In a room at the Beika Hotel,

FBI members James and Judy met here.

In addition to the two, FBI member Cameron was also there!

Ever since James was kidnapped and nearly killed by a fake grenade, Cameron has become James's personal bodyguard.

There is no other way!

Shuichi Akai is still recovering in New York.

No one else can do this except him.

"Recently, a group of people have been targeting me."

"They are asking around for our whereabouts. I'm afraid my identity has been exposed."

James was very depressed!

He came to New York and did nothing. His identity was known to others?

If he really did anything in Tokyo, it was only the kidnapping he encountered some time ago.

But it shouldn't be!

He had someone investigate the robbers.

Their backgrounds were not complicated.

They were just ordinary robbers.

"Being targeted?"

"who is it?"

"Is the CIA a member of the Black Organization?"

Apart from these two types of people, there is probably no one else in Tokyo who can monitor FBI agents.

Those people in the Metropolitan Police Department don't have this ability!

"Can't be sure yet"

"It should be someone from the Black Organization!"

James just had a hunch.

But it was a real fact that he was targeted.

"Do I need to report to my superiors?"

"Ask them to send someone over here?"

James shook his head in dismay.

No, sister!

He had just arrived in Tokyo not long ago, and his identity was exposed before the FBI's work began.

If his superiors knew about this, they would definitely transfer him back to be punished, and send another senior agent to take over the work in Tokyo.

If he stayed here, he still had a chance to turn the tables!

"How are things going over there?"

"Have you found out anything about the Black Organization recently?"

James looked at Judy.

He hoped to get some good news from this woman.

"There has been no good progress for the time being."

She originally thought that Conan was Kudo Shinichi. She had also been paying attention to that kid for a long time!

But the news of Kudo Shinichi's death made her doubt her guess.

Maybe... she was wrong from the beginning. She was just preconceived!

"Where is that doctor?"

"Have you taken any action recently?"

This is the only clue they have left in Tokyo.

"I was just about to say this"

"This woman has been out for the past two days."

"I think he must have met someone from the Black Organization!"

That's all she knew.

"I see!"

"I will contact the FBI agents lurking in Tokyo to closely track and monitor her."

A glimmer of hope finally ignited in James' heart.

As long as he could control the woman who played the role of Dr. Shinde, it might become a breakthrough in destroying the Black Organization.

James glanced at his phone...

His face suddenly changed!

Judy and Cameron also became nervous.

The atmosphere in the whole room changed subtly.

"The real Dr. Niide was attacked in New York."

Niide Tomoaki is living in the United States under the protection of the FBI.

The news is kept absolutely confidential!

It can be said that no one knows what is happening to his family in New York now.

"Is it serious?"

James shook his head:"The car was burned!"

"Could it be just an accident?"

There are a lot of bad guys in New York.

Robbery at gunpoint happens occasionally, let alone setting someone's car on fire.

"It's not that simple!"

Zhiming Niide is an important person who is protected by FBI agents 24 hours a day.

Ordinary gangsters don't have the ability to burn a car in front of FBI agents.

No matter what, it is necessary for him to fly back to New York for this matter.


"You will be in charge of monitoring Teitan High School for the time being."

James put on a black hat and hurriedly left the Rice Flower Hotel.


New York!

This is the second time that Kizawa Yuu has come to this city.

If he were asked to evaluate the characteristics of this city.


Free America, shooting every day!

This sentence is not just a casual remark.

The first thing he did when he first arrived here was to buy weapons for his more than 90 death squads through black market transactions.

Fully armed!

Even got some grenades.

It is almost impossible to arm such a team in an island country.

For this... his wallet has also become much emptier.


"Why did you bring us here?"

This time, he was not the only one who was on duty in New York. He was accompanied by two good helpers, Kuroba Kaito and Koizumi Hongzi.

Although they were not fierce criminals, they could sometimes play a greater role than fierce criminals.

"Next time you set fire to a car, don't ask me to help you.

She is a magician!

Not a clown who does bad things.

The red magic inherited from her family is not for her to use for such things.

"I advise you not to play with fire."

"Playing with fire and wetting the bed!"

"Be careful not to drown yourself tonight."

Kuroba Kaito was also upset.

Kizawa Yuu actually told him everything he had done before, and even said that he killed a policeman. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Damn it!

But he also learned that with the help of Koizumi Akiko, the president of Sakaki Shipping Company was blown up.

He finally knew why Koizumi Akiko was here.

At the same time!

He also saw a high school girl who was not very kind-hearted gradually degenerate. She was about to become Kizawa Yuu's toy.

"Believe it or not, I will burn your hair right now."

"Mr. Kaito Kid!!!"

Kuroba Kaito, you still say you are not Kaito Kid?

She had already guessed the identity of this guy. She had always wanted to tear off the disguise under Kaito Kid's mask.

But she didn't expect that it would be Kizawa Yu's revelation that forced Kuroba Kaito to admit it.

It was a pity for her!

Kizawa Yu, who was sitting on the sofa, took a look at the text message on his mobile phone.

It was Vermouth who wanted to ask him out!

"I'm going out for a while"

"You two stay here and don't go out."

He didn't intend to let the people of the Black Organization know about these two good helpers around him.


Vermouth didn't want people outside the Black Organization to know about her existence.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Kizawa Yuu take away their passports.

Not only Kuroba Kaito panicked!

Even the usually arrogant Koizumi Hongzi became nervous.

Without passports... it means they can't fly back to Tokyo.


It must be said that Vermouth was very particular about the place he chose to meet. A dim bar!

Even if they were face to face, it was difficult to see the other person's face clearly.

Sitting in front of him was a middle-aged white man in casual clothes. He had a big belly!

It was hard to imagine that under this skin was the sexy woman who had made him ecstatic countless nights.

"Are those two little brats around you really okay?"

Kuroi Kaito and Koizumi Hongzi didn't know she existed.

But that didn't mean she couldn't see the people around Kizawa Yuu.

Don't forget!

This is her base!

"Better than those under Gin."

Trust your people!"

Although Kuroba Kaito and Koizumi Akako didn't obey him very much.

Many times they were forced to work!

But he had to admit that they were excellent at making trouble.

One can do magic!

The other can do magic!

Either one can give the opponent a headache for a long time.

"According to the information I have"

"Tomoaki Niide will go out with his family to visit friends tomorrow.……"

Vermouth tells Kizawa Yuu about her next plan


FBI safe house.

James successfully met Tomoaki Aride and his family.

To his surprise, Shuichi Akai was also there!

"Why are you here?"

After the serious injury, Akai Shuichi's image changed drastically.

His iconic long black hair has become short hair, and he is wearing a black leather jacket, which makes him look very capable.

The only thing that remains unchanged is his sharp eyes!

"Don’t you understand yet?"

"We have been targeted by the Black Organization."

Who among the FBI agents has the most say in the Black Organization?

It must be Akai Shuichi!

He had been lurking in the Black Organization for a long time under the name of Moroboshi Dai. He knows the Black Organization's style of work very well.

"?Are you saying that this was done by the Black Organization?"

James thought about this possibility on the way here.

"There won't be anyone else except them."

?"But why did they do this?"

James didn't understand!

If the Black Organization already knew that Tomoaki Aizawa was in New York, that meant that they knew that the disguise of Tomoaki Aizawa at Teitan High School had been exposed.

Then what reason did they have to attack the real Tomoaki Aizawa?

This doesn't make sense!

It doesn't make sense!

"Don't you understand yet?"

"Their target is not Tomoaki Niide, but our FBI"

���The color organization has revealed its cards!

They want to use Aida Tomoaki to have a head-on confrontation with the FBI

"I have just spread the news"

"Tomoaki Shinide will be on his way to Texas tomorrow afternoon."

Akai Hide lit a cigarette! He was mentally prepared for what was going to happen next.

He not only wanted to avenge the last time he shot you, but also wanted to arrest these hateful guys.

"Are you crazy?"

"You made the decision without reporting to your superiors."

It's too late." Akai Shuichi said calmly,"It's too late."

He knew the senior officials of the FBI too well!

There is no clean and neat time for making decisions.

Opportunities are fleeting!

If you can't grasp it this time, it will not be so easy to find information about the Black Organization.

James looked at the wall clock and gradually fell into deep thought.……


I said: I will die in 88

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