"I can prove that your sister is still alive."

The pressure was on Miyano Shiho!

The elder sister could give herself to him for the younger sister, so why can't the younger sister sacrifice herself for the elder sister?

It's time to test the sisterly love!

"Unless I see my sister!"

"Otherwise, I will never make any deal with you."

Miyano Shiho is smart and has a stronger opinion!

Before she can confirm that her sister is still alive, she will not allow Mu Ze Youyu to get anything from her.

Not even a hair!

However, the request made by Mu Ze Youyu is really outrageous.

Give him a child?

Having a child will bring worries, which is a fatal factor for a killer.

Mu Ze Youyu can't not know!

She doesn't think what Mu Ze Youyu said is true, and it is probably a test for her.


There is still a long way to go!

There are still countless days and nights waiting for them.

He is not in a hurry!

"Next, I have three rules for you."

"Start today…start now!"

"First, you can’t go out!"

"Second, no contact with the outside world"

"Third, you can no longer use Miyano Shiho's identity to do anything in the future."

Although Miyano Shiho has become a little loli, the danger to him is far greater than Miyano Akemi.

Once the identity is exposed, it will directly affect him!

Miyano Shiho nodded!

Needless to say, she knew these things, and she would not even go to the window.

At the same time!

She also recognized the current situation.

This is Kizawa Yu's home, and the initiative is not in her hands

"Speaking of names……"

"From now on... you will be called Huiyuan Ai."

This name made Miyano Shiho very dissatisfied, but she felt that she could not resist at the moment.


Kizawa Yuu suddenly made a gesture to keep quiet, which made Haibara Ai, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, suddenly nervous.

She didn't hear any sound, but Kizawa Yuu, as a killer of the organization, would definitely not have heard it wrong.

Danger is coming!

Could it be that... the organization sent a killer so soon.

At this time, Kizawa Yuu had already walked behind the door without making any sound the whole time.

In an instant!

He suddenly opened the door, and a purple figure followed.

Kizawa Yuu stretched out his arms and hugged the figure into his arms.

It was still the same feeling as last night!

The taut body was a little soft.

This purple figure was none other than the landlord, lawyer Kisaki Eri.

Kizawa Yuu knew it from the beginning!

Kisaki Eri's steps were too rough, and the killers in the organization would definitely not be so green.

"Madam, is there anything I can do for you?"

Whether it's a clogged sewer or you need your hair dyed or permed, he's happy to help!

"I... just happened to pass by, just happened to pass by!"

Fei Yingli was so frightened that she was speechless and fled to her room.

Ai Huiyuan beside her had already revealed a serious look of doubt.

Maybe... what Kizawa Yuu said just now about letting her have a baby was true.

But she couldn't combine a cold-blooded killer in an organization with LSP.


After fleeing back to her room, Hibiki Eri leaned against the door, her palm covering her chest which was rising and falling violently.

It was too shocking!

Just now, she saw Kisawa Yuu carrying a little girl back to the room.

The most outrageous thing was that she saw that the little girl was wrapped in an adult's clothes and had nothing on.

This made her think that Kisawa Yuu was a pervert! She just wanted to listen to what was going on inside, but she didn't expect to be discovered by Kisawa Yuu.

And she was even molested!

"What should I do?"

She now feels like she has invited a wolf into the house.

She shouldn't have let Mu Ze You Yu live in the first place.

Tell the police about this?

As soon as this idea came into his mind, he immediately rejected it.


Mu Ze You Yu is a policeman himself.

After an investigation, what happened between her and Mu Ze You Yu last night will probably be made public.

By then, Kogoro, Xiaolan... asking her friends to come over will be even worse.

But there is a pervert living next to her, which makes her dare not close her eyes when she sleeps.

Fei Yingli, Fei Yingli!

As the undefeated queen of the legal world, you are helpless about your own affairs.

What a failure!

She is numb!

If it weren't for what happened after drinking last night, she would have ten thousand ways to get Mu Ze You Yu to leave here.

But now... she has a handle!

After Fei Yingli calmed down, she decided to move into the law firm temporarily.

She was also afraid! She was afraid that when she woke up in the middle of the night, her legs had been carried on Mu Ze You Yu's shoulders again


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