
Kizawa Yuu drove Sonoko to the Suzuki family's villa.

A beautiful woman's invitation!

It's hard to refuse such kindness!

He thought he could have a fight with Sonoko in the villa.

But it was too good to be true!

The woman told him that besides the two of them, there was also the eldest daughter of the Suzuki family, Suzuki Ayako, and her friends.

The road to the Suzuki family's villa was long and boring.

If Kizawa Yuu hadn't opened the passage above Sonoko before, this journey would have been even more boring.


Suzuki Sonoko licked the corner of her mouth.


"The weather is really nice today."

She was in a great mood!

Because later those friends would be able to see her boyfriend, Suzuki Sonoko. He is a police officer from the Criminal Violence Division 3 of the Investigation Division 1!

If a rich girl like her doesn't find a home as soon as possible, she will be forced to obey the marriage regulation.

Xiaolan always teases her that she is a nymphomaniac.

How could that be!

Ever since she started dating Kizawa Yuu, she has no interest in other men.

This shows that love can still change a person.

"There is Yu-kun!"

"I have a big news for you."

"Do you remember the emerald Emerald Emperor that was stolen by Kaito Kidd?"

"My uncle bought it back from New York at an auction for $100 million."

Kizawa Yuu slammed the brakes!

He almost popped the airbag in the car.

"Did your uncle buy it?"

Good fellow!

He was wondering who was the sucker who bought the emerald at such a high price.


"My uncle said he wanted to use this emerald to fight Kaito Kidd again."

"This time we must decide who is better!"

What a joke!

The thinking of rich people is indeed beyond the comprehension of mortals like him.

"Do you think Kaito Kidd will come this time?"

Kizawa Yuyu shook his head.

The nature has changed!

The magician under the moonlight would definitely accept the invitation, but the dark bandit would never dare to show up again.

"Let me tell you one more thing."

Suzuki Sonoko seemed to have endless topics to talk about.

And it was indeed true!

For a rich second daughter like her, the gossips about the rich people around her could fill a book.

"Recently, a foreign language teacher named Judy came to our class"

"This woman is so annoying!"

Suzuki Sonoko is currently most annoyed by this blonde foreign woman.

She is taller than her!

She is whiter than her!

The most annoying thing is that she is dressed very sexy.

Every time she enters the classroom, she attracts the attention of all the male students in the class.


"When did she go to Teitan High School?"

Sure enough!

Vermouth was right.

FBI agents have now begun to invade the island country.


"Do you know Teacher Judy?

Suzuki Sonoko looked suspicious.

"do not know!"

"Please continue to talk about Teacher Judy."

"I love it!"

From Suzuki Sonoko, I learned that Judy came to Teitan High School a few days ago to be the English teacher of the second-year class B.

Because of her natural flirtation, she quickly became one with the teachers and students of Teitan High School.

Kizawa Yuu knew!

This woman came to Tokyo not just to teach English.

"Introduce me to him some other day."

No venture, no gain!"

The FBI has now launched an operation against the black organization in Tokyo.

This has already threatened him.

In this case!

Then he will do the opposite.

Using FBI agent Judy as a breakthrough point, he will find out the activities of the FBI in Tokyo.


"You are not in love with teacher Judy, are you?"

Suzuki Sonoko has the same vigilance as every woman.

Judy, that foreign woman, is very coquettish! Can a normal man like Kizawa Yuu control himself after meeting her?

"It's just that after listening to your description, I became curious about your foreign language teacher."

"Want to meet him!"

"Let's see if it's really as annoying as you say."

He didn't know why Suzuki Sonoko was so unconfident.

It shouldn't be like this!

A wealthy lady with so many villas that she has no friends.

Shouldn't there be people flattering her wherever she goes?

Is he the only one in this world who likes rich women?

"I'll let you see him if I have a chance!"

Suzuki Sonoko said, patting her chest.

She believed that Mu Ze You Yu would not abandon her.


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