Dadujian Station!

The high-speed train has now stopped quietly.

Under the control of the police!

All passengers have left the station one after another.

The entire train has been completely blocked by the police.

The detectives from the Investigation Division 1 were completely shocked to see this scene.

"Are you saying that the bullet came from outside?"

How is that possible?

Almost no one present believed such a result.


This is a high-speed train.

It is extremely difficult to find the target, let alone kill it with one shot.

"This is certain based on the direction of the victim's gunshot wound and the bullet holes on the train window."

No one wants to believe it!

But the facts are clearly in front of us.

This should not be explained by the detectives' favorite method of committing the crime.

"Brother Mu Ze!"

"What do you think?"

Inspector Megure focused his attention on Yuu Kisawa, who had performed brilliantly in the previous cases.

Although the facts were in front of him, he still couldn't believe it.

"I agree with Officer Takagi's conclusion!"

��The murderer was killed outside the train. It was also the first time he saw his assassination masterpiece.

A shot to the head!

This is the charm of the hundred-step shooting skill.

"Was the person...really shot and killed from outside the train?"

"So where should this person be?"

"No matter where the killer is, it should be impossible for him to kill the target in a high-speed train."


Absolutely unbelievable!

The dead person lying on the train is no longer important.

The detectives of the first investigation section want to know how the killer killed the woman at that time.

The instructor did not teach this trick at that time!

"Clean up the scene."

Nothing to say!

Inspector Megure uttered another order that he has become very skilled at recently.

"Inspector Megure!"

"The target was assassinated on the train this time. How do we explain this mission?"

Officer Shiratori came over and whispered.

It was my first time to connect with Interpol, and I didn't expect it to end this way.

"This isn't something we should worry about."

"White bird!"

"You are responsible for the on-site cleanup here."

I am an undercover!

But not an undercover from the police.

There is no telling how many people die in the island country every day, and the Investigation Section 1 is also very busy every day.

Who cares about the life and death of a foreign woman!

The person was assassinated on the road!

It has nothing to do with their Investigation Section 1.

When you need to explain this to Interpol, just leave it to your superiors.


"You said the killer really killed this woman named Anna outside?"

Sato Miwako has always been skeptical.

She just asked the conductor!

The train did not stop at all during the whole journey, and was only forced to stop at Dadujian Station after someone said someone on the train was killed.

Otherwise, this train was going to go straight to Beihua Station!

"What is there to be unbelievable?"

"Didn't this man die here peacefully?"

What else do you need to prove?

Lei Lingling's death is the best embodiment of his superb marksmanship.

Mu Ze Youyu took a last look at Lei Lingling.

We are all undercover!

No one can spoil anyone.

"Let’s go!"

"We go back"


In the evening,

Yuu Kizawa slowly parked his car in front of Miwako Sato's house.

"My car is parked at the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Come pick me up tomorrow to go to work!"

In the past, she would definitely take a taxi to go to work.

After having a boyfriend, her life has completely changed.


"See you tomorrow!"

Sato Miwako's eyebrows moved slightly.

There was a strange look on her face!

No... not doing it anymore?

According to the script written in advance, shouldn't the two of them have sex in the car, and then pat her butt and leave?

This surprised her!

"See you tomorrow."

The woman's modesty did not allow her to take the initiative to force it.

The moment Sato Miwako entered the room, a pistol was silently pointed at Mu Ze Youyu's head.

"It's not polite to greet someone like that.

He didn't need to look back to know who was behind him.


The unlucky guy who didn't get killed by him last time.


Gin held the gun in his right hand and took out a lighter with his left hand to light the cigarette in his mouth.

Take your time!

"Where are you going?"

Put the gear in gear and step on the gas!

The AE86 slowly drives away from Sato's house.

"You seem to have a good relationship with the police recently."

Gin is not in a hurry now.

The gun in his hand means that he has the initiative in his hand.

(cede)"Do what you love!"

"I always do this!"

"If it weren't for this, how could he be promoted to Chief Inspector at the Metropolitan Police Department?"

As he spoke, Kisawa Yuu had already driven the car onto Tokyo's main road.

"Who helped you to complete this assassination?"

Gin thought about it for a whole day!

He admitted that his marksmanship was not enough to complete the assassination under such circumstances.

But if Mu Ze Youyu wanted to find the target accurately on the moving train, that short time alone was definitely not enough.

Not to mention shooting!

Unless... someone on the train told him the location of the target in advance.

This requires a companion to cooperate!

"Is it necessary to know?"

Mu Ze You Yu said calmly.


"If this person is not from the organization, then I will kill you along with him."

Gin's narrow eyes flashed coldly!

He had done such things as killing internal members before.

"Guess when I knew you were in the car?"

"Guess why I let you point your head even though I know it?"

"Guess why I had to start the car in such a passive situation?"

"Finally, guess where your butt there a bomb?"


Gin's face didn't show any emotion, and he said calmly,"Do you want to die with me?"

Just then!

The car just drove to a corner.

Kisawa Yuu suddenly turned the steering wheel, tilted his head, and braked at the same time.

Gin leaned forward under the effect of inertia, and the gun in his hand just passed Kisawa Yuu's body. A split second of opportunity!

Kisawa Yuu controlled Gin with his right hand, and a pistol appeared in his left hand and pointed it at Gin's forehead from his armpit.


"I just want to tell you"

"Even if a gun is pointed at my head, I can easily turn the situation around."

The situation is easily controlled!

Kyogoku is not his opponent.

How dare you, Gin, act rashly here?

"I really underestimated you."

Gin realized that he had been fooled.

Although he was calm when he heard that there was a bomb under his butt, he was still distracted in his heart.

There was no reason for the vehicle to start!

Mu Ze Youyu would not put a bomb in the car he was driving. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What surprised and puzzled him the most was the pistol against his head.

He didn't even see where it came from!

"There are too many things you underestimate."

"If you put a gun to my head again, you'll be dead."

"Even that gentleman can't save you!"

"The Metropolitan Police Department has arrived!"

"You can get off the car now."

If Gin had not had the intention to kill, he would have killed this guy even under the pressure of the organization.

Mu Ze You Yu unloaded the magazine on Gin's pistol with one hand, and ejected the bullet in the barrel.

Then he stuffed the pistol into Gin's jacket pocket.

Gin left!

His long silver hair looked particularly messy in the wind.

In the second head-on confrontation between the two...

Gin still left as a loser.

At this time!

A magical scene appeared.

The pistol in Mu Ze You Yu's left hand disappeared like a magic trick and was stored in the system space.

If Gin saw this scene, he would be shocked.


The next day,

Kizawa Yuu arrived at the Suzuki family's villa early in the morning and waited.

Not long after,

Suzuki Sonoko came out with a small bag on her back.

A rich lady!

She doesn't need to bring much stuff when she goes out, just enough money.

"Go away!"

""Let's go!"

Suzuki Sonoko got into Kizawa Yu's car like a thief.


It was an extremely important day for her, Suzuki Sonoko.

It was very likely a major turning point in her life.

She was leaving Tokyo today.

Oh my God!

When she thought that she was about to have a child before she had enough fun... why did she feel so excited?!

"Where to go?"

The Suzuki family has too many villas.

If there is no correct guidance, I guess Suzuki Sonoko doesn't know exactly which way to go.

"Let's go to Gunma Prefecture first!"

For safety reasons, she had carefully selected at home these days before deciding to temporarily settle in Gunma Prefecture.

The only reason���The Suzuki family's business in Gunma Prefecture is relatively small.

But it's only relative!

"Drive quickly"

"Don't let my sister see you."

The family was so happy when they heard that she was going abroad for further studies.

Her uncle even gave her the Emerald Emperor that he bought back from an auction in New York for $100 million.

Of course!

The Emerald Emperor was to attract Kaito Kidd.

Since Kaito Kidd didn't come, it was useless to her uncle.

The family had planned to send her to the airport in person this time.

She decisively refused!

She didn't want to be forced to get on the plane by the Suzuki family, and then be forced to fly back from abroad by herself.

"You won't just leave me alone after you put me in Gunma Prefecture, right?"

Suzuki Sonoko has agreed to have a baby!

But what she fears most now is loneliness!

If she is left alone in the villa until the baby is born, it will be more tormenting than going to hell.

"Will not!"

"I come here every now and then."

"I will definitely not let you get lonely!"

Fortunately, the island country is not very big.

Even from Kanto to Kansai, the distance is not as far as you might imagine.

There is no problem in taking time out to find Yuanzi to sleep over.

"That's what you said."

"You must keep your word!"


AE86 had just entered Gunma Prefecture when it encountered a police checkpoint.

"No way!"

"Could it be that my dad discovered the secret between us?"

"Are they going to take us back?"


Suzuki Sonoko, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was already getting nervous.

She even wondered where she could hide on the AE86.


"Can we not be so narcissistic?"

He acknowledged the financial strength of the Suzuki Group.

But even a powerful group could not control the police to set up checkpoints?

Besides... the Suzuki Group was not powerful enough to grasp their movements in such a short time.

A police officer stood by the road and waved his hand to stop their car.

"Please show me your driver's license!"


Yamamura fuck!

Mu Ze Youyu recognized this smart police officer

"I'd like to ask"

"Where are you two from?"

Mu Ze You Yu's answer was very simple.

He took out his police officer ID from his pocket.

"Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!"

"So you are also a criminal policeman."

Shancun Cao stood in awe!

In his eyes, every criminal policeman is a senior.

"Excuse me!"

"What are you investigating here?"

After revealing my identity as a police officer, there was no problem in chatting.

"Three masked jewelry thieves recently appeared in Gunma Prefecture"

"We found the vehicle they used for the robbery in the mountains of Gunma Prefecture."

"Based on the fact that one of them was injured, it is possible that they are still active in this area."

"You guys should be careful on the road!"

"If you encounter those three jewelry thieves, please contact the Gunma Prefecture Police immediately."

Yamamura Cao returned the driver's license and police officer's license to Kizawa Yuu.

Step back and salute!

"Is there a jewel thief here?"

Suzuki Sonoko was even more panicked.

If she lived in the villa, what if she was discovered by the jewel thief?……

"rest assured!"

"I will ensure your safety here."

After arriving at the destination, it was not as bad as Suzuki Sonoko had imagined.

This was not like the lonely mountain villa of the Suzuki Group.

It was a whole villa area!

In addition to the largest villa of the Suzuki family, there were many residents and convenience stores here.

"It's not bad here." This is also the first time for Suzuki Sonoko to come to this place.

If it weren't for the fact that she was going to give birth to a child, she would probably never come here in her life.

The villa is very dusty!

But the more dust there is, the more satisfied Suzuki Sonoko is.

This proves that this villa was forgotten by the Suzuki Group.


"Please find someone to help clean it up."

"I have some things to deal with outside."

Mu Ze You Yu walked out of the villa and headed straight for the forest behind.

There was no one around!

He activated the twenty death squads through the control panel again.

And gave them the same order.

Find the three jewelry thieves!

Suzuki Sonoko's worry was not unreasonable.

If these three jewelry thieves were really active near Gunma Prefecture, they would probably jump into the villa under the siege of the police.

Such potential dangers must be strangled in the cradle.


I said: I will die in 88

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