Orgasm at the touch?

What kind of pelvic floor muscle manipulator is this? A professional trend-setter, right?

The system’s golden finger rewards are getting more and more perverted!

Qian Jingfushu’s eyes suddenly lit up!

Ayumi’s mother, Higasaka Ikue, looked at him, and instantly, her whole body above her thighs and below her neck went cold!

Her white skin inexplicably began to show a layer of small bumps…….

“Landlord-san? Are you okay?”

Higasaka Yuhui covered her mouth in surprise, and looked at the absent-minded Qian Jing Dongshu with some worry.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at the gentle lady who took the initiative to send herself to the door for the test without knowing it, and his expression was completely evil.

He stretched out his hand with ill intentions,”Madam, help me.”

Although Higasaka Yuhui was confused, he stretched out his hand without hesitation.

“Landlord, please slow down.……”

When their hands touched, lightning struck!!!!

Hisaka Yue’s body trembled, and her face suddenly turned red! Her whole body felt like it was pierced by an electric current, which made her shudder!

She wanted to scream but it was stuck in her throat.

She could never go back.

“The skill’s pre-shake is a bit long, and the whole process takes three minutes to produce all the effects.”

Zeni Fuyuki took a serious and responsible attitude and asked Himasaka Ikue to help him test the results.

The results proved that because women’s physiological structure is different from men’s, her reaction has a gradual process.

When Qiani Fuyuki came out of Ayumi’s house in a relaxed mood, Himasaka Ikue had already fainted.

Qiani Fuyuki was about to say hello to Ayumi and go home, but he didn’t find anyone around him.

“Maybe he went back to school.

He simply went home.

But at this moment, his cell phone started ringing like crazy.

The emotion value tool was calling——

“Conan?” Qian Jingdongshu smiled and picked up the phone.”Didn’t you say last time that you would ignore me again?”

“Qian Jing, now is not the time to talk about that!”

On the other side, Conan was chasing a car with Yuantai and Mitsuhiko at a high speed.

He shouted excitedly into the phone:”Please help mobilize your power and intercept a car!”

“Ayumi got into the car of a serial killer by mistake! She must be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late!”

“There is such a thing?”

Qian Jing Dongshu frowned.

It’s impossible. The things he left for Ayumi that night made her automatically managed by the system, so there is no danger.

The person who touched her must be dead first.

It is said that the kidnapping case of Ayumi should be a butterfly.

“System, anchoring the plot”

【The prop actor car is locking onto the target.】

【Available characters: None】

【Key characters (items): Prop head]

Seeing this reminder, Qian Jingdongshu immediately remembered a series of childhood shadows of science that he had watched.

He couldn’t help but chuckle,”Conan, I think you are overthinking it.”

“After all, this is Rice Flower Street, a place under my protection, who dares to mess around?”

“”Hey Qian Jing!!”

Conan was very angry. Listen to what a human being said! That person is a criminal who committed serial murders of young girls! Does this guy know how dangerous Ayumi is?

Since it is Conan’s plot, it would be nice for him to get involved and get a blind box.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled perfunctorily and said,”It’s just a joke. I’ll take people over later.”

If more people come, it will be fun for Conan to die.

Conan didn’t know Qian Jing Dongshu’s intentions were sinister. When he heard this, he immediately felt safe.

“Then hurry up!”

After hanging up the phone, Qian Jingdongshu looked at his hands and a plan came to his mind.

“Hello, Maori-san, Conan said he met a suspected serial killer of young girls.”

“I just happened to be stuck with something, so I can only ask you for help now.”

A phone call was made to Maori Kogoro who was at home planting mushrooms.

Maori was immediately surprised when he heard that Qian Jing Fuyuki could not do it and asked him for help.

“Uh-huh! At times like this, of course it is my duty as the great detective Maori Kogoro to take charge!”

“Qian Jing Dongshu, just go and do your own thing. Leave all the limelight to me this time! Hahahaha…”

Maori Kogoro went to the address provided by Qian Jing Dongshu without hesitation or any doubt.

Qian Jing Dongshu drove the ordinary Jinbei car equipped by the black market leisurely, following the prop master’s car inconspicuously.

“Woohoo, what should I do? Ayumi shouldn’t have gotten into this car.”

“The two uncles in front are perverts who kill people without hesitation. What should Ayumi do now?”

Ayumi wanted to cry.

If she had known that she should not have played hide-and-seek with Genta Mitsuhiko while waiting for her brother Fuyuki, and she should not have climbed into such a scary car by mistake.

She regretted it.

She must be a good child in the future and dare not get into other people’s cars again.

“Woohoo, it would be nice if Dongshu brother was here”

“”Ayumi, jump out, I’ll catch you.”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s voice came from outside.

Ayumi was startled. Was it an illusion? How did she suddenly hear the voice of Dongshu’s brother?

Until the trunk of the car opened a crack, Qian Jing Dongshu appeared in front of her wearing gloves………

Ayumi burst into tears and threw herself into Qian Jingdongshu’s arms without thinking.

“Take a nap, and you’ll be fine when you wake up.”

The next scene is not suitable for children.

Qian Jingfuyu smiled and pressed Ayumi’s sleep point, and put her in his car.

Soon, Conan and Maori Kogoro and his group successfully met up, and a group of people successfully blocked the two prop masters who played the murderer on the road.

“I see you, murderer! Get out of the car now!”

“Are you kidding me? We are murderers? We are prop masters and actors participating in high school activities!”

“If he was really a murderer, he would have been stopped when he passed the toll gate just now!”

The two guys who didn’t look like good people got out of the car and hurriedly clarified

“You’re lying! If they were just actors, why is there a head in your trunk? Open the trunk lid!”

Mouri Kogoro learned the situation from Conan and walked over to open the trunk seriously.

“why is it like this……”The two prop masters were dissatisfied and annoyed.

At this moment, Qian Jingdongshu came out.

“Maori-san, Conan, after observing for a while, I think you two may have misunderstood each other.”

“Qian Jing Fuyuki! ?”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan both looked at each other.

You came when everyone was blocking you. What use are you now? You are just a hindsight.

“Anyway, we will know if there is a head or not after we open it!!”

Mouri Kogoro sneered and looked at Qian Jing Dongshu proudly.

This kid, he made a mistake this time!

Look at him, the great detective Maori, who hit Qian Jing Dongshu’s face hard!

He went to open the hood of the car.

“Uncle Maori, we have to bring Ayumi out first!” Conan called out urgently

“Humph, you little brat, do you need me to tell you?”

No one took Qian Jingdongshu’s advice to heart.

Everyone held their breath and watched the hood of the car open in fear.

A hideous and miserable head of a young girl suddenly appeared in Maori Kogoro’s eyes.

“Uh ah——!!”

The prop master made it look so real that the details of the blood were so realistic that even Kogoro Mouri, a veteran detective, was frightened.

His face turned pale and he let out a shrill cry.

His hands were shaking so much that he couldn’t even hold the prop head, let alone tell the difference in weight. He staggered like a drunk and was about to fall.

“Maori-san, are you okay?

Qian Jingdongshu hurried to help him. At this time, he had already taken off his gloves.

Activate the supernatural power, and the touch will be orgasm!

The next second!

Maori Kogoro launched on the spot! Everyone present


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