Chapter 152: A turtle in a jar, Gin is caught!

Toru Amuro smiled.

He had naturally seen Conan a long time ago, but he was just too lazy to pay too much attention to him.

After all, this is not the original work, and the fate of both of them has changed.

In the original work.

He approached the Mori Detective Agency as Bourbon, and then discovered that something was wrong with Conan by coincidence, and then they slowly became friends after several cases.

But, what about now?

He had known Conan’s identity for a long time, and with the help of Li Ze’s efforts, he not only became a superintendent but also had assets. His mentality had changed a long time ago!

In this case, he naturally didn’t bother to pay attention to him.


When he heard Li Ze speak, he couldn’t help but nodded.

“Yeah, that’s right!”

“The dark organization is too brutal and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to come into contact with it.”

“But as for Kudo Shinichi, I also learned about him through newspapers. He just has typical childish thoughts.”

“It’s good to have some experience, so as to avoid getting into trouble in the future and having to clean up the mess later.”

Amuro Toru said indifferently.


To him at this moment, Kudo Shinichi is just a detective.

Even if he is a little famous, he is not at the same level as people of his level.

But, there is nothing to do.

Who made this guy unlucky and got involved with the dark organization.

As a public security officer, he went undercover in the organization. Although his heart had long become cold and he had done many evil things.

But, the problem is.

He is not a murderous devil?

So even if he knew about this, he would not think of killing people before it affected him.


Let Conan see the real world and understand the horror of the organization, and it can also give him We can save a lot of trouble.

On the other hand,

Conan’s face was grim at this time.

He stared at the display screen, his teeth almost broken.

He couldn’t imagine that such a horrible and bloody scene would happen in this peaceful country.

Of course, he thought about organizing it, but he had no ability at all.

More importantly, he knew in his heart that Li Ze was right.

For such a terrible dark organization, if you don’t have equal means to fight it, then what awaits you is definitely destruction.

And this point.

The Metropolitan Police Department he believes in can’t solve it at all.

From beginning to end, he didn’t speak.

He kept in mind the agreement with Li Ze and just observed everything with his eyes.


In the pipeline.

Although the remaining members of the organization were scattered, they still worked hard and finally came to the passage.

Gin’s face was cold.

Anger was rising in his eyes. At this moment, he wanted to kill someone very much.

After all.

He brought such a large number of elite members of the organization here, but before he even saw the face of the enemy, he had already lost so many people.

This is a shame!


Vodka asked in a low voice:”What should we do next?”

He stood next to Gin, looking a little embarrassed and his face was slightly pale.


The scene in the pipe just now still made him feel a little scared.

Especially now.

Looking at the white corridor in front of him, surrounded by red and white umbrella patterns, he was still a little scared in his heart.


If someone came to stop them, Vodka might not care. At most, he would just fight for a while.

But now?

In the quiet corridor, no one came to stop them.

This is very weird!

The other party knew that they had entered the base, so why didn’t they send someone to stop them? The more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

While he was thinking about it, Gin turned his head and took a look. There were about thirty or fifty people following him. After a little hesitation, he casually pointed at five cannon fodders and said:”You go in the front and explore the way!”

“Brother Gin, I……”

One of the cannon fodders was terrified when he heard this.

But, unfortunately.

Before he could finish his words, Gin fired directly.


The cannon fodder fell to the ground immediately.

After doing all this, Gin’s face was still very indifferent.

“Everyone else, keep going!”

“If you die for the organization’s mission, your family will be spared.”

“If you don’t obey the order, your whole family will die!”


As Gin spoke, everyone present was trembling with fear, especially the few cannon fodders who were pointed out. Their foreheads were full of cold sweat and their bodies began to tremble.

But, in the end.

When faced with dying themselves and their entire families, they chose to die alone.


A large paper cutter fell from the sky, a multi-barreled rotary machine gun suddenly appeared, a crossbow arrow emerged from the wall…

After only a dozen minutes, the cannon fodder behind Gin was basically killed.

The only few people left behind were all cannon fodders with some use.

For example, hackers!

Looking at the steel gate in front of him, Gin turned his head and said coldly:”How long will it take?”

“Five minutes!”

The hacker typed frantically on the keyboard while respectfully saying,”I can definitely do it.””

“The opponent’s defense algorithm is very strong, but I still found a loophole”

“It will be ready soon!”

The hacker looked focused, tapping on the laptop keyboard.

Gin stopped talking.

Five minutes later.

With a ding, the steel door in front of them opened.

Gin pointed at the last three cannon fodders and said in a cold voice:”You go open the door opposite.”

The last three cannon fodders, although nervous, still accepted the order.

They took the small decoder handed to them by the hacker and began to walk into the passage tremblingly, but before they really walked to the opposite side, the steel door behind them slammed shut.


The laser channel opened!

Three people, dead!

The hacker’s forehead was full of cold sweat, looking at the scene in front of him, his whole body was shaking with fear.


Gin said coldly:”You are worthless.”

After saying that, without any hesitation, he immediately shot.

Hacker, dead!

“”Vodka, retreat!”

Gin said.

Apparently, his brain worked quite well. After thinking carefully about what he had encountered today, he realized that this was a trap.

Although Vodka was stupid, he was quite obedient.

Although he was still confused, he hurried to follow.

But, it was too late!

The door that was broken by the hackers when they came here was closed again.

Then, countless pipes stretched out from the ceiling and began to spray mist continuously.

“This, hypnotic gas?”

“Damn it, it’s over.”


Gin’s face changed drastically.

The two were completely trapped here, and the hypnotic gas was constantly sprayed.

They were trapped in a jar!

Ten minutes later.

Even though the two were reluctant, they still passed out.

Another twenty minutes later, a team of fully armed soldiers with assault rifles broke in.

They all wore gas masks on their faces and had umbrella patterns on their shoulders. They were exactly Li Ze’s USS clone troops.

The leader waved his hand directly.

The others were on guard, and four people came forward and backward.

After firmly controlling Gin and Vodka, handcuffing and shackled them, they finally fixed the two of them firmly on the emergency bed, and then pushed them away.


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