Now we are performing a play by Class B of Grade 2.

Swallowing Love!

Please wait and see.……

"O omniscient and omnipotent Zeus!"

"Why do you treat me like a poor woman?"

"Do you really want to make me sacrifice myself in this hopeless marriage?"

The story begins!

Conan, whose body has shrunk again, is watching from below with a dull look.

This stage play should have been performed by him and Xiaolan together.

The male lead should have been him.

It was him!


"You-guy, you're not jumping now?"

Hattori Heiji was gloating beside him.

He and Toyama Kazuha were no different.

Conan saw that his former high school classmates were all very interested, but he himself had no interest at all.


"Let go of that girl."

It doesn't matter!

Mu Ze You Yu will eventually take action.

The bright lines instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Even the director of this stage play was a little confused.

"Swish swish swish——��

According to the basic script, Yuu Kizawa easily dealt with several minor characters who played the gangsters.

Covering his head!


They said it was just acting, but they actually beat people up.

At this time!

Yuu Kizawa turned around and looked straight at Xiaolan who played the princess.

He took this opportunity to hug Xiaolan in his arms!

There was a faint fragrance.

I don’t know what brand of shampoo he used


Xiaolan was stunned.


The script doesn't seem to be written like this.

Dr. Shinde should have spoken his lines instead of touching her.

""Damn it!"

Conan couldn't stand it.

Damn Aishide Tomoaki, he didn't have any medical ethics at all.

He actually hugged Xiaolan in front of so many people!

"This damn boy."

Mouri Kogoro was also angry!

He could molest college students and pat women's buttocks and waists at will.

But others can't treat his daughter like this.

Xiaolan still has the professional ethics of an actor!

Seeing that the audience in the audience began to get excited after seeing this scene, she couldn't interrupt the climax of the plot.

With both hands, she gently pushed Kizawa Yu away.……

"Could you be...Speight?"

"Are you the prince of Tollamp who was stabbed in the forehead by my father and expelled from the palace?"

"If you haven't forgotten the vow we made when we were young"


"Write your proof on my lips."


Conan was shocked.

Maori Kogoro tried hard.

This is... too much, right?

Doctor Shinide is not going to do this for real, right?

Probably not!

In the next second.

Kizawa Yuu firmly grasped Maori Ran's shoulders and kissed her passionately...

At this moment!

Conan's heart was broken.


"Damn Dr. Shinide."

He used to have a good impression of Shinide Tomoaki.

He thought this guy was a gentle and refined scholar.

Damn it!

Maori Kogoro waved his fist and was about to rush up to hit someone.

But how could a group of high school students who longed for love and fantasized about forbidden fruit let the reckless Maori Kogoro mess around.

Xiaolan widened her eyes!

Her expression was full of disbelief and confusion.

First...first kiss?!

The chastity she had guarded for eighteen years was gone.

It was gone so suddenly!


What does this mean?

Didn't you see that Shinide Tomoaki had torn up the script?

She never dreamed that Shinide Tomoaki would really kiss her.

What about the promised borrowing?

Why did it become a real fight?

Thunderous applause!

It implies that the love entanglement between the knight and the princess has not ended here.


"Your woman is being picked up by someone else."

Hattori Heiji could hear Kudo Shinichi's gritting teeth amid the thunderous applause.

He could understand!

But he could never empathize with him.

His woman was being held in the arms of another man in public.

The most important thing was that he was watching from the audience... He was being cheated on in front of her, who the hell could stand this? The most infuriating thing was! Kudo Shinichi was now Conan's identity, and he couldn't go up to stop it. It was so cowardly!

"Good acting"

"I didn't expect the new doctor to be serious."

"I didn’t expect that either!"


"Dr. Shinde is my idol, but I didn't expect that he would give his first kiss to Ran Mouri."

"How do you know Dr. Shinde still has his first kiss?"

"I asked him!"

A love stage play pushed the whole garden party to a climax that did not belong to this age group.



Mao Lilan didn't know how he stood here.

Did he walk down?

Or was he carried down?

When he reacted, he realized that he was already wet.

Was her kiss gone?

He licked his lips and smelled a strange smell.

It was gone!

"New Doctor"

"I have something to ask you."

Mao Lilan mustered up the courage to go to the men's locker room backstage.

She had guarded something for eighteen years!

She couldn't let someone else take it away without knowing why.


"Are you calling me?"


"Officer Kizawa"

"Why is it you?"

Mauri Ran would never have thought that the person who hugged her and asked for a kiss just now would be Mu Ze You Yu.

The saliva left in her mouth turned out to be from a police officer.

"It's me!"

"I acted okay just now."

Mauri Ran was numb!

She couldn't help wanting to solve the problem with Taekwondo.


"Where did the new doctor go?"

"Why did you appear in the womb?

Mao Lilan still restrained her emotions.

What she wanted to do now was to figure out the matter.

"You mean the new doctor?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"He had something urgent to do, so I had to replace him."

Such a result obviously did not satisfy Mao Lilan.

She would never give up!


"That was my first kiss."

It's hard to accept!

The most precious thing in her life was taken away without her knowing why. She didn't even know the true face of this man until now.

"Stop it!"

"It was you who asked me to kiss her."

Don't bully him because he is not well educated.

The meaning of the lines just now is obvious.

Don't say anything, kiss her!

"I have some things to deal with today."

"If you want to have a passionate love affair"

"I'm happy to help!"

Kizawa Yuu changed into his own clothes and left in a hurry.

Mao Lilan was left with a bewildered look.

In love?

Aren't Kizawa Yuu and Sonoko in love?

Why would he say such a thing?



This is a scumbag!

Her best friend Suzuki Sonoko met a scumbag.

Even... her first kiss was taken away by this scumbag.


"What are you doing here?

Maori Kogoro and Conan came to the backstage


Mao Lilan quickly calmed down.

She didn't want anyone to know that she was forcibly kissed.

"I want to ask you"

"Why did you let a brat like that do that to you?"

This is what Conan was thinking!

A good high school carnival was completely lost because of a kiss.

He was confused!

Wasn't it a borrowed shot when he was talking to him?

Why did it become a kiss when it came to Tomoaki Aide?

Damn it!

Is he not as good as a stinky doctor?


"Dad, please don't ask."

I don't want to say it!

I don't want to say it at all.

She didn't even know how to explain that Dr. Shinde had become a different person.

"If I don’t ask, who will?"

"Tell me what's going on here!"

Ask for flowers 0

Mao Lilan has already thought of what kind of over-the-shoulder throw to make that Shinchu kid fall flat on his face.

"You know it's my dad."

"Then get back together with mom first, and then bring her back from New York.

Mao Lilan was annoyed by the question. She ended the conversation in such a strong way.


"This girl is rebellious.

Maori Kogoro was panicked.

His daughter, who had always been well-behaved and sensible and who didn't need his worry, had actually rebelled.


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!

After layers of interrogation by the detectives of the First Investigation Division, a breakthrough was finally made in the Teitan High School poisoning case.

The suspect, Mai Hongu, was successfully found!

This is not only a breakthrough in the case, but also a major breakthrough for the entire Metropolitan Police Department.

It means that their First Investigation Division no longer needs to rely on detectives to solve cases.


"What were you doing just now?"

Always slacking off!

Sato Miwako has never seen such an excessive person.

"Garden party!"

"Just now, Teitan High School's stage play was short of people, so they asked me to fill in temporarily."

Sato Miwako frowned and showed a suspicious look:"Are you asking me to fill in? Are you kidding me?"

She thought Kizawa Yuu was only good at solving cases.

She didn't expect he could act?!

"Where are we going to eat tonight?"

I've been busy lately.

They haven't eaten together for a long time.

Yumi Miyamoto told her that someone in the Metropolitan Police Department has spread rumors that they have broken up.

"Come to my house"

"Family dinner!"

Sato Miwako read out Kizawa Yu's intention

"Actually... it's not impossible."

To be honest... the two of them either stopped by the roadside to eat a fast food meal, or just had a bite when they were out on a mission.

They had never had a family dinner!



"Are you saying that Kudo Shinichi changed back this morning?"

Scientific research rarely surprises Ai Haibara.

This is one time!

She has repeatedly considered the duration of the efficacy of the antidote version 2.0.

Even if there is a mistake!

The time error is unlikely to exceed one hour.

"Not only that!"

"The Black Organization knows about Kudo Shinichi's affairs"

���The boy was too ostentatious!

He showed up at Teitan High School's garden party, and in front of everyone, he wondered if others still remembered him.

How could the Black Organization tolerate him?

"The Black Organization knows about Kudo Shinichi's affairs?"

Huihara Ai was suddenly shocked!

Then she quickly covered her mouth, and then she remembered that detective Sato Miwako was still sitting in their living room.

"Received a message from the organization this afternoon"

"Comprehensive search for Kudo Shinichi!"

"Do you want to see the news?"

Huiyuan Ai shook her head.

She had no interest in the organization's orders, and even felt scared after reading them. She was really worried that one day her name would appear on the organization's latest order.

"You don't have to worry"

"Although Kudo Shinichi was exposed, Edogawa Conan was not."

That is to say!

The organization now only knows that Kudo Shinichi is still alive in this world, but they don't know that Kudo Shinichi is Edogawa Conan. They don't even know that ATPX4869 can make people smaller!

"I don't know now, but that doesn't mean I won't know forever."

"Now that the Black Organization knows that Kudo Shinichi is still alive in this world, they will definitely take action again."

"The Kudo family's home, parents, neighbors, and people around them will all be monitored."

"Once the Black Organization monitors Dr. Agasa's house, they will definitely notice Conan Edogawa"

"By then... the Black Organization will definitely figure it out!"

She knew the Black Organization's methods too well.

At the beginning, there was no news of Kudo Shinichi's death, so she led people to sneak into Kudo Shinichi's home to investigate again and again.

From the clothes lost in Kudo Shinichi's home, she came up with the bold idea that ATPX4869 can make people smaller.

If she can think of this, the people in the Black Organization can think of it too.

This... is just a matter of time!


PS: I need some data support!.

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