Facts have proved that you can't hide your love for someone.

Even if you close your eyes and cover your mouth, water will flow out from below.

Suzuki Sonoko originally planned to take a romantic trip.

She still overestimated her self-control!

Not long after entering the apartment, she had already fallen under the muzzle of Kizawa Yuu. She was dizzy and dazed by the blast!

When her elder sister arrived at the apartment with the university club, she felt like she had just escaped from the gates of hell. She was almost taken away by a set!

"Xiaolan is here!"

"Why are you still bringing that annoying brat with you?"

Not only does Kisawa Yuu hate Conan's appearance, Suzuki Sonoko does too.

Every time this brat shows up, he messes things up!

"I'll go down and pick up Xiaolan."

Suzuki Sonoko rarely asked Kisawa Yu to go with her.

People are like this!

Turn on the sage mode... She thinks Kisawa Yu has become ordinary.

She doesn't even bother to look at other men!

"Xiaolan, why did you come just now?"

"And this little devil!"

"Do you feel embarrassed for coming here uninvited?"

Suzuki Sonoko's sarcasm could only make Conan laugh awkwardly.

But Conan saw Kisawa Ariyu coming out from behind him.

His face changed instantly...


Why is this guy here?

Conan felt that he and Kisawa Ariyu were in conflict with each other, and he would be unlucky every time he saw this guy.

On second thought...

Kisawa Ariyu was Suzuki Sonoko's boyfriend, and how could a love-minded Sonoko not bring a man to such a party?

It's possible that they had slept together!

"Little devil!"

"You also come to this kind of adult gathering."

When Conan appears, there must be a murder!

This is an iron rule.

I just don't know which unlucky person will not be lucky enough later.


Conan smiled with a twitch of his mouth, and hid behind Xiaolan without leaving any trace.

Can't afford to offend... can't he afford to hide?

I never thought that Kudo Shinichi would need a woman's protection one day.


"Is there anyone in your apartment wearing bandages?"

Just now!

When she and Conan were crossing the suspension bridge, they saw a bandaged weirdo.

Thinking about it now still makes her hair stand on end!


"Probably not."

Suzuki Sonoko was not sure either.

Because she had just been in the room with Kizawa Yuu doing...what she loved to do. She was totally unaware of what was happening in the apartment!

She was so engrossed that she didn't even know when her sister came.

It was estimated that her sister already knew what she and Kizawa Yuu were doing in the room. She just didn't bother to disturb them!

"That's strange."

Xiaolan didn't take it too seriously.

She just thought it might be a prank by someone with a quirk.

‘Bandage monster?! '

Kizawa Yuu thought about it carefully.

If he remembered correctly, this unlucky guy should be……


A scream came from the forest

"It's my sister!"

Suzuki Sonoko's expression suddenly changed, and she ran out of the villa in a panic.

The other little bastards heard Suzuki Ayako's scream and ran towards the woods.

Crime scene!

A man in a black windbreaker with a bandage on his face died under a tree.

Not far from the body was Suzuki Ayako, who was still frightened.

"It's him!"

"it's him!"

"This is the bandage monster that Conan and I met on the way here."

Mauri Ran was so scared that her face turned blue.

Even though she had experienced countless murders and seen countless corpses, she still couldn't stay calm when she encountered such a scene.

"He's dead!"

Conan used a very professional method to verify the life characteristics of the bandaged man.

The result was: no life characteristics!

Finally, he took off the bandage on the dead man's face.

"Gao Qiao?!"

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't expect that this so-called bandage weirdo was actually their college friend who came with them this time.

"Who killed him?"

"Why is he dressed like this?"

Fear instantly loomed over everyone's head.

A good party was completely changed because of a murder.

"I think... we should call the police first."

Murder case!

It's not something that these college students who just graduated can handle.

"There is Yu!"

"What should I do now?"

Suzuki Sonoko finally figured it out.

Her man is a policeman!

He is a third-level policeman specializing in violent crimes.

This happens to be within the scope of Kisawa Yuu's business.

"Go back and call the police first!"

"No matter what happens, don't come out."

Others can't see it.

But the way this person died could not escape his eyes.

Too professional!

In this little bastard named Takahashi, he saw an extremely clever way of killing.

In other words... there is a dangerous person hidden in this forest.

Although it is hard to say who this person is coming for, he has already smelled the danger approaching.

Conan originally planned to sneak around in the forest again, find out the truth and observe Kizawa Yu by the way.

But he was ruthlessly arrested!

"Little devil!"

"If you keep getting in my way, I'll throw you off the suspension bridge."

Conan, who was mercilessly arrested, could only follow the main force back obediently.


""Just be honest."

Mao Lilan said helplessly.

Officer Kizawa has an unstable temperament!

He is not as easy to talk to as the good old Officer Takagi.


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