Qian Jingfuyu arranged for the sisters Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho to reunite.

Across the wall, Nakamori Aoko was cleaning the closet and heard the sound clearly.

“So the landlord has to pay for helping others?”

She blushed with shyness and looked at herself in the mirror.

“Since he helped me reunite with Xiaolan, I have to show my appreciation as soon as possible.”..

Xiaolan’s birthday is coming soon.

Qian Jingdongshu’s long-awaited feast is finally coming.

But just as he was thinking about his plan, the system~long-lost sound rang out.

【Ding! 700 meters to the right of the host, Mihua Sunshine Community, Himasaka Ikue, owes rent of 105,000 yen! (5,000 soft coins) -】

Himasaka Ikue?

A strange name, I don’t think I’ve heard of it in the plot of Ke-Xue.

“Who is she?”

【Higasaka Ikue, Yoshida Ayumi’s stepmother, the host has met】

“Oh~ It turned out to be her, the gentle and virtuous tenant lady.

Qian Jing Dongshu remembered that she had done the registration at that time, but later on, she had a lot of things to do and she forgot about it.

“Anyway, it’s only 5,000 soft coins, and the house is in an old neighborhood, how come I can’t even come up with this little money?”

The system didn’t respond, so it was a problem outside the plot.

“That’s perfect.”

Qian Jingdongshu stood up and stretched his neck, with an interesting light flashing in his eyes.

“I haven’t collected rent in person for a long time. I don’t know why this lady can’t pay the rent.”

Yoshida family.

Higasaka Yue begged a man who was rummaging through the cabinets.

“Ayumi’s dad, you really can’t take out the money from the house anymore!”

“This is the little living expenses that Ayumi and I have left!”

“We can’t even pay the rent, please!”

“Stop talking nonsense! Useless woman, I was being merciful by not sending you to shoot pornographic films!”

As G’s father, Ayumi changed his gentle and elegant appearance in front of others and dressed like a shemale, venting his dissatisfaction with Asahizaka Ikue

“I don’t know what the difference is between marrying you and marrying a nanny! Get out of here!”

He kicked Himasaka Ikue away rudely. Himasaka Ikue just knelt on the ground and shed tears silently.

“How can this be? How are Ayumi and I going to live now?”

When Qian Jingfuyu came over, Hisaka Yuhui’s gentle eyes were red, and she was still sobbing softly while cleaning the mess at home.

“”Ayumi’s mom, I’m here to collect the rent.”

He got straight to the point.

When Hiasaka Yue heard this, she felt like the sky was falling.

Who knew what she feared would come true? Ayumi’s dad had just taken away the remaining money, and the landlord came to collect the rent!

Her hands trembled, and the mop fell to the ground. She knelt down at Qian Jingfuyu’s feet in a hurry.

“Landlord, please give me a little more time. I will try my best to raise money!”

The collar of the wide kimono she changed into was open, revealing her busty breasts and a large area of white skin. Her waist was so thin that it could be broken by two blows, and her beautiful pear-shaped buttocks were extremely eye-catching.

Higasaka Yuhui was still unaware, and she bent her head crazily, letting Qian Jingfuyu see all the beautiful scenery.

【Sign in with Himasaka Yuhui, and you will be rewarded with the highest level of flower arrangement. Flower arrangement? He really likes it.

Signing in means you can gain more emotional points than unrelated people.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled in his heart, and said with embarrassment:

“But ma’am, you’re making it difficult for me.”

“Then, what should I do?”

Himasaka Yuhui was really desperate.

As a housewife without a job, she had just barely maintained such a bad life, and reality gave her another cruel blow.

Himasaka Yuhui’s eyes were red again, and her expression was full of brokenness, making people want to bully her severely. Qian

Jing Dongshu smiled evilly, and directly reached out and lifted her chin, looking at her carefully. Himasaka

Yuhui’s face was as red as an apple, with a shy and forbearing expression, not knowing whether to refuse or not, and a panic expression.

Could it be that the landlord wanted to…

At this moment

“”Mom, I think I saw Brother Dongshu coming towards our house!”

Ayumi’s excited voice came from outside the door.

She missed Brother Dongshu so much after just a few days of not seeing him!

“Ah, landlord, you…I……”

· ·······Request flowers0 ····

Ikue Higasaka didn’t know where she got the strength from, and nervously pushed Zeni Itoki directly into the open cabinet beside her!

The cabinet door closed with a click.

Zeni Itoki didn’t react at all, and he had never encountered such a thing before, so he couldn’t help but feel a little strange.

Was he being raped in the wooden cabinet?

Ayumi ran in

“”Eh? Mom, where’s Brother Fuyuki?”

Hisaka Yue’s face and neck were red, and she looked panicked and guilty.

Her eyes unconsciously drifted to the cabinet.

Anyone who has experienced love would guess something when seeing her at this moment.

Ayumi was still very innocent. She looked up at her stepmother strangely.

“Mom? Your face is so red, are you sick?”


“Mommy doesn’t have it, Ayumi, can you please go out and play first?”

“Remember not to run out of Beihua Street.”

Himasaka Yuhui coaxed and deceived Ayumi to leave.

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled and heard the noise outside, raised an eyebrow and knocked on the door.

“Madam, can I go out now?”

“Of course! I was so rude just now, landlord.”

Himasaka Yuhui had already prepared herself mentally.

Since she couldn’t pay the rent for the time being, she had to use the simplest and most direct method, doing everything she could to please and beg the landlord.

She didn’t need to be exempted from rent, just a little longer, enough for her to find a job.

But when she returned to the cabinet door and tried to open it, she found that the rusty parts inside were stuck and the cabinet door could not be opened.

Himasaka Yuhui panicked.

She hurriedly pulled hard, and her voice was filled with soft tears.

“Why can’t I open it suddenly? Landlord, I really didn’t mean to do that”

“It’s okay, Madam, just step back a bit.”

Qian Jingfuyuki accepted the sudden ups and downs of emotions from Himasaka Yuhui with a smile, and kicked the door open!

What he didn’t expect was that such a simple little action actually triggered his heaven-defying enlightenment!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have mastered the carpentry craft on your own!】

【Give a bonus, limited-time supernatural power, touch and you will be orgasmic! Automatically effective, countdown 24 hours! 】Four.

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