"Then...get rid of Kudo Shinichi!"

Nip the danger in the bud

"You are crazy!"

"Kudo Shinichi has now become Edogawa Conan"

"If you kill that kid, wouldn't that be the same as telling the Black Organization about the relationship between Edogawa Conan and Kudo Shinichi?"

"By then, the secret of ATPX4869 will probably be known by the Black Organization."

Haiyahara Ai was shocked!

With Gin's ability, it was not difficult to think of what she said. He could even infer how she escaped from the organization's scientific research base from the fact that Kudo Shinichi became smaller.

Haihara Ai already felt a big word appear on her head.


It was as if an hourglass appeared on her body.

It meant the end of her life!

"We want to kill Kudo Shinichi, not Edogawa Conan"

"You mean……?"

Huiyuan Ai seemed to understand!

But she also seemed not to understand!

"Do not worry"

"Even if Gin guessed that ATPX4869 could make a person smaller, he would not be able to find you in such a short time.""Six, four, three""How could those idiots have thought that you would be here with me now."

The last bomb warning!

He lost a house, but it caused a strong deterrent to Gin and the people in the organization in his heart.

Haibara Ai looked at Kizawa Yuu with an intriguing look...

Is this guy also a member of the Black Organization?

But after getting along with him for this period of time, she found that she no longer regarded Kizawa Yuu as a member of the Black Organization.

It seems that she has also forgotten the code name Snow Flower!

"Do you want to come together tonight?"

Three people!

It's exciting just thinking about it.

""Get out!"

Huihara Ai jumped down from the sofa and went to her own room to do scientific research.

She still had a lot of things to do!

The most urgent task now was to find out why Kudo Shinichi's body had shrunk again a day earlier.

The efficacy of the drug was shortened by half!

This should not have happened at all.

This night!

It was extremely difficult for Huihara Ai.

Such a big man, but he screamed louder than her.

It made it impossible for her scientific research work to continue.

Sleep... I just couldn't sleep!


The next day!

Maori Detective Agency.

Maori Ran sighed!


Dad and Mom’s divorce is a foregone conclusion.

These two people are unwilling to give in to each other, and getting them back together may be a long-term process.

She is also ready for a protracted war!

Just like before!

When Dad and Mom separated, she also thought that this family was over.

They still keep in touch frequently.

But his troubles now are far more than his parents’ love.

She... lost her first kiss!

Although losing her first kiss is not like losing a piece of flesh, she can’t get over this hurdle in her heart.

Damn it!

Why didn’t you confirm the face under the mask on the stage when you felt strange at the beginning?

Why didn’t you stop it at that time!

"Jingle Bell——!"

Mao Lilan's heart suddenly trembled when she saw the incoming call on her phone.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally pressed the answer button.……

"Garden... Garden"

""Is there something you want to talk to me about?"

Her voice was trembling!

Seeing Sonoko's phone call reminded her of the passionate kiss with Kizawa Yu on the stage.

It made her feel like she had cheated on her best friend.


"I said, what's wrong with you?"

"Why did you take so long to answer my call?"

It was Suzuki Sonoko's voice on the other end of the line.

Although she was having a good time alone in the villa in Gunma Prefecture, she was really bored.

Kizawa Yuu had something to do today!

She could only call her best friend Xiaolan.


"I didn't hear it just now"

"Speaking of Sonoko... why are you calling me now?"

Ran Mao Li looked out the window.

The sun was shining brightly!

She couldn't help but fall into deep thought...

It should be late at night at Suzuki Sonoko's place. Is her best friend's schedule so irregular now?


"What else could it be for?"

"Of course I will call you at a time that is convenient for you."

Suzuki Sonoko has become numb to this kind of life of lies. She is used to it!

Every time she calls, people ask her why she calls at this time.

Don't you take a break?


"How about the carnival held by our Teitan High School?"

"Your stage play must have gone very smoothly."

If she hadn't fled to Gunma Prefecture to give birth to a child, she would definitely be the mainstay of the garden party.


"It's OK."

She still couldn't muster up the courage to tell Suzuki Sonoko about the kiss scene. Let's just let it go!

Officer Kizawa... probably won't tell anyone about it. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) He definitely won't!


"Did that damned fellow show up at this garden party?"

"I won't let you act alone on the stage again."

She didn't need to say the name, Xiaolan knew who the hateful guy was.

There was no one else except the self-righteous high school detective Kudo Shinichi.

She no longer envied Xiaolan.

She was the one who had the sweet love now.

"he came"

"But because of some urgent matters, he left in a hurry."

Routine operation!

She is now used to it.

"This morning!"

"A high school student's body was found under the Mihua Bridge"


The news on TV caught Mao Lilan's attention.

Her face changed drastically!

"Garden... Garden"

"I...I won't talk to you for now."

Mao Lilan almost didn't know what to say.

She was panicking!

Her mind was blank, and she didn't even dare to look at her eyes.......

Why does the high school student who died on TV look so much like Kudo Shinichi?


"Dad, come and see. Mao

Lilan was not sure.

There must be many people who look like him in this world.

"This is not that boy Kudo Shinichi."

Mouri Kogoro's words made Xiaolan burst into tears.

Even the old man has said so, so it must be true.

"Sister Xiaolan!"

"Don't think too much, Brother Xinyi is abroad now"

"This person is not him at all!"

Others can't recognize him, but he can't be so ignorant of himself.

Don't cry so quickly, okay?

He is living a good life.

"According to the survey!"

"The deceased is Kudo Shinichi, a sophomore at Teitan High School."

Conan is stunned!

It doesn't make sense!

It doesn't make any sense at all.

"How is this possible? ?"

He was clearly alive and well! He had never been to the Beika Bridge.

How could he be dead? They must have made a mistake!

It must be those rookie police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division who made a mistake.


"I'm going to the Rice Flower Bridge"

"Take me there quickly!"

Although Mao Lilan had seen countless corpses, she still felt a strong fear every time she saw a corpse.

But this time was different!

This time she had an inexplicable expectation for the corpse.

"The boy is no longer there."

He saw that his daughter was confused.

The incident happened in the morning, and Officer Mu Mu had already ordered people to clean up the scene.

Now there was not even a drop of blood!

"We can go to the Metropolitan Police Department"

"We can go ask where Shinichi is now."

Conan's face changed!

Who wants to be the first to see this so-called 3.3 Kudo Shinichi?

It must be him!

He must uncover the disguise of this corpse in front of everyone.


"Let's go to the Metropolitan Police Department now."

Ran Maoli took Conan downstairs and hailed a taxi.

Along the way!

Ran Maoli's heart was extremely tangled!

On the one hand, she wanted to quickly verify whether it was Shinichi Kudo.

On the other hand, she didn't want to rush to the Metropolitan Police Department so quickly.

Conan, who was sitting next to her, was also numb!

The mobile phone in his pocket was almost blown up.

No need to guess who is calling now...

Dr. Agasa, Hattori Heiji...

Those who know his true identity and have seen the news must want to know the authenticity of the news.

But he has no way to explain it in front of Xiaolan now.


He can only choose to turn off the phone.

It can only scare the people around him who care about him.

When he sees the body of the so-called Shinichi Kudo... he must completely crush the rumors!


I said: I will die in 88

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