“Hmm? Sister? Dongshu-kun?”

Xiaolan was still eating seriously, and suddenly she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

She looked up at the two of them in confusion.

Qian Jing Dongshu wanted to withdraw his hand without leaving a trace.

Even if he wanted to take down Nakamori Aoko, it was not now. Xiaolan was still there, and she was shy.

Unexpectedly, Nakamori Aoko’s cheeks were red, and she refused to let go even when her knees moved.

Landlord Sang must be embarrassed. He wouldn’t be so ashamed and angry that he would take Xiaolan away directly, right?

No, the sisters have reunited for many years, and she still wants to keep Xiaolan to talk all night.

We must appease Landlord Dong Sang and not let him get out of this humiliation.

“Ahem, Dongshu-kun, try this deep-fried yellow croaker. It’s good.”

Qingzi quickly picked up some food to cover Qian Jing Dongshu’s mouth.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at her deeply and ate it with chopsticks.

She didn’t say anything, but Qingzi felt like she was sitting on a branding iron. She started to feel guilty.

Why did her sister suddenly become strange?

Dongshu was the same.

Xiaolan looked at the two of them suspiciously, and her slender and flexible legs touched Dongshu’s.

“Uchifuyuki, has anything happened between you and my sister that I don’t know about?”

“Oh? Xiaolan, how did you know that?

Qian Jingdongshu was curious,”Is this what sisters who understand each other are like?””

“Yada~ You know what I mean.”

As the relationship became closer, Xiaolan now dared to joke with Dongshu.

In addition to the melancholy and secret love that popped up from time to time, which made her feel a little inferior, Xiaolan smiled more and more at Qian Jing Dongshu.

The eyes were like pulling silk.

Qian Jing Dongshu took the opportunity to press Xiaolan’s beautiful feet and hooked with her

“So, Xiaolan, what does you hope will happen between me and your sister?”

“”Puff—cough cough cough cough!”

Nakamori Aoko, who had something to hide, choked.

When Xiaolan and Qian Jingfuyu looked at her, her face flushed and she pretended to be nothing.

“Nothing, just an accident.”

“Xiaolan, what do you and the landlord like to eat? You can pack it up later, or you can tell me and I will cook it for you.

Although it is hard to refuse the beauty’s kindness, Qian Jing Dongshu looked at the time.

“I have something else to do, so I won’t disturb you sisters from chatting.”

After he made a subtle hint, Nakamori Aoko retracted her legs, and Xiaolan also retracted her beautiful feet.

Qian Jing Dongshu simply said goodbye and walked out.

Xiaolan and Nakamori Aoko hurriedly got up to see him off.

“Landlord, please come next time when you are free.~”

“Dongshu-kun, remember to wear your scarf, don’t catch a cold!”

Qingzi only saw him to the door, Xiaolan saw him all the way downstairs, still reluctant to leave.

Qian Jing Dongshu saw that the atmosphere was so tense, so he simply stood under the street light.

“Xiaolan, you should be able to see that I like you very much, right?”

He didn’t hide it anymore, his eyes were full of determination.

Xiaolan was startled, and her face immediately became hot.

“Dongshu-kun, why did you suddenly……”

“It’s not sudden. Every time I see Xiaolan, Yingli, and Elena staying by my side, I really want you to join this big family.”

“Just like them, they will never be separated from me.

Qian Jingdongshu pressed on, staring at Xiaolan’s trembling eyes.

“Xiaolan, your eighteenth birthday will be coming soon. Can I pursue you?”

“Dong Shujun……”

Xiaolan couldn’t believe it, tears welled up in her eyes.

It was like a firework in her heart, soaring into the sky, exploding brilliantly in the night.

The bitterness, shyness, expectation, and bitter love that she had experienced all along were gone at this moment.

Instead, she felt a deep surprise and the joy of finally seeing the moon after waiting for the clouds to clear.

“Xiaolan? Am I too abrupt?

Qian Jingdongshu waited for a long time without a reply, lowered his eyes, and said in a disappointed tone

“No, no! Dongshu-kun, I, I can do it!”

In a few days, it will be her birthday!

She will soon be able to truly accept Dongshu and become his girlfriend!

Xiaolan was so excited that the huge headlights were shaking.

“I am willing to wait for you! You must keep your promise!”

“Of course.”

Qian Jing Dongshu hugged her and kissed her hair.

This touch of a dragonfly also caused layers of uneasy ripples in Xiaolan’s heart!

Watching Qian Jing Dongshu leave, Xiaolan’s heart went crazy.

She actually misunderstood that Dongshu had no feelings for her. How stupid! Dongshu didn’t despise her for being such a dull and stupid woman. He was too good!

Xiaolan lowered her head sweetly and walked around the street lamp several times.

Looking at the dark and starless night sky, she felt that the night was so bright.

Even the insects trembling and flying away under the light were so full of vitality, witnessing Dongshu’s confession!

“Even though it was Fuyuki who pursued me, I couldn’t just do nothing.”

Xiaolan really lacks experience in this area.

For a moment, the only thing that flashed through her mind was a figure who talked about his love experience fluently and endlessly.

“That’s right! Find Sonoko!”

Although Sonoko has never been in love, she has seen a lot! She is definitely a master of love theory!

Xiaolan’s beautiful eyes are soft and bright, and she continues to look at the night sky with a curved mouth.

“It’s decided! I’ll go find Sonoko to learn from her and have a romantic date with Fuyuki-kun!”.

Qian Jing Dongshu came to a pier alone, carrying a sniper rifle.

At this time, there were many people fishing at night in the bay.

When they saw such a young man coming, they just glanced at him and didn’t think it was strange.

Anyway, it was okay as long as he didn’t fish blindly and affected them.

Qian Jing Dongshu heard the nervous voice of the black market people in his earphone.

“Mr. Qian Jing, Dino Kabana was caught by the police once and he is very cautious.”

“We’ve taken a big risk in asking him out.”

“Everyone is eyeing him and the maple leaf gold coins in his hand. You only have this one chance.”

“Once? That’s enough.

Qian Jingdongshu directly removed the scope to prevent reflection.

As soon as he held the gun, all the knowledge of full-level sniping skills was automatically integrated.

To be frank, with the bonus of 100% accuracy, he could shoot wherever he pointed even from a kilometer away with his eyes closed.

So from the moment Dino Kabana showed his head, he was already marked by the god of death.

“Where are people now?”

“He thought his smuggled brother had been arranged and was ready to board the ship at eleven o’clock. Ah, here he comes!

Qian Jingdongshu took off his headset and lay on the container, blending into the darkness.

This is a blind spot for monitoring, wind speed, angle, and the slight tilt of the gun.

Qian Jingdongshu simply calculated all these factors and distance in his mind, and now he just waited for the prey to take the bait.

“Where is the boat? How can it be repaired? How dare you Japanese people lie to me!”

Dino Cabana is in a state of humiliation now.

Last night, when the Japanese bombed the Japanese weapons depot, he took the opportunity to knock out the prison guard and escape.

But who knew that when he escaped back to the secret base with great effort, thinking of taking out the gold coins and finding a way to leave Kyoto immediately, all the gold coins were gone!!

God knows that Dino Cabana was like being struck by lightning at that time, and he even had the urge to vomit blood!

“No matter who it is, if he dares to take my gold coins, I will make him pay the price!!”

Dino Kabana gnashed his teeth and cursed.

After finding out that he was cheated by the black market, he was alert and wanted to avoid everyone’s sight and quickly left the dock.

“Eh? This old guy is quite cautious.

Qian Jingdongshu saw that he kept his head down the whole time, and his tall body was hunched in the shadow.

He narrowed his eyes and simply threw out his skills in the air.

【Confirm the target, Dino Cabana, use”Patrick, let’s go catch jellyfish””!】

【Because the distance is too far, the effect time is 1 minute. 】

1 minute is enough for him to die a hundred times!

Qian Jingdongshu watched as Dino Kaba’s body froze.

In an instant, the whole person, like a mentally retarded person, danced and emerged from the shadows.

From his distance, he could almost see the top of his head the size of a hair.



After firing a shot, Qian Jing Dongshu left without even looking back.

Passing by the bay, thinking of the skills given by Yuan Tai when signing in, he asked for a fishing line and hook with interest and tied it to the muzzle of the gun.

The line was released.


A fat eel really jumped up by itself, followed by another, and then another.……

“Wuhu, great harvest.

Qian Jing Dongshu whistled, bought a bucket at a nearby fish shop, and happily carried it home.

Completely solved the problem, 600 million gold coins earned~

Half an hour later, Dino Cabana’s body was found by a fisherman, who was frightened and called the police.

Officer Megure, Sato Miwako and others all looked solemnly at the direction where he fell after being shot.

Then they traced the trajectory and looked at the container.

“Inspector Megure, we found the bullet shell that the sniper dropped.

A policeman came running over with an evidence bag.

“It was indeed a sniper attack.”

Everyone, even if they were prepared, couldn’t help but gasp.

“The container is thousands of meters away from where Dino Cabana is!”

“From a sniper’s perspective, that’s more than a thousand yards!”

Sato Miwako pinched her chin, looking shocked.

“What kind of sniping level can reach this level!!”

“In short, he must be famous.”

Inspector Megure rubbed his brows with a headache.

“This case may become an unsolved case.”

“Maybe the one who wanted to kill Dino Kaba was his enemy in Yidali, and this sharp sniper was a killer specially hired by the other party.”

There are too few clues and they can’t be found at all.

The whereabouts of the maple leaf gold coins worth 600 million yen has become an unsolved mystery.

Before leaving, Sato Miwako was still worried, looking at the other end of the container with a heavy heart.

Neon didn’t know when a sniper who killed people invisibly and could be called unpredictable came quietly.

If the identity and purpose of the other party were not understood, and he didn’t leave for a long time, Kyoto and even the whole of Neon would be in danger.

She didn’t dare to think about how angry and horrified the top management would be if they knew.

“By the way, the landlord Kuwazeni Fuyuki also happens to be involved in the black market, so maybe we can ask him!”

“People in the black market are well-informed and have special intelligence sources that the police don’t know about.

But she was short of money and it seemed that she couldn’t buy intelligence.

Sato Miwako, who prided herself on being smart, thought about it and suddenly her eyes lit up.

“Got it! Today, when we are waiting for the date, let’s find a way to get Fuyuki drunk!”She will speak the truth after drinking, maybe she will be fooled into doing something?


Jingfuyu took the fish home.

As soon as he turned on the light, he saw Kuriyama Midori holding his waist, lying on the sofa and making a sound.

“Um, Landlord, you’re back!

Qian Jingdongshu looked at her in surprise.

“Miss Kuriyama, you haven’t left yet?”

Kuriyama Midori thought about her purpose and her cheeks were slightly hot.

“That’s right, I heard from Teacher Fei that the landlord seems to be particularly good at massage?”

“I don’t need that much salary, I just want the landlord to help me massage it.”

As he said that, he gestured to Qian Jingdongshu to look at his shoulders and waist.

However, Qian Jingdongshu’s attention was completely wrong, and he looked directly at the oily shine under the light green clothes.

His nose moved and caught the strong smell of alcohol in the air.

“Miss Kuriyama wiped it with the wine I brewed?”

Kuriyama Midori was surprised,”Isn’t that medicinal wine?”

“The alcohol content is very high, it’s for me to drink.

Qian Jing Dongshu was helpless. Since his physical condition changed, even the alcohol with a higher concentration tasted like chewing wax to him.

He specially introduced the spiritual energy to brew the wine, but this girl was so greedy that she used so much at once.

Just as he was thinking, the alcohol took effect, and Li Shan Midori really felt an indescribable heat all over her body.

She was still a young girl, how could she have encountered such a thing.

Li Shan Midori panicked, and her delicate and beautiful eyes looked at Qian Jing Dongshu, as if she wanted to cry or not, full of help.

“Landlord, please save me!”

“There is no other way. At this point, I have to use the alcohol to give you a good massage.

Qian Jing Dongshu took a deep breath, rolled up his sleeves and walked over.

“Ms. Kuriyama, I might be too heavy-handed later, please forgive me.”

“Eh? Landlord Sang… Damn, it’s too……”

In the other two rooms, Eri and Ayumi were already fast asleep due to exhaustion.

No one noticed the bustle in the living room.

It was not until the next morning that Kuriyama Midori stumbled out of the apartment, almost escaping.

For the first time ever, she asked for three days off from Eri Kisaki.

Many people were still wondering why Secretary Kuriyama, who had always been responsible and dedicated, suddenly quit.

Qian Jingfushu was at home, and he also welcomed a guest who surprised him.

“Excuse me, landlord, I’m here to take Ayumi home”

“Ayumi’s mother?” He looked at the woman with legs as thin as chopsticks, elegant temperament, and standard Kyoto lady’s dress in surprise.

How could she be a virgin?

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