
Kizawa Yuu easily found Miyano Akemi's address.

This is the advantage of being a policeman!

Being able to visit a single woman legally and openly in the middle of the night.

"Ding Dong——"

"Ding Dong——"

"Ding Dong——"

After three times, there was a sound of slow footsteps coming from inside.


A vigilant and nervous voice came from the door.

It was definitely Miyano Akemi's voice!

"it's me!"

"Kizawa Yuu!"

"I have a few questions for Ms. Hirota regarding the bank robbery during the day."

"Please open the door!"

I could feel a sense of resistance in the room.

But after a moment, the door slowly opened!

"Come in!"

Different from the Miyano Akemi we saw during the day, she has changed into casual clothes at this moment. Her good figure is clearly visible!

"Ms. Hirota Masami!"

"Or... I should call you Miyano Akemi!"

Miyano Akemi's face suddenly changed.

The teacup in her hand fell to the floor in her horrified eyes.

The teacup broke into pieces with a crisp sound, splashing to every corner of the room.

""Who are you?"

Miyano Akemi was in a state of panic. The person who could call out this name was definitely not an ordinary policeman.

The Kisawa Yuu in front of her knew everything about her!

"I advise you to be honest!"

"Take the gun out of your bag and throw it on the ground."

The pitch-black muzzle of the gun pointed directly at Miyano Akemi's forehead.

He inherited not only all the memories of this body, but also all the abilities of the original owner.

Every move of a small character like Miyano Akemi was in his sight.

You still want to struggle in front of him?


"You are from the organization."

Miyano Akemi's guess was very bold, but for her it was the only possibility.

Because only the dark organization knew her past!

And Kizawa Yuu didn't look like a good person at first glance.

"You're right!"

He came to see Miyano Akemi late at night and tore off her disguise, so he didn't plan to hide his identity any more.

He put the pistol on the ground into his pocket!

At this time, Miyano Akemi was no longer a threat to him.

"Where is my sister now?"

"I have done what you said, and now we sisters can leave the organization."

The reason why she risked her life to be an insider in the bank and robbed 1 billion yen was entirely for her sister Miyano Shiho.

This was a deal between her and the organization!

For her... it was also the last thing she did for the organization.

"Let your sister go?"


"Do you think you two sisters can really escape alive?"

Everyone knows how the Dark Organization treats traitors.

Even if they can escape temporarily, they will be trapped in an endless escape.

"You have been lying to me from the beginning!"

Miyano Akemi's expression changed again, and the glimmer of hope on her face almost disappeared.

She knew that as long as the police stepped up their investigation into the robbery of the armored car, it would not take long for them to guess that she was the one responsible.

She had never thought about herself from the beginning, but wanted to rescue her sister from the dark organization.

"you are wrong!"

"It was them who had been deceiving you, not me."

Miyano Akemi frowned slightly:"What do you mean by that?"

After talking so much!

She gradually realized that Kizawa Yu had never mentioned the 10 billion yen that was robbed from beginning to end.

"I want to make a deal with you"

"In this bank robbery, Gin will not let you three go."

""Give me 1 billion yen and I'll save your life!"


That's why he came here.

During the day, he was still thinking about robbing to make money quickly, but as a policeman, he couldn't go to the bank with a gun.

But it would be much safer for him to intercept the money robbed by others.

1 billion yen! It

's enough for him to squander.

"Why should I believe you?"

"I have completed the task assigned by the organization, why do you want to kill me to silence me?"

She didn't believe Mu Ze Youyu in front of her, and she didn't believe the organization even more.

The reason why she chose to cooperate with the organization to rob the bank was completely out of helplessness.

She had no other choice!

"Then you can call your two companions"

"Listen to see if they can still talk to you now."

Miyano Akemi was skeptical.

Her inner speculation drove her to call the other two companions' cell phones, but the only response she got was a beep.

She knew!

What Mu Ze You Yu said this time was true.

The organization's methods would never allow them to survive in the world.


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