Chapter 153: The entire organization was wiped out, and they were isolated for testing and research!

Inside the base, in other places.

The others were similar to Gin. Faced with endless traps, mechanisms, hypnotic gases, laser channels… no one could stop them, either killed or captured.

Li Ze’s home advantage was too great. Although Gin and others brought armed helicopters, they were still useless in the face of such an underground base.

Because many large machines could not be brought down at all!

More importantly.

The dark organization knew too little about Li Ze. They never thought that a small Shenzu Island would have such a huge and terrifying underground base.

In their imagination, at most they would dig an underground secret room.

But, they never thought.

It would be such a huge base.

The core of the base, the central control hub.

Li Ze sat in an office chair, and the others had different expressions, but they were all listening to the report from Red Queen.

“Mr. Li Ze”

“A total of 513 people died and 17 were captured in tonight’s operation!”

“The captured personnel are now detained in the PL-013 isolation interrogation room. They are all injected with muscle relaxants, anesthetic drugs, and a certain proportion of glucose to ensure that these personnel will not die within three months.”

“In addition, by comparing the scan……”

“Members of the organization codenamed Gin, whose bone density and muscle strength have been biologically modified, have detected some kind of inhibitory drug in the hippocampus and prefrontal lobe of their brains, but it cannot be detected and analyzed in a short time.”

“A member of the organization codenamed Vermouth had an abnormality in her DNA spiral structure. Her genes should have collapsed long ago, but due to some abnormal molecular structure, she was barely able to maintain the dynamic balance of her DNA.”

“This mysterious substance is only one micron in size and cannot be removed with current technology, so it cannot be studied in the short term.”

“In summary, both of them have been biochemically modified.”

“Gin’s transformation tends to enhance combat power and slightly strengthens his brain control”

“Vermouth is completely different. Her transformation is more inclined to genetic evolution, but this evolutionary route is imperfect, which causes her genes to be in a state of collapse at any time.”

“However, due to the existence of that special molecular structure, her genes were barely in a balanced state.”

“But this success cannot be replicated and may collapse at any time”


Red Queen had no expression on her face and started reporting directly.

Li Ze narrowed his eyes slightly.

On the huge display screen in front of him, the surveillance video of the PL-013 isolation area was playing.

This video was divided into two parts.

The left side showed the state of all these guys being tied to the beds, and the right side showed their physiological status data at that time.

“Gin has also been transformed?”


In response to Li Ze’s inquiry, Red Queen spoke indifferently.

Hearing this answer, Li Ze suddenly realized.


He had never figured it out before, Gin was too loyal to the organization’s boss.

This kind of loyalty is hard to understand.

You know, Gin has no private life, and it seems that he has no physical desires. His whole mind is thinking about making money for the organization. After hearing about the traitor, he was even more angry and wanted to kill the other party.

Selfish desire?

Gin, this person, has none at all!

He had never figured it out before, how could the organization’s boss make Gin so loyal?

Now, I understand.

After all this time, Gin has also been biochemically modified!

On the contrary, Vermouth.

He is not very interested, after all, Red Queen also said.

Her so-called immortality It’s a coincidence. The genetic structure is very unstable and the genes may collapse at any time.

I think this is also the reason why the boss of the organization has set up the research institute of Miyano Shiho over the years, even though he has a medical team around him and Vermouth as an experimental subject for research.

Because the silver bullet back then was not very stable!

And it was this unstable potion that later lost most of its data due to a fire.

However, in Li Ze’s opinion.

It is highly likely!

The so-called boss of the organization had already reversed the reasoning and figured out the most primitive silver bullet!

It was just because of the instability of this potion that it was used as a temporary measure and did not choose to actually take it.

After a moment of silence, Li Ze spoke

“Gin and Vermouth, draw some of each other’s blood and cell tissue for backup”

“Next, it’s time to talk business”

“However, Mr. Amuro”

“It seems that what we talked about before is no longer useful. After all, I didn’t expect these guys to be so useless that not even one of them escaped.”

“So next, you have to suffer a little”

“Bring Gin’s phone over later. Since you’ve all been wiped out, I can only talk to the boss in person.”

Li Ze was helpless about this.


According to his original idea, he wanted to let a few guys go.

But, he never thought.

These guys were too useless, and they were all caught directly.

So, there’s nothing he can do.

Although he doesn’t want to run into the organization’s boss too early, but since the previous plan is completely invalid, he, the boss, can only come forward in person.

On the other side.

Amuro Toru rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He has seen the defense of this base with his own eyes. Unless some unconventional means are used, no one can easily break through and get here.

It’s not Gin’s fault that he and others failed.

After all.

In his opinion, to deal with this base, either tanks and armored vehicles must break through on a large scale, or directly use unconventional earth-penetrating bombs!

Although Gin is very powerful, the people he brought this time can only deal with general conflicts.

And, what about Li Ze?

This is a dimensionality reduction attack!

But he sighed, nodded and said

“I OK, I understand”

“Then I’ll go and keep Gin and the others company. Boss, please remember to find a new pastry chef.”


After saying that,

Toru Amuro shrugged and left casually.

There was nothing he could do about it.

He entered the base as a member of the organization this time. Unless he left the dark organization directly, he naturally could not stay with Li Ze.

Fifteen minutes later,

Toru Amuro entered the PL-013 quarantine area, and with the help of others, he became exactly the same as Gin and others.

There was no way.

Since he had to disguise himself, he had to look a little like him.

He didn’t want to make mistakes in such a small matter!

On the other side,

Li Ze saw Toru Amuro greet him through the surveillance camera, and finally fell into a deep sleep, and then he made a video call directly to the organization boss.

The call was connected to.

Opposite was a living room decorated in medieval Europe, as if there was no electricity at all, with only occasional candlelight flickering.

The organization boss did not show up.

From Li Ze’s perspective at this time, he could only see a male figure flickering in the candlelight.

And, on Li Ze’s side, there was no intention of showing up either, but instead the screen of the PL-013 quarantine area was played.


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