When Hibiki saw the message Qian Jingfuyushu left this morning, she adjusted her sitting position slightly and coughed.

“Officer Sato, right? Don’t worry, Anada mentioned you. He said he’d go have a drink with you when he gets back.”

“So, sorry to bother you, lawyer.”

Miwako Sato got up and left.

Outside, Akemi Miyano quickly turned her head back and nervously looked at the mailbox.

The landlord was not there by chance!

It seemed that sending the letter was useless. As soon as the landlord came back, she would go to him in person.

“mo~ Anada is really too much this time, I still have back pain after such a long time.”.

“My buttocks are swollen.”

The voice of Eri Kisaki muttering softly reached Miyano Akemi’s ears at this moment.

Miyano Akemi:!!!

Landlord-san was so violent and rude at that time!

Then, then she should start preparing early!

Thinking of her own preparedness, Miyano Akemi closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and rushed towards the sex toy store on Beika Street..

Qian Jingfuyuki lived a shameless life in Nagoya for three days before returning on the eve of Valentine’s Day. When

Kisaki Eri saw him, she was frightened like a rabbit and wanted to walk with the help of the wall.

“Ah, Anada, you’re back?”

“Why are you so nervous, Eri?”

It’s because you were too much that day, so this is just right.

Fei Eri was too embarrassed to say anything, because she was the first to make a mistake.

Qian Jing Dongshu teased and sat in front of the computer to process the documents.

However, when he was sorting them out, a special letter with only a name on it fell down.

“Hirota Masami?

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows. Isn’t this the pseudonym of Ohshiho’s sister, Miyano Akemi?

A beautiful woman who looks weak but has strong execution ability. She dares to do anything for her sister.

Why did she suddenly look for him?

After opening the letter and scanning it, Qian Jingdongshu roughly understood.

Although the words tried hard to hide the panic and uneasiness, they were still like a magpie timidly stretching out its claws next to an eagle.

“This is how the 1 billion yen bank robbery happened?”

“Gin is such a petty guy.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled, but he didn’t rush to help. Everything he did had a price.

Anyway, Miyano Akemi needed help from others, and sooner or later she would come to him.

“System, are there any new activities?”

I haven’t drawn a blind box for a few days, and my hands are eager to try.

Now that the Sumida Canal Bridge has been unlocked, Qian Jingfuyuki also took the opportunity to buy some real estate in Nagoya. If the system is upgraded again, it should be able to give away gift packages.

Sure enough, the next second

【Estimating the output value of the host……】

【Congratulations to the host for upgrading to LV3!】

【Limited time discount on rare blind boxes!】

【The host’s current emotional value is detected to be 128300. Do you want to redeem all of them?

Qian Jingdongshu is still the same

“I’ll leave 100,000 emotion points untouched. I still need time to enjoy it.”

“This time I will draw a rare blind box worth 28,000, a total of 14”

“Direct redemption, open!”

Ding ding ding ding——

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special property”Evil Girl Island” fragments*7! If all unlocking conditions are met, it can be unlocked directly!】

【Congratulations to the host for winning”Charming Chocolate”*1, a piece of chocolate exclusive to Valentine’s Day. You will become a captive after eating it! It can be divided into 4 pieces!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Never-stopping Hot Spring”*1, which works wonders when combined with multiplayer action on the Evil Girl Island!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Time and Space Female Warrior X Set”*1, which can be used by designated targets and is valid for 24 hours!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining SSS-level skills, invincible physical skills!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining”Willing Rope”*1, a one-time item for designated targets!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 2 special property rights”Si Ling Bank” fragments! 】

Here it comes, it’s time to give out welfare props and real estate fragments again!

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes lit up.

I didn’t expect that this 14 consecutive draws would be unexpectedly powerful, and even invincible physical skills came out.

Isn’t that just as Alita said, strength plus tricks, and then critical hits plus attack speed, it’s all done, even she can’t resist it! ?

Qian Jing Dongshu curled his lips, it’s a pity that Alita is not here now, otherwise I will definitely have to compete with her again.

Then he looked at the real estate

“Evil Girl Island? It doesn’t sound like a proper island. Is there a country of women on it?”

He was a little confused.

【Villain Island: Originally an isolated exile island, few people know that it is a treasure island drifting from another dimension. However, the island is full of dangers, and the opportunity to dig for treasure comes with risks.】

【Later, it became a treasure of Odin, the Norse god king, and was used to punish his unfaithful lovers.】

【Because of the power of the god king Odin, this island can be summoned at will and hidden in the dimensional gap! 】

Hey, isn’t this tailor-made for him!

In the future, when you meet those evil women, suppress them violently and throw them all to the island.

With the system hosting, they will not betray and will not die easily, so give him unlimited treasure digging!

“Unlock, Villain Island!”

Qian Jing Dongshu said, and turned his eyes to Siling Bank. He was completely sure that he had a lot of luck.

If he remembered correctly, the bank that Miyano Akemi went to rob under the pseudonym Hirota Masami in the plot was this bank.

“View unlock conditions”

【Ownership of Shilin Bank:

Conditions 1. Become one of the top ten financial tycoons in Japan

2. Deposit 367 accounts worth more than 1 billion yen in the bank

3. Meet Akemi Miyano and leave her with an unforgettable impression】

【Are fragments used now?】

“This condition is simply given for free.”

The first two were brainless fragments, and the third one is coming soon, isn’t it?

Not to mention the system gave a lot of props.

Even Qian Jingdongshu himself is enough to change the tricks and make poor Miss Miyano Akemi scream.

Then, Qian Jingdongshu couldn’t wait to try the benefits of the Evil Girl Island itself.

In group sex, Charming Chocolate can knock down four people at a time, completely breaking through himself and satisfying his needs.

Who should I choose?

Qian Jingdongshu smiled evilly and called the women around him.

But who knew that this time he really scared Kisaki Eri

“Da mei yo anada, I still have a lawsuit on my hands, otherwise you can find Okino Yoko and the others!”

If it happens again, she will die!

Elena is in seclusion.

Sister Bei is organizing.

Okino Yoko and the other two female stars are all in closed filming abroad. Kuriyama

Midori just got off vacation, and when she saw him, she was as frightened as if she saw a flood and a beast, and she ran away in panic!!

Mizunashi Rena happened to be away, and went to the deep mountains and old forests for an interview.

Qian Jingfushu was dumbfounded. For a while, he couldn’t find anyone to try?

Just when he was scratching his head, the angel Xiaolan called and made him laugh!.

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