The Island of Devil Girls is an alternate dimension, where a long time passes, but in reality only one second passes.

And for those who have been on the Island of Devil Girls, their memories may be damaged, and any physical traces can only be detected for one second.

Qian Jingfuyu left Minagawa Kuboko on the Island of Devil Girls, asking her to stay and continue to dig for treasure.

The remaining ones, who were dazed and didn’t know what the world was, were Guan Gu Xiang and Watanabe Haomei, so he temporarily built a wooden house and put it in it.

Once the limelight is over, he can find a chance to put it back, and no one will notice.

Even if the families of the two girls report the case afterwards, the Japanese police will not be able to track down any clues.

Not to mention that they are 100% convinced and will not betray him.

Qian Jingfuyu hummed a little tune and looked at Kisaki Eri who came back refreshed.

He greeted her in a good mood

“Hey, Eri, have you been busy with Ms. Kuriyama recently?”

“Why do you all run away when you see me?”

“How dare Anada say that.”

Hiki Eri blushed and said angrily.

After experiencing a brutal punishment, she was really afraid of him.

But Kuriyama Midori……

“Anada, are you teasing Midori-chan? Why does she want to cry when you are mentioned?”

Of course it’s because this lovely Miss Kuriyama cries so much!

Qian Jingfuyu glanced at his skill bar.

At present, the most useless skill besides Genta’s Eel God is her”developed tear glands”.

Fortunately, he is hard-hearted and spent 5,000 emotion points to wash away this negative skill.

Well, I have to get it back from her in the future. How can I cry to my heart’s content without changing the venue and the way I cry?

“mo~ I don’t really want to understand.”

Looking at Qian Jing Dongshu’s expression, there was nothing she didn’t understand.

She pouted a little jealously, but brought up another matter.

“By the way, Anada, Officer Sato from the Metropolitan Police Department’s First Investigation Division came to see you. What’s the matter?”

“Oh~ If you hadn’t said it, I would have almost forgotten about Sato-san.”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and got up to get two bottles of wine.

This is a lesson learned from Kuriyama Midori, and it was hidden in a place where Kisaki Eri and the others would not normally touch.

A normal person would get drunk with just one drop, but for a beautiful woman, it’s hard to say what would happen if she was moisturized with spiritual energy.

“I’ll be back later. Call me if you need anything.”

Qian Jingfuyu pushed the door open and left.

Just before he left, Miyano Akemi missed him again.

“Ah, the landlord is out again.”

She pursed her lips shyly.

No, those things are too obscure and embarrassing for her.

Just looking at them makes her head smoke, and she wants to throw them away.

So she has no choice but to buy all the props that the rude landlord might be interested in.

She will cooperate with the landlord as much as she can.

“Well, I hope to see the landlord tomorrow!”

As long as the landlord is satisfied and all his perverted demands are met, she will be able to see her sister!

Miyano Akemi suppressed her shame, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

Shiho, you must wait for your sister!.

Organize a secret research institute

“Shirley, what’s wrong with you? Your drug research is so behind schedule.”

Vodka angrily accused.

Shiho Miyano, who was wearing a white coat, glanced at him coldly, crossed her arms and said,

“I want to see my sister, right now!”

The organization had promised the sisters that they would be reunited as soon as they returned home.

Even if the sisters were separated for the sake of research confidentiality, it would be ok for them to see each other once in a while.

But looking at Gin’s disdainful attitude, it was clear that she wanted her to be a ruthless researcher!

“Shirley, those who go against Big Brother never have a good ending!”

Vodka threatened.

But he had no way to deal with this little ancestor.

After Elena left, the boss aged rapidly and became more dependent on drugs.

If there is no new drug A developed, Big Brother will suffer again.

“Humph, do you think I don’t watch the news?”

Miyano Shiho’s face was full of sarcasm, she stared straight at Vodka.

“Where’s Gin? He hasn’t been out lately. Is he in a bad mood because his face was disfigured by the rumored new son-in-law?”

This woman is too bold! She

‘s really stepping on the big brother’s sore spot!

There was no way to respond to this. Vodka could only leave a threat in anger and flee.

“In short, if you don’t develop Drug A well, your sister will have to face something!”

“Damn it! How dare you!”

Miyano Shiho is still too young and can’t beat the old hands of the organization.

· ·······Request flowers··· ·····

She angrily threw the documents on the table to the ground.

Printed papers were scattered all over the floor, and several newspaper clippings flew out.

On them were news interviews and headshots of Qian Jingdongshu.

“Qian Jingfuyuki…if there really is a god.”

Miyano Shiho looked at the handsome man in the photo with a complicated and yearning expression.

“Can you show your power and protect our poor sister?”

Even if she can’t be saved, it’s good for my sister to escape from this cage..


Gin was frowning as he looked at the information he had found on Qian Jing Dong Shu.

“The person who is truly wrapped in the fog… Humph, I don’t believe it.”

The boss is not feeling well and seems to be less and less interested in the director.

…… 0

The lower levels of the organization haven’t noticed anything yet, but every time the top core meets, the atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

Even Vermouth has to go to branches around the world and personally suppress the troublemakers as a direct descendant of the Karasuma family.

Touching the scar on his face, Gin’s eyes are burning and his smile is ferocious.

“One day, I will dig out your secret, Qian Jing Dongshu!”

If you want him to be this guy’s loyal dog, that guy must also be able to take over the organization completely!


Jing Dongshu sneezed several times in a row and rubbed his nose nonchalantly.

He has experienced too many such things since he became famous.

There must be someone talking behind his back, all the weird and common settings of the second dimension.

He took a look at the note in his hand and the house number he got from Inspector Megure. After confirming that it was correct, he rang the doorbell.

Ding Dong——

“”Sato-san, I’m Qian Jingfuyu, and I’m here to visit you.”

At home.

Her mother was not at home, and Sato Miwako wore a yoga-like outfit and tight training pants, revealing her round and perky breasts. She was as unrestrained as she could be.

“Hate it, how come there are still mosquitoes in such a cold weather?”

She was grinning at the mirror, trying hard to squeeze the mosquito bites on her thighs.

When she heard the doorbell ring, Miwako Sato was so scared that she sat down on the ground.

At this moment, she didn’t know what she was thinking. Her hands were inexplicably faster than her brain, and she opened the door without cleaning anything.

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