Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!

Today is another good day for Kisawa Yuu.

Megure Jusan announced in public: he was promoted!

After a period of time, he solved several major cases one after another, and he also received substantial rewards from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. He went from being an ordinary patrolman to a patrol chief!

""Everyone applaud!"

Everyone was envious.

How long has Kizawa Yu been here?

First he hooked up with their goddess, and now he has been promoted to inspector general.

He has achieved success in both beauty and career!

If you say you are not jealous, no one would believe it.

But everyone is also wondering why Kizawa Yu was promoted to inspector general.

In previous cases, they either relied on the sleeping Kogoro, or Conan who found clues at critical moments, or the sleeping Sonoko, and occasionally the walking Dr. Agasa...

The chances for the Investigation Section 1 to solve a case alone are rare!

This embarrassing situation has gradually improved since Kizawa Yu came.

Kizawa Yu stole their goddess Sato Miwako, which angered everyone.

Although they don't want to admit it,

Kizawa Yu is now the dignity after the Investigation Section 1.

"Patrol, Chief Patrol Officer, Chief Patrol Officer……"

Takagi Wataru was calculating carefully beside him.

If this continues... wouldn't Kizawa Yuu be on par with him after handling a few big cases?


He failed miserably in love. He will also be beaten in his career.

"Brother Mu Ze!"

"Officer Sato!"

"Takagi and Shiratori"

"All of you come here!"

After announcing the good news of Kisawa Yuu's promotion, Megure Jusan issued a very serious order.

It seems...something big is about to happen!


Megure Office

"The four of you are all excellent police officers from the First Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department."

"The reason I called you four here this time is because of a very important and top-secret mission."

"This mission is very dangerous!"

"Next, you need to be extremely alert."

The expressions of several people instantly became solemn and nervous.

Kisawa Yuu was no exception!

He has been in the Metropolitan Police Department for a while. He has seen all kinds of criminals, including explosive maniacs, robbers, and drug lords. He has never seen Officer Megure create such a strong atmosphere before the start of a mission. Could it be... the Black Organization?


Officer Megure took a photo on his desk.

It was a young woman's face!

It was not pretty!

The most striking thing was the woman's blonde hair and blue eyes.


"Officer Megure, what crime did this foreign woman commit?"

Sato Miwako asked first.

No matter how serious the sin of this foreign woman was, there was no need to call them all here individually.

"This is no ordinary foreign woman!"

"Interpol contacted us a few days ago."

"The woman in the photo is an undercover agent of the BND in a secret organization."

"The last message sent by this undercover agent was that he might be exposed, and he requested BND to send someone to support him."

"Our mission this time is to find this woman and protect her."


Foreign undercover!

Secret organization!

There was a lot of information, but it also made the people present clear about their mission this time.

"But we don't even know where this woman is."

"How can we protect her?"

Although the island country is a small place, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone.

"According to the information provided to us by Interpol, this woman will arrive at Beihua Station tomorrow afternoon."

"You just need to pick her up at that time!"

Pick her up at the station?!"

The task suddenly became much easier.


"The woman's name: Anna"

"The reason why we asked the four of you to carry out this mission this time is because the identity of this foreign woman has been kept secret."

"Do you understand?"

The four people said in unison:"I understand!"

Mu Ze Youyu understands the feelings of the undercover agent too well.

The fewer people who know, the better!

I can empathize with her!

This woman named Anna must wish that her parents didn't know she was still alive in this world.

"Inspector Megure.!"

"What kind of secret organization is this?"

Mu Ze You Yu was very interested in this question.

He also wanted to know if there were any peers in the island country that he didn't know about.

"We don't know this yet."

"All I know is that this foreign woman has a code name in the organization."


Kizawa Yuu's head suddenly exploded.

Sure enough!

This woman also worked in the same winery as him.

Riesling? Riesling!

He said that when he saw the photo just now, he felt that he had seen this foreign woman before.

The code name Riesling suddenly made his memory flood back.

If he remembered correctly... he and this woman named Riesling had carried out an assassination mission together one day.


"Tomorrow afternoon at 2:00, Rice Flower Station"

"You guys go back and get ready."

"Absolutely confidential!"

After leaving the office, Mu Ze You Yu was still thinking about this matter.

For him, the nature of this mission has changed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I was absent-minded just now!"

A woman in love!

Sato Miwako felt that she had changed. Even at work, she would occasionally focus on Kisawa Yuu.

Miyamoto Yumi said that she was poisoned by love.

Well! What that gossipy woman said was not without reason.

Who made her conquered by Kisawa Yuu?


"I'll just go out and smoke a cigarette." said Mu Ze You Yu

"Then you must remember the time."

She knew that Mu Ze You Yu would be late from time to time.

This mission was important!

There was no room for carelessness.

"Maybe I'll get there before you!"


New Hospital

"Speak up!"

"What on earth do you want to talk to me about?"

Vermouth, who had disguised herself as Dr. Shinde, simply glanced at Kizawa Yu indifferently.

It must be no good that this guy came!

"I want to know the information about this person."

Kizawa Yuu put the photo of the foreign woman on the table.

The reason why he came to find Vermouth was very simple.

This woman is an intelligence officer in the organization!

It can be said that few people can provide more accurate and comprehensive information than this woman.


"What do you want to do with her?"

First it was Tequila, then Pisco, and recently Ireland... one by one, important members of the organization died at the hands of Kizawa Yuu.

Now Riesling's photo is in front of her again!

Vermouth has realized that things are not as simple as they seem.

"I got this photo from the desk of Juzo Megure at the Metropolitan Police Department."

"The mission I received from the Metropolitan Police Department is: protect!"

Vermouth's eyes moved slightly.

There is no need to ask any more questions!

"Give me some time"

"I will give you the result tonight!"


I didn't expect that there would be another undercover in the organization.

Although Lei Ling did not occupy an absolutely important position in the organization, based on the clues currently available... if the police got hold of them, it would be a serious blow to the entire organization.

Of course!

She didn't care about these.

But this woman knew some of her secrets.

This must not be known to the outside world!


As soon as Mu Ze You Yu walked out of the Shinchu Hospital, a text message from Silver Fox came into his phone.

【You are ready!】

【Start working immediately! 】

Every profession has its own specialty.

It makes sense that Silver Fox can become an important suspect wanted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

He was able to form a team to make counterfeit money in such a short time and get everything ready. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There are probably not many such excellent colleagues in the entire island country.

【Start working!】

Mu Ze You Yu sent her a short message

"Can it really be spent?"

Huihara Ai slowly raised her head from the passenger seat.

After staying at her sister's place for a while, she should come out for some fresh air.

Otherwise, she would feel blocked!

She has always been skeptical about counterfeit money.

Fake is fake!

No matter how realistic it is, it cannot escape the detection of the machine.

"Of course!"

"Sometimes fake money is more useful than real money.

His purpose is not just to buy a pack of toilet paper at a convenience store.

There are always some large transactions that do not require a money detector.

For example……!

"Aren’t you afraid that Silver Fox will reveal your identity one day?"

"She has seen your face!"

Huihara Ai's tone was filled with emotion.

She is worried!

"Do not worry"

"This situation will not happen."

You must be kidding!

What is the purpose of him placing those ten assassins next to Silver Fox?

If Silver Fox does something small under the surveillance of ten grown men, then forget it!

"Whatever you want!"

Huihara Ai suddenly put on an indifferent expression.

Looking at Jiro's calf, he glanced to the other side!

His cold look had already made Kizawa Yuu start preparing for the evening entertainment.


Vermouth is very efficient!

In the evening, the two met in the underground parking lot of the Rice Flower Mall.

Vermouth told him about Riesling's itinerary orally.

"What do you need me to do?"

Vermouth lit a cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

Others envied her for being the Thousand-Faced Witch!

But only she could experience the pain.

For example, after disguising herself as Dr. Shinichi, she could no longer taste the flavor of cigarettes.

At present, she could only enjoy this moment in Kizawa Yu's car.

"No need!"

He never liked to hand over his fate to others.

Only by doing this kind of thing himself could he feel at ease.

"Are you so sure you can kill that woman?"

After this period of contact, she felt like snowflakes were falling.

They are all important members of the organization!

Who can look down on whom?

"She is not dead!"

"I can't stay in the Metropolitan Police Department any longer." There is no way out!

"Then you better hurry up"

"I have already told Gin about this."

"I think... he should be on his way here now."

Riesling is Gin's subordinate!

That guy has no tolerance for judgment.

"~ I hope he won't make any excuses for his failure this time."

After a cigarette!

He and Vermouth parted ways in the underground parking lot.

Both of them had tasks to do!

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible to replicate the previous highlight moment in the car.

In-depth communication is also a natural thing.

You can't force it!

If the water doesn't come, there is no point in dredging the waterway.


The next day!

On the top floor of a building in Haido Town,

Kizawa Yuu set up his AWM sniper rifle and adjusted his breathing to the most comfortable level.

Through the sniper scope, he saw a long train track lying quietly on the ground.

"Car number eight!"

"The fourth window is by the window."

The key information from the assassin came through the headset.

Test the wind speed!

Adjust the focus and clarity on the sniper scope.

At the same time, turn on the safety on the sniper rifle!

Use the telescope to see a train coming fast in the distance...

Confirmed that the target of the fourth window is the foreign woman in the photo!

Mu Ze Youyu clenched his palms, then licked his fingers to find the best shooting feeling.

When the train was within the sniper range,


Driven by the gunpowder, the spinning bullet shot towards the train at a high speed.

One second passed.

Two seconds passed!


Ten seconds passed!

From his current angle, he couldn't see what was going on inside the train.

He could only watch the train speeding away from his sniper range.

"Target dead!"

At this time, the feedback from the assassin came through the headset.

Call it a day!

If he couldn't get positive feedback again, he planned to use the second plan.

Let the assassin lurking in the train shoot Riesling!


The train was still moving, with no intention of stopping.

It looked unchanged on the outside!

But the entire carriage 8 was already in chaos.

A foreign woman was suddenly shot in the head on a high-speed train. I'm afraid few people could remain calm and continue to sit in their seats.

"Big…Big Brother!"

Vodka, the professional driver of the Black Organization, is back online.

The last explosion did not send him away!

After a period of recuperation, he can come out and work for the organization again.

The only change is a scar on his face!


Gin looked at the tall building he had just passed.

Was it really that guy?

Was it really that guy!

One thousand two hundred yards!

This was beyond the effective range of the sniper rifle.

The additional design condition was that the train was running at high speed.

He couldn't figure out how Mu Ze You Yu did it.


Or strength?

The cigarette in his mouth began to shake slightly.

His expression was no longer as calm and composed as before!

"Big... Big Brother"

"What should we do now?"

It's too scary!

I didn't think Xuehua's assassination was that powerful before.

But this time... It scared him!

His palms began to sweat because of this top-level assassination.

I really don't know whether it is a good thing or a misfortune for him to have such a scary guy in the organization.


Gin originally planned to get rid of this foreign woman before the train arrived.

Now... he no longer needs to do anything!

Gin was very angry!

He once again underestimated the strength of Mu Ze You Yu.

Even if he didn't like Mu Ze You Yu, he had to praise this as a master-level assassination.

If it were him! He would definitely not dare to choose to end the life of a traitor in this way.



"Where are you?"

As soon as Kisawa Yuu walked to the underground parking lot, he received a call from Sato Miwako.

"I'm having lunch outside."

He is in a particularly relaxed mood now.

"No need to go to Rice Flower Station"

"The Metropolitan Police Department just received a report that a foreign woman was shot dead on a train bound for Beihua Station."

"This should be our target today, Anna!"

"The train has stopped at Dadujian"

"Come here quickly!"

This call did not surprise Mu Ze You Yu. He stepped on the accelerator and headed straight to Dadujian Station.


I said: I will die in 88

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