As soon as the door opened, Qian Jingdongshu was about to say hello when he was stunned.…….

I really don’t treat him as an outsider at all!

“No, landlord, please don’t misunderstand!”

“Things are not what you see!!”

Sato Miwako’s cheeks suddenly burned.

It was embarrassing again!

This was the second time that the landlord had bumped into her most embarrassing moment!

Sato Miwako’s face was as red as a bubble teapot. She hurriedly pulled him in and slammed the door.

After making sure that the curtains were drawn, Sato Miwako tried to be serious and pointed at her thigh.

“Landlord, I am really squeezing mosquito bites, do you believe it?”Do you think I believe it or not?

Qian Jingdongshu smiled politely but awkwardly.

In fact, he was so angry that he almost burst into laughter.

【Miwako Sato is panic, terrified, uneasy, shy, embarrassed, collapsed, and desperate, and continuously provides emotional value +1000+1000+1000…!】

If she was embarrassed a little more, wouldn’t the emotional value be close to 10,000?

At least I earned five blind boxes for free!

Qian Jing Dongshu grinned and put the wine aside.

“Since Sato-san is in trouble, how can I not be happy to help him?”

“Eh? Eh! ?”

Before Sato Miwako could react, Qian Jing Dongshu knocked her down with a gentle expression and a strong wrist.

He didn’t allow her to refuse at all. He took off her training pants and aimed at the mosquito bites on her two thin and long white legs.

Qian Jing Dongshu touched his pocket and got the universal silver needle.

Although it was a bit of a waste of talent, wasn’t this the right time?

“Oh, the landlord actually knows medical skills! ?”

Sato Miwako blinked, her face full of astonishment and admiration.

Her tense muscles also relaxed a lot, and she watched Qian Jingfuyu curiously.

At this time, she did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

Until a moment later——

“Landlord Sang Yamete!!!”

“Stop it! Ahahahahahaha……”

Sato Miwako felt a layer of small bumps on her skin.

She raised her head high, her cheeks were burning, and she had an expression that was both sour and extremely shy.

In fact, she was almost holding back tears.

What kind of skills did the landlord have!

She just wanted to squeeze a mosquito bump!

His big hands covered her with massage and acupuncture, which made her look so embarrassed that she died on the spot!

Not to mention, Sato Miwako had a good impression of Qian Jing Dongshu from the bottom of her heart.

Ah, all the people she had lost in this life were thrown in front of Dongshu-san!!

Looking at Sato Miwako who was so collapsed that she seemed to be broken, Qian Jing Dongshu was also magnanimous and let her go for the time being.

He carried two bottles of wine, smiled deeply and said,”Sato-san, you don’t have to be polite to me. There is no gender in the eyes of a doctor.”

“But you, didn’t you say you wanted to have a drink and chat?”

“This is the wine I brewed myself, Sato-san must show his support.”

Oh, right! She almost forgot the real reason why she went to see Fuyuki-san!

Sato Miwako didn’t even change her clothes, and with the marks of being ravaged, she looked at the two bottles of wine very seriously.

It’s three-free, and it was brewed by Fuyuki-san himself, so the alcohol content might not be that high.

“Dongshu-san, it’s not that I look down on you, but ordinary rice wine and sake seem to be of no use to me?”

“Or, should I use my father’s treasured Shaodaozi?”

Sato Miwako patted her fierce mouth.

She had been strong since she was a child, and had drunk all over the street with her father!

In her eyes, ordinary wine was just like boiling water.

She believed that she could definitely make Qian Jing Dongshu drink and then get the information she wanted.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled mischievously.

“Really? But I’ll get drunk with just one drop of this wine.”

“One drop?”

Sato Miwako sighed, half believing and half doubting, opened the bottle stopper, and just took a sip.

“hiahia~ seems to have a strong aftereffect……”

As the world spun, Miwako Sato fell down.

She happened to fall into Qian Jingfuyu’s arms.

“”Sato-san? Sato-san?”

Qian Jingfuyu called her.

Sato Miwako’s face turned red, and she still held his sleeve tightly.

“Dong Shu-san, don’t go.……”

Such a lovely Sato-san is really hard to refuse.

Qian Jingfuyuki thought about it and brought her to the tatami.

Then don’t disappoint the good girl and don’t waste the bad girl!.

A few hours later……..


Sato Miwako grabbed the quilt, and this time her face was like a steaming pot.

She looked at Qian Jingfuyu beside her, with a look of shock, panic, shyness, regret… and even a hint of secret joy.

“Dong Shu-san, I didn’t expect that I would give you a name after drinking.……”

“Ah, how could I fail? It’s all because of this damn wine. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have drunk so much!”

“Don’t worry, Fuyuki-san, I will be responsible for you!”

Sato Miwako had a stern face, feeling embarrassed and secretly laughing.

She didn’t expect that after talking to Yumi and Naeko for so long, she would be the first to get brave.

She was drunk, but she dared to do something she had always wanted to do but didn’t dare to do. She was quite brave.

But then she changed her mind and remembered that something was wrong.

“Dongshu-san, isn’t the alcohol content of your wine a bit too high?”

“This must be alcohol mixed directly!”

She looked surprised.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows, took the bottle directly, and drank it all.

“This is the wine I brew for myself. Others seem to be drunk after just one drop.”


Curiosity killed the cat. Miwako Sato was unconvinced and took a sip from the bottle that Qian Jingfuyu had drunk from.!!!

Miwako Sato’s eyes widened and she fell down again!

“This is a double goal.”

Qian Jing 3.6 Dongshu helplessly supported the person, still thinking about whether to come to the second half.

His eyes glanced outside inadvertently.


That sneaky, but inexplicably a little cute figure of the red-dressed girl with glasses, how come she looks so much like Hirota Masami at the beginning of the plot, no, Miyano Akemi? Is she following him?

Miyano Akemi is indeed secretly following Qian Jing Dongshu.

Because she is not sure when he will go home from this social event.

Just now she tried to call her sister again, but found that the signal from Miyano Shiho was completely blocked.

This made her feel uneasy, and she couldn’t help but wait again in advance. But she didn’t expect that before she showed up, Qian Jing Dongshu, who was familiar with her plot outfit, had already looked down and saw it.

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