The Kudo family.

The Kudo couple not only contributed their best actor acting skills to the Metropolitan Police Department, but also for humanitarian reasons!


"Why don't you allow a DNA test?"

The solution is simple!

As long as we get the body to the Metropolitan Police Department's Forensic Science Division, the theory that the body is Kudo Shinji will be broken.


"Why don't you let your son do a DNA test?"

Kudo Yukiko's focus is different from Kudo Shinichi's.

No test!

Did he have an affair when he was young?

"Now the Black Organization has set its sights on you"

"Isn't Kudo Shinichi's death good for you?"

"This way you will be safe in the future!"

On the way to Tokyo, Kudo Yusaku was also thinking that it was not his son.

But when he saw the body that was almost exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi, he changed his mind!

Kudo Shinichi's death may not be a bad thing for their family.

"So this is what my father was thinking."

Kudo Shinichi suddenly realized!

Oh no!

It seems that the recent series of events have made him confused.

Such a simple question needs his father to point it out.


"What happened to you recently?"

No one knows his son better than his father!

Kudo Shinichi's thinking ability should not be unable to guess his thoughts

"there is none left"

"I just feel a little uncomfortable recently."

Kudo Shinichi thought it might be caused by the two inexplicable recovery.

It made his head a little dizzy recently!

"its not right"

"If Kudo Shinichi dies now, then I will never be able to appear in this world as Kudo Shinichi again."

Kudo Shinichi was numb!

This means that he can only live as Conan in the future.

And only Conan!

This means that he can no longer call Xiaolan, and he can no longer think about recovering his body.

Until the moment when the black organization is destroyed


"This time we came back to take you to New York."

The fake death incident was a warning to the Kudo couple.

They didn't want their son to really lie in the morgue one day.

"I do not go!"

"I still have a lot of things to deal with in Tokyo."

Leaving with his parents is indeed the safest choice.

But he doesn't want to be Conan all his life!

The only way for him to break the deadlock now is to destroy the Black Organization.

Find the antidote that can make his body smaller!

"You should know why the body appeared under the Mihua Bridge"

"Was it really just an ordinary accident?"

"That group of people is targeting you!"

Kudo Yusaku knows his son.

He is the type who will die if he doesn't show off.

This kid must have turned back into Kudo Shinichi at some point and flaunted himself outside.


"The Black Organization does know that I'm still alive"

"But Dad, didn’t you say that Kudo Shinichi is dead now!"

"I'm not in any danger here."

"Although my body has become smaller, I am not a child and I can take care of myself.

After a lot of arguing,

Kudo Shinichi finally convinced his parents.

"You must remember!"

"From now on, I can no longer call Xiaolan as Kudo Shinichi."

"Do you know?"

Although Kudo Yukiko agreed to let Kudo Arata stay, but there were conditions!

She knew what kind of personality her son had.

"Do not worry"

"I am not a child anymore, how could I make such a low-level mistake.

Although he was very unwilling, he had to do it.


"Can I discuss something with you?"

"Take down the photo on our wall."

He is probably the only living person in this world who will see his own portrait before he dies.

My scalp tingles!


"There is a high probability that your father's group will continue to monitor our family."

"She might even sneak into our room."

It's a trick!

No one in the family has more say than her when it comes to acting.

Conan is helpless!

Seeing himself being hung firmly on the wall, he can only bite the bullet and accept this fact.


Maori Detective Agency


"Shinichi, he really……?"

After Xiaolan came back, she told this to Eri Kisaki.

At present, the only person who can listen to her confide is her mother.

Although Sonoko is her best friend, she has never been very fond of Kudo Shinichi and even often complains to her.

Although it was all a joke, she probably won't get much comfort from Sonoko.

"Mom already knows."

She doesn't live in New York now, but in Tokyo.

The news of Kudo Shinichi's death has been reported in the Tokyo Daily!

It's hard for her not to know!

This kid still has a certain halo.

A famous high school detective in Kanto!

The most important thing is that he is the son of the big star Kudo Yukiko and the novelist Kudo Yusaku.

With these labels on him, it is extremely difficult to avoid media coverage.


"Shinichi will never come back, right?"

I didn't expect that the last time they met at the garden party would be the last time.

At that time, she had a strong premonition that Shinichi would be gone for a long time this time.

She didn't expect that this departure would be a farewell forever!

"It has already happened"

"Don't think too much about it!"

The sudden death news surprised Eri Kisaki.

Kudo Shinichi was a genius boy, and it was a pity that he died so suddenly.

Even... the report did not mention the cause of his death.

Even the Kudo couple seemed to be very low-key in their attitude towards this matter.


"When will you come back?"

Xiaolan suddenly had no one to rely on.

She felt as if she was the only one left in the world.

Shinichi, Sonoko, her mother... each one of them was so far away from her.

Especially after Kudo Shinichi died, she was really worried that one day her mother and Sonoko would not come back.

"Mom won't go back!"

Hiki Eri's answer was very decisive.


Maori Kogoro has no way to save her.

Of course!

The more important reason is that she has her second child.

Now the focus is completely on the child.

"Mom, please stop being so impulsive."

"Come back soon!"

"Dad and I miss you very much."

Just as Hibiki Eri was about to speak, the bored voice of Maori Kogoro came from the other end of the line.


"Don't call this woman anymore."

"Since she wants to stay out, she should never come back."

Xiao Lan's mentality collapsed!

This must have been heard by her mother on the other end of the phone. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I didn't plan to go back."

This is the truth!

She has a child now.

No matter whether she gets divorced or not, no matter what kind of sweet words Xiaolan says, it is impossible to shake her mind.


"Dad is drunk"

"He was just talking nonsense, don't take it seriously."

Xiao Lan felt that her explanation was so pale and powerless.

The originally torn family became even worse because of her father's words.


""Mom, why is there a crying child over there?"

Xiaolan suddenly felt something was wrong!

Wasn't Mom studying law in New York?

Why did she hear a child's voice?

"You heard it wrong!"

"I have something else to do, so I won't talk to you for now."

"Get over Shinichi's matter as soon as possible."

Kisaki Eri hung up the phone in a hurry!

She was almost exposed!

On the other side, Xiaolan at the Mouri Detective Agency started to complain after hanging up the phone.


"Can't you drink less?"

"Can I remarry my mom first?"

She no longer requires her parents to live together.

Just remarry first!



The top floor of the Beihu Hotel.

This is where the members of the Black Organization meet.

At this time, Vermouth has turned into her true self.

Long silver hair!

The sexy black leather jacket shows off her perfect figure. The two jumping elves seem to be asking for help: tear this damn thing apart!

"Did you kill Kudo Shinichi?"

Vermouth habitually lit a cigarette for herself.

"Not everyone in this world is as incompetent as Gin"

"Go back and tell him!"

"If he still can't handle a high school student next time, he can consider suicide."

There was contempt in Kizawa Yu's tone.

I believe that Gin must have had a bad time recently.

I wonder how the investigation of James's case is going.

"Are you sure it's Kudo Shinichi?"

Vermouth was not worried.

The trip to New York did not allow the two to meet, and Vermouth and Kudo Shinichi had no relationship.

This matter was personally supervised by the gentleman in the organization!

The original order was to capture Kudo Shinichi alive and bring him back to the Black Organization.

ATPX4869 did not kill Kudo Shinichi, which was a major breakthrough in drug research.

The organization originally wanted to use Kudo Shinichi as a guinea pig to conduct the final scientific research of the drug.

Unexpectedly... he was easily killed by Kizawa Yuu.

"The only way to prove this is to go to the cemetery and dig out Kudo Shinichi's ashes."

"In a cemetery just outside of Tokyo!"

"Kudo Yu bought a good Feng Shui land for his son."

A family of actors!

One has to admit that Kudo Yukiko's acting skills are indeed superb.

If he hadn't known the truth in advance, he would probably have been deceived by this sweet-looking woman.

Vermouth didn't waste time on this matter.

Yes or no!

She didn't have much interest in the survival of the organization.

"~Gin's arms deal failed some time ago"

"I think... this matter should be related to you?!"

Gin and Kisawa Yuu have a grudge!

Some time ago, he asked her about Gin's whereabouts.

Within a few days... Gin lost many soldiers and generals.

Everything that happened was too coincidental!

She had to think too much!

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it"

"I didn't tell Gin about this matter."I still say the same thing!

Whether it's Gin or Kisawa Yuu, the fight between the two has nothing to do with her!

"Now that you've said that"

"Then I will tell you a secret too!"

Kizawa Yuu quickly hugged Vermouth in his arms.

He... wanted to rescue the two fat elves!

"Is this your secret?"

If that's the case, then she already knows how thick and long Mu Ze You Yu's secret is.

To her... this should no longer be considered a secret.

Vermouth did not stop Mu Ze You Yu's unreasonable behavior.

This sewer was not cleared for the first time.

She only had one request.

Don't get inside!

"The real Akai Tomoaki is still alive."

This sentence was like a thunderclap!

The emotions that Vermouth had just built up were instantly gone.

"Tomoaki Shinide is still alive???"

"Their family was killed in a car accident."

Belmaud was sure!

Because she saw the accident with her own eyes.

It was impossible for anyone to survive in that situation.

"it is true!"

"The FBI detected your actions in advance, so they arranged the car accident in advance."

"Now the real Akagi Tomoaki and his family are living in New York."

Vermouth looked suspicious!

It's not that she didn't believe it, but she couldn't believe it.

"Are you in touch with the FBI?"

This was the only explanation she could think of.

The FBI's operations were so strict that even she, an intelligence officer of the organization, didn't know about it.

How could Mu Ze Youyu know about it?

"You don't care where the news comes from."

"You just need to know that I didn't lie to you."

"There is one more thing you need to understand!"

"You're exposed!"


Disguising as Aida Tomoaki was a trap from the beginning.

Vermouth has always played her cards openly in front of the FBI!

"What is their next move?"

The FBI knew her move from the beginning.

They also knew her identity!

If she wanted to take action, she would be a cold corpse now.

The reason why she didn't do so must be because there must be a bigger move waiting for her. She even wanted to catch all of them in one fell swoop!

"I don’t know!"

He patted Vermouth’s smooth back.

He was going to… change speed!


Vermouth lit up a cigarette to calm herself down and slow down her over-beating heart.


"You still owe me a favor."

She is not a woman who likes to get entangled, but if she wants to solve the FBI's problems, she really can't do it without Mu Ze You Yu.

"You can always find me when you need me."

Vermouth put on her clothes and stood on the balcony, taking a puff of her cigarette.

"Wait for my news!"

She still needs to think carefully about how to deal with this matter after returning.

With Mu Ze Youyu's reminder, she will definitely be on guard next time.

It will not be easy for the FBI to touch her again!


I said: I will die in 88

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