Miyano Shiho slowly opened her eyes……

"Where is this?"

She had a sense of time travel! She put her hands in front of her eyes and waved them to prove that she was still alive.

"Wake up!"

The man's voice next to her startled her.

When she saw that it was Mu Ze You Yu, her nerves were so tense that they were about to break.

The scene outside the organization's base before played again in her mind like a slide show.

"You...why did you save me?"


She was now certain that it was Mu Ze You Yu who saved her.

This was not the organization!

The look in Mu Ze You Yu's eyes did not have the murderous intent she feared.

The only possibility left was what she said.

"Change your clothes first."

He spent a lot of effort just to get this dress for the little girl.

"I won’t wear such ugly clothes!"

Miyano Shiho’s fashion sense is always on point.

When she sees clothes that she doesn’t like, she immediately shows contempt.

"If you think it's ugly, don't wear it."

"I don't mind!"

Kizawa Yuu threw the blanket off Miyano Shiho.

He was so rude!

He saw that Miyano Shiho just couldn't understand the current situation.


Miyano Shiho felt a chill in her crotch, and the next second she realized that her only equipment was the blanket she had just used.

But by the time she wanted to grab it, it was too late!


Miyano Shiho curled up in the corner, her angry eyes fell on Kizawa Yuu.

At this moment!

The milky white and slender limbs were her last line of defense

"If you scold me again, I will throw away your clothes too."

"Just keep this state."

This is his home!

How can he, who is so ruthless, not be able to fiddle with a little loli?

It has to be said!

Although Miyano Shiho, who has become a little girl, lacks the charm of an adult woman, she is so tender!

Kizawa Yuu couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The show of power just now had an immediate effect. Miyano Shiho grabbed the equipment that did not suit her taste like lightning.

Clean and neat!

She was afraid that Kizawa Yuu would return and smash her only equipment.

Seeing that Kizawa Yuu had no intention of turning his back...


This is Daddy!

Can't she turn her back?


After a while, Miyano Shiho stood in front of him.

As the saying goes: Clothes make the man, saddles make the horse!

But if a person is beautiful, it is a different story.

Although the clothes he bought casually were not very good, they looked more beautiful when worn by Miyano Shiho.

"You still have not answered my question"

"Why did you save me?"

They were not related!

Mu Ze You Yu was also a killer in the organization.

She didn't believe that the man in front of her would be unprofitable.

"Your sister Miyano Akemi asked me to do this."

Miyano Shiho's pupils suddenly dilated, and her excitement seemed to be about to overflow.


"My sister is still alive?"

Her voice was obviously trembling.

Because of her sister's death, she refused to continue doing scientific research for the organization, which was why she was locked up.

She tried her best to escape, partly because of her instinctive desire to survive, and partly because she hoped to have a chance to avenge her sister.

Now tell her... her sister is still alive!


"Otherwise, why would I save you?"

Now he has fulfilled his promise to Miyano Akemi.

That woman can rest assured to give birth to his child!

Speaking of which!

He and Miyano Akemi have done it so many times, why doesn't the woman make any move?

Is it him or Miyano Akemi who is not good enough?

"My sister…where is my sister now?"

Miyano Shiho excitedly grasped Kizawa Yuu’s arm tightly with her little hands.

This was also the first time that Miyano Shiho took the initiative to approach him!

"She is having some troubles now and cannot meet you for the time being.

He did not intend to tell Miyano Shiho the address.

This was done to prevent Miyano Shiho from running away and exposing herself.

"What difficulties did you encounter?"

"Where is my sister now?

She only knew that her sister was involved in an explosion in Beihua Town.

If she is still alive, then……

"Captured by bad guys!"

"But I can help you save her."

"But the price is that you help me give birth to a child."

He didn't know whether ATPX4986 could help Shiho Miyano give birth to a child.

But... how could he know if he didn't try?

"My sister is dead."


Miyano Shiho snorted coldly.

She knew it!

The people in the organization are cold-blooded animals. How could Mu Ze Youyu be so kind to rescue her?

He wants her body?

This reason is totally untenable in her mind.

There are many women in this world. There is no need to take such a big risk to target her.

This guy might have some quirks!


PS: It is not easy for a young author to write a book. If you think it is okay after reading this, please give the author some flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes.

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