The bomb exploded in 10 seconds after the vibration. What the hell are you doing defusing it?!

Conan’s nose was almost crooked with anger.

His face turned from green to white and then to blue.

He wanted to jump to the moon like a scallion on a dry land.

“No, Qian Jing Dong Shu!!”

Qian Jing Dong Shu has already started to make a phone call.


Conan’s pupils shrank.

His mind went blank, and his life began to revolve around him.

He was wrong, he shouldn’t have trusted Qian Jing Dong Shu from the beginning. He only saw it once, he knew he could dismantle a shit bomb!

It’s over, everyone is dead!

【Conan is shocked, furious, terrified, regretful, desperate, reluctant, + emotion value 30000! 】

Oh? It seems that the most is given between life and death.

Qian Jingfuyu saw Conan rushing over like crazy to stop him, and calmly blocked him with one hand

“Seven Six Zero”

“No! Qian Jingfuyushu! You let me kick the bomb away!! Let me go, you bastard!!”

Ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds, it’s too late, how can I fix it!!

Conan never thought that he, a high school student and famous detective, would end up in the hands of an evil man like Qian Jingfuyushu!

He will die with his eyes open!

Qian Jingfuyushu defuses the bomb with one hand, without even looking at the time, his fingers are almost flexibly using the tricks he has practiced on women.

Click, click, click…

He cuts the line with his eyes closed, it’s just like playing with a toy.


It took less than five seconds, and it was done!

Qian Jingfuyuki held Yamamoto Minari’s slender waist

“It’s okay, Conan-kun, I’m taking Yamamoto on vacation, so don’t talk too much in front of Xiaolan”

“If I tell… humph.”

Qian Jingfuyushu compared his height, smiled threateningly, and walked away.

Conan was left standing there like a fool.

His eyes almost popped out of his head, staring at the bomb that had been fine for ten seconds.

No, he really could do it???

Is there really a genius in the world who can defuse a bomb by watching it once and learning it by himself?

Shit, in a contest of genius, Kudo Shinichi actually lost?!

Damn, he was pretending again!!.

A bomb attack almost occurred on the Shinkansen, and the police were quickly alerted.

When arriving at Nagoya Station, everyone on the train was taken under control.

But this did not include Gin and Zeni Fuyuki, who each had their own connections.

“”Master Qian Jing, do we really not need to take care of the follow-up?”

Yamamoto Minaru was still a little worried.

Qian Jing Fuyuki smiled and glanced at Gin who got on the car and drove away.

Don’t worry , someone will help us get through this.

“Suppress all the news and don’t let anything happen on the Shinkansen leak out. This is my order!”

“”Brother! Why are you helping Qian Jing Dongshu to cover up?”

Vodka looked at Gin who put down his phone in shock.

Gin looked grim.

“Idiot! Exposing Qian Jing Dongshu now is equivalent to exposing ourselves!”

Besides, we don’t know whether that gentleman will be interested in Qian Jing Dongshu who is so powerful.

If he really becomes a son-in-law, wouldn’t it be a clown if I were to be his enemy?

Even someone as unruly as Gin has to judge the situation.

“Hey! Hey! Big brother, I was wrong!”

Vodka was scolded by the irritable Gin, and after a long time he said awkwardly:

“By the way, brother, there is a peripheral person at the bottom of the organization, named Miyano Akemi, she is Shirley’s sister”

“I have submitted reports to my superiors recently and I want to see Shirley. What do you think?……”

“Shirley’s current level is not something that a peripheral person like her can see!”

Gin was unhappy and scolded on the spot:”If she has the ability to rob 1 billion from the bank, I can still look up to her.”

“Maybe, that woman will be given a title, and naturally she will be able to meet her sister.”

Later, his tone was full of coldness, harshness and ridicule.

Vodka nodded repeatedly, and hurriedly conveyed Gin’s words to Miyano Akemi..

Rice Flower Street

“How could this happen!”

Miyano Akemi turned pale and fell to the ground in despair.

They had agreed that they would meet again when Shiho returned to the country, so why didn’t the organization let her see Shiho!

And they set such harsh and impossible conditions!

“Ten billion yen, where can I go to rob a bank?”

Miyano Akemi was at a loss and panicked. Just when she felt that she had no other options, the police and media reporters on the Shinkansen once again exposed Qian Jingfuyuki’s bomb disposal process.

“Explosive news! The most handsome landlord Qian Jingdongshu was calm in the face of danger, handled the bomb, and saved the people on the entire train!”

Even Qian Jingdongshu himself didn’t expect that the police and reporters now love him so much……..

He wanted to keep a low profile, but they promoted him to death.

Now Xiaolan couldn’t help but see it.

“Ah, Dongshu-kun… have you found a new lover?”

Xiaolan lowered her head in frustration, but soon cheered up again.

“Valentine’s Day is coming in a few days. I want to make a piece of love chocolate for Dong Shujun.”

“Maybe, if he is happy, he will be more intimate with me?”

Xiaolan held her hot cheeks and fell into the red fantasy again.

Miyano Akemi, on the other hand, stared at the black figure that flashed in the camera.

“There is absolutely no mistake!”

Even if Gin and Vodka were very alert, at most they could only take a picture of their backs.

With Miyano Akemi’s understanding of them, she could tell at a glance.

Then she opened the internal network of the organization and saw the recent news.

“Hey, have you heard about the one on Rice Flower Street who made Gin suffer a setback?”

“As for the new son-in-law, he will start his new job with three things to do! Now it’s time to watch the good show!”


The new son-in-law of the organization!

The mysterious and powerful Qian Jingfuyushu, the landlord of the Beihua Street where she lives now!

Miyano Akemi’s beautiful eyes lit up and she found the direction.

If she tried to find a way to ask the landlord for help, no, since he is a big shot in the black market, he will definitely not do a loss-making business.


Then she will try her best to exchange at all costs!

As long as she can bring Shiho out… or see her once? She can do anything!

Miyano Akemi’s eyes became firm, and she was willing to go all out!

She simply disguised herself, wearing glasses and a red dress, and secretly stuffed a letter for help into the mailbox downstairs of the Princess Law Firm.

At the same time, what a coincidence.

Sato Miwako is impatient. As long as she thinks that there is a mysterious sniper hiding in Kyoto, she can’t sleep.

She is very curious about his identity, and she is even more worried that the existence of such a person will bring threats to Kyoto.

Even the landlord is now in the limelight. What if he is targeted by the evil sniper and let those evil forces hire murderers!

Miwako Sato took a rare half-day off and came here in a hurry

Eh? The landlord is not here?”.

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