a crime Step on the sewing machine…

That is to say, Makoto Yada killed Kudo Shinichi without meeting each other. Except for other plans, it is very likely that the person he saw from the beginning was only Edogawa Conan, and the antidote was fully effective , It was after the unlucky boy broke the window and escaped.

No wonder he is so confident, not worried about being killed...

Of course, guesses are just guesses. The most important thing right now is to find Makoto Yada first.

Ye Gengyi quickly sorted out his thoughts.

On Hattori Heiji's side, he didn't think much at all, knowing that Kudo was not in the room here, he immediately went straight to the front desk of the hotel.

"What are you arguing about, it's so early in the morning..." Behind him, Kogoro Mori yawned and sat up from the bed.

Ye Gengyi put on his coat, left a sentence "Shinichi Kudo is missing", and left the room.

Due to the death of the village head of Japan for some reason, he failed to build the village into a tourist attraction, and the main hall of the Okusui Hotel is still deserted.

When Ye Gengyi followed him down, he happened to see Hattori Heiji outside the hotel, stopping a few tourists who didn't know if they were villagers or going out for a walk, and asked them if they saw a high school student.

"High school student?"

"It's Kudo Shinichi!" Hattori Heiji described: "He is about the same height as me, wearing a brown jacket with a black lining and a pair of camouflage pants, and..."

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"His complexion is very fair." Ye Gengyi added as he came from behind.

Hattori Heiji:"…"

This is not important, is it?

"Oh, you said him, when I walked around the village in the morning, I saw the man you mentioned there..." The passer-by was stunned at first, and then pointed in the direction of the village chief's house. refer to.

"Okay, thank you." Ye Geng nodded, his sideways eyes greeted him with a stiff expression, and he was appointed by him as the black skin of the "Kudo Shinichi" recovery project this time, "Heiji, let's go."

Hattori Heiji:"…"

He suspects that Brother Gengyi is taking the opportunity to tease himself, but there is no evidence...

The two came to the two-story building of the village chief's house in Japan again.

After learning that the antidote was still working, Hattori Heiji heaved a sigh of relief, but he was also puzzled by the behavior of that guy Kudo who came to Hihara's house without making a sound.

...Could it be restoring memory? Really, then you should wake me up and discuss it. It must have been dawn when he left the double room. No matter how dark he is, he can't even see someone on the other side of the bed, right?

No, no! How could he be led astray by Brother Gengyi!

He hurriedly calmed down his wandering thoughts, and while shouting "Kudou, are you here?", he walked through the corridor to the living room.

Here, Ye Gengyi's attitude was obviously much more casual.

After all, as far as he is concerned, Kudo Shinichi is just a high school student who has met once or twice, so there is no reason to show too much concern.

"Hey! Kudo, why are you holding a kitchen knife!? There is so much blood on your body? And why did this female newspaper reporter fall here!"

Hattori Heiji's shout suddenly echoed in the room.

problem occurs?

Ye Gengyi quickened his pace and stepped forward to check, and sure enough, he saw that on the floor of the messy scene of the "robber entering and murdering" a year ago, Hanoi Shenli was in a dying state, and dark red blood was still half-opened from her right abdomen. Clothes keep spilling.

People are alive. The location of the wound... Well, the original target was supposed to be the heart, but it was missed due to unknown reasons.

Ye Gengyi quickly made a judgment.

"Kudou! What's going on!" Hattori Heiji was still asking anxiously.

"I, I don't remember anything..."

Makoto Yata covered his forehead, and said in a trembling voice: "The brain, the brain is blank, and when he regains consciousness, he has already appeared here... Is it me? Did I kill that person?"

He looked at the blood-stained weapon in his hand, and Hanoi Shenli with the corpse lying on the ground, and his tone was full of disbelief.

Ye Gengyi approached Makoto Yada from the side, and patted him on the back, "Put down the weapon first, Hanoi Shenli is still alive, you are at most an attempted murder now."

Kacha, Kacha...

The blood-stained kitchen knife slid down, making the sound of metal hitting a wooden board.

"Uh, Sagaichi-san, it's too early to conclude that it was an attempted murder, isn't it? It's still not confirmed that it was Kudo who hurt someone..."

Hattori Heiji was very helpless: "In short, we should report first... Ah no, call an ambulance first!"

"What happened? Why did you call an ambulance..."

At this time, Mao Li Kogoro, Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye, who ran out of the hotel to find someone, also chased here.

The three looked towards the living room with stunned expressions on their faces.

"That person on the ground, is Ms. Hanoi..."

"She bled a lot."

"Oh! You guys, let's talk about these things later!" Hattori Heiji interrupted a little irritably: "Anyway, hurry up and call an ambulance!"

There was no way, he wanted to call by himself, but he came out too quickly and left the phone in the hotel room.

"Don't forget to call the police." Ye Gengyi added.

"No, no! Just call an ambulance first."

Hattori Heiji explained, "If you call the police in this situation, Kudo will definitely be regarded as the murderer! I suspect this is a trap set by the real murderer! After all, many people in this village hold grudges against him, don't they!"

A wave of ups and downs and another wave...

Now if Kudo is sent to the police station for interrogation and investigation, once the effect of the drug disappears, the fact that he is Conan Edogawa will definitely not be concealed!

Hattori Heiji was sweating coldly.

I can't help but regret why I didn't listen to Brother Gengyi's suggestion last night, and took him back to Mihua Town first...

However, before he could think of a countermeasure, the sounds of police cars and ambulances sounded outside the window.

"What's going on?! Who called the police!"

Hattori Heiji's face was a little He grabbed Yada Makoto's arm and was about to leave the living room, "Sanichi-san! Uncle Mori, I will take Kudo and leave through the back door first, and wait until I hide him." Come back to find you, if the police ask about the situation at the scene, please help cover it up, this is definitely someone trying to frame Kudou who has lost his memory!"

"It's not necessary."

Ye Gengyi grabbed Yatian Makoto's other arm, pulled it back hard, and pressed down on him to the ground.

"Brother Gengyi! What are you doing!"

Hattori Heiji said hurriedly: "Kudo can't kill people! Someone must have tricked him and Ms. Kawachi here, then stunned them with drugs, and changed into Kudo's clothes to commit the murder! Kudo, what do you say! "

"I...I don't know..." Makoto Yada still gave the same answer.


Ye Gengyi lifted Yatian Makoto's clothes, revealing the revolver at the back of his waist, and said, "Then you should know this, right?"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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