Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Yuu Kizawa sat by the window and observed the city.

This was the second day since he traveled to the Conan world!

His current identity is a member of the third department of violent crime in the first investigation section...

Although he doesn't want to admit it!

But in the eyes of everyone, he is a rookie police officer.

Because he had just joined the job, he was assigned by Jusan Megure to work in a group with Miwako Sato.

The two of them are in a superior-subordinate relationship!

Of course!

He has another more mysterious identity.

An undercover sent by the winery to the Metropolitan Police Department!

As one of the important members of the winery, he also has his own code name: Snowflake!

Bravely travel the world!

The reason why he was sent here to work from nine to five is because the original owner did not get along well with Gin, and was forced to come to the Metropolitan Police Department as an undercover.

If he could choose, he would rather go back to the winery.

Because... undercovers often die miserably!

Every time traveler is a person chosen by God to do great things.

He is naturally no exception!

And there are also exclusive standard features for this kind of special people.

【System: More children, more blessings! 】

As the name suggests!

Only with children can you be blessed.

He not only wants to make a big splash in Conan's world, but also wants to have children.

‘The word"more" further points out the high hopes the system has for him!

He was looking out the window just now, actually thinking about how to quickly produce a few children.

Use the system to make yourself reach the pinnacle of life!

Conan is not a lawless place!

As a police officer, he can't do things like robbing women, right?

Not suitable!

Combined with his life experience before crossing, the final conclusion is that he still needs money.

Before crossing!

Two thousand yuan can order a fast food meal of quite good quality.

Can't two hundred thousand yuan make such a woman give you a child?

If it's not enough, add more!

There is always a value that can defeat their psychological defenses.

He believes that this plan is also applicable in this world.


After having enough money, you can get in touch with more high-quality human women.

A virtuous cycle visible to the naked eye!

In addition, he also has a necessary system space!

In addition to a Tac-50 sniper rifle and a Beretta 92F pistol given by the system, the rest are some of his personal belongings.

It is worth mentioning that the system also gave ten 100% simulated humanoid dolls, which can be transformed into anyone according to his thoughts.

But even if these things become celestial beings, they are still inflatable dolls!

They cannot give birth to children for him!

"Jingle Bell——"

The ringing of the phone in the office disrupted Kizawa Yu's thoughts.


"Here is the search lesson!"



"We'll be there soon!"

Officer Megure put down the phone and said to the entire office:"There's a robbery at the Beika Bank, everyone leave immediately."

Things happened so suddenly!

He was just thinking about how robbery can make money quickly, and now a robbery case has come to him.

"Hey, I'm talking to you"

"What are you doing?"

"Let's get going quickly!"

Sato Miwako leaned over and stared at Kizawa Yuu with her big eyes, her cherry mouth spitting out a special feminine smell.

"Here it comes!"

Kizawa Yuu followed closely behind.

Sato Miwako is a policewoman of the Metropolitan Police Department. She is naturally beautiful!

The formal top and the hip skirt can hardly hide her graceful figure.

Especially the twisting big butt...

Giving birth must be very smooth!

"I tell you"

"When we get to the crime scene, follow me first and don't destroy the evidence at the scene.……"

Although Sato's words are not gentle, she is kind-hearted.

Since her boss assigned the rookie to her, she naturally needs to pass on her experience.


"I'll follow you around in a minute!"

I don't have much experience on my first police call.

I should listen to the old man.


Sato's driving skills are good, and there is no Mazda traffic jam as rumored.

The two were the first police officers to arrive at the bank where the crime occurred!

In addition to the panicked staff in the bank, there are also frequent visitors to the crime scene: Maori Kogoro, Xiaolan, and the death god elementary school student Conan.

"Ms. Hirota!"

"Where on earth did you go at such an important moment just now?"


As soon as he came in, he saw a middle-aged man scolding a female bank employee.

As a member of the Black Organization, Kizawa Yuu recognized the woman named Hirota Masami at a glance.


She should be called Miyano Akemi!

Miyano Akemi is also a member of the Black Organization.

However, she is a grassroots staff member in the organization who does not even have a code name.

Although she is not very good, her sister Shirley is the top brain in the Black Organization and is a core member of the research on APTX4869.

That's why!

Shirley was threatened with Miyano Akemi to do research and development for the organization.

This is also the greatest role of Miyano Akemi in the organization!

The appearance of Miyano Akemi made his mind vividly recall the memory of this robbery case.

If I remember correctly, the amount of this bank robbery should be 1 billion yen.

And one of the robbers is Miyano Akemi who is being scolded by the middle-aged man!

"Metropolitan Police Department Investigation Division 1!"

Sato Miwako showed her ID photo, and then followed the routine procedure to understand the whole process of the robbery.

He followed Sato's buttocks as he kept his promise.


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