“”Ayumi-chan, this is the rose water prepared by your brother Fuyuki. There’s no rose water outside. Drink it quickly.”

After saying this, Hibiki drank her own cup.

She was worried that after drinking it, she would quickly develop abnormalities just like Elena did when she took the medicine.

She hurried to Qian Jing Fuyuki’s room and knocked on the door.

“Anada, I’m back.~”

“Oh, Eri.”

Qian Jingdongshu was still listening to the phone call and replied casually:”Did you see the rose water in the refrigerator?”

“Yes, Anada is indeed the most gentle to us.”

Hiki Eri lowered her head shyly, glanced at Ayumi who was drinking her drink slowly over there, and whispered:

“I have a surprise for you later.~”

“Okay, I’ll wait.”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows, looking forward to it.

Recently, Elena and Kiyori have been secretly doing something behind his back, and he can sense it.

But since it’s a very interesting surprise, what’s wrong with revealing it at the end?

Anyway, it’s all for him to enjoy.

“”Hickey~ Aunt Fei, I’ve finished drinking.”

Ayumi covered her face in surprise.

“Hey, I seem to have a fever.”

“Auntie Yingli, my head is so hot and my body is so tired, can you find a place for me to sleep?”

When Fei Yingli heard this, she was so scared that she didn’t even bother to talk to Qian Jing Dongshu.

“Ayumi-chan? Are you feeling unwell? I’ll go find the medicine box!”

When she was about to look for it, Hibiki Eri slapped her head and exclaimed.

“When they moved, Anada said that there were two doctors who were no longer needed at home and seemed to have been left at the office.

She had to go back and get them.

“Ayumi-chan, hold on for a while and go inside and lie down.”

“If you feel uncomfortable, please remember to tell your brother Dongshu”053″”

“If the medicine doesn’t work, I’ll take you to the hospital!”

After saying this, Hibiki left in a hurry. Ayumi was so hot that she could not see the way forward.

“I feel so sad, all the bones in my body, ah, it feels like they are sprouting branches!”

Ayumi accidentally kicked the electric wire, and the fuse at home immediately went off, and the house was dark.

“”Hmm? Power outage?”

Qian Jingdongshu frowned, put down the phone, and wanted to go out to see what was happening.

At this moment, a soft and slender body that was very easy to hug came over.


Ayumi made a confused sound in the dark.

It seemed that she was hugging Brother Fuyuki? He was so cool, with a refreshing breath that made people feel comfortable.

In fact, after being reborn, Qian Jing Fuyuki’s body was still absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth all the time:……

“Is it Miss Kuriyama Midori?”

Zen Jing Dongshu was stunned for a moment. This timid and charming voice sounded a little strange.

Could it be that the surprise that Eri mentioned was referring to this?

Then I won’t be polite.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled evilly. He didn’t know what agreement Ki Eri and the others had reached in private.

But since the meat was delivered to his mouth, he would eat it if he didn’t..

When Ayumi woke up alone, she was still looking at the starry sky outside the window stupidly.

“Um, what happened to me just now?”

“Is there a monster living in my body?”

The sound she made at that time seemed not to be her own.

She stretched out her hand and suddenly scared herself.


When did Ayumi’s hands become so big?

Could it be that the previous dreams were all true?

Ayumi, who had transformed from a girl to an adult without touching a single inch, was a little dazed.


At this moment, the lights turned on, and a figure walked in with a bowl of hot porridge.

“Ayumi, are you awake?

Qian Jingdongshu realized something was wrong when the new car was on the road.

The dinging emotion value would clearly tell who provided it.

But at that time, the arrow was already on the string, so he simply made a mistake.

“”Wow, Brother Dongshu.”

The young girl Ayumi was scared and panicked, and at the same time she felt guilty.

After all, she was just a guest at Brother Dongshu’s house, how could she do such a despicable thing to seduce her brother?

Brother Dongshu was so nice, and he had two beautiful girlfriends.

Ayumi, Ayumi was about to cry.

With tears in her eyes, she mustered up the courage to look at Qian Jing Dongshu boldly for a long time.

“Brother Dongshu, no matter what happens, please don’t hate Ayumi, okay?”

“I really didn’t mean it.”

This little fool.

Qian Jingdongshu sighed. If he really wanted to find someone responsible, he would have to find those two irresponsible women and give them a good beating.

He touched Ayumi’s hair, and Ayumi obediently raised her little face and rubbed against him, her clear big eyes full of shyness and trust.

“Don’t worry, I won’t blame you.”

“Such a sweet and lovely Ayumi, of course I have to wait for you for twelve years, so that you can come to me openly.”


Brother Fuyuki is willing to give her this opportunity?

Ayumi vaguely knows what she has lost.

Mom said that the person she likes will hug each other at night, look at the sky, and count the stars romantically, which is probably like the love dramas often played on TV?

She has been intimate with Brother Fuyuki now, and Brother Fuyuki also said that he is willing to wait for her. Is there anything happier than this?

“That’s settled then~”

Although Ayumi had tears in her eyes, she smiled brightly and hooked her fingers with Qian Jingdongshu.

“We promise not to change our minds for a hundred years and we must keep our word!”


Qian Jing Dongshu looked at Ayumi silently. Because of exhaustion, the effect of the medicine gradually faded and her body continued to shrink.

In her sleep, she still curled her lips sweetly.

It seemed that because of this unexpected night, she would always remember this night and sweetly wait for the happiness twelve years later.

Qian Jing Dongshu waited until Ayumi fell asleep, then called Ayumi’s mother and said that the child was tired and fell asleep, and asked her to pick her up the next day.

Then, he was a little angry and went out to find Hibiki Eri.


The decoration over there was in a mess, and it was hard for Hibiki to find the medicine box.

As soon as she entered the door, Qian Jingdongshu looked at her with a half-smile, which made her feel uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this?”

“”Eri, I’m too easy to talk to. You and Elena think I’m a weak husband, right?” With a rustling sound, Eri’s pupils shrank. She looked at the angry Qian Jing Dong Shu approaching with horror and fear.

Qian Jing Dong Shu held a long black belt in his hand and tied Eri up without saying anything.

“If you want to surprise me so much, then give me a big surprise. Qian Jing Dongshu whispered maliciously in her ear.


There is a message from Dino Cabana.

When Qian Jingfuyuki saw the message from the black market, he asked them to prepare sniper rifles and cars.

Although he can run as fast as the wind, why should he blow the cold wind with two legs when he has four legs.

What’s the point of not showing off to the main characters and boosting their emotional value?

Of course, his schedule tonight is very full. He has to take Xiaolan to see Aoko and kill Dino Cabana. He has no time to take care of Eri Kisaki and Ayumi, so he simply asked Kuriyama Midori, the most hardworking secretary of Kisaki Law Firm, to come over.

“Sorry to bother you so late, Ms. Kuriyama.”

“I will ask Yingli to give you double salary and bonus, please take care of them first.”

Qian Jing Dongshu said, nodded and left in a hurry.

Xiaolan didn’t come so late, I don’t know what happened

“Ah? Oh, landlord, take care.”

Kuriyama Midori stared blankly at Qian Jingdongshu’s hurried figure.

When she turned around, she was shocked by the chaos at home.

“That’s enough! Is this the daily life that Teacher Fei has to face?”

“No wonder the landlord has to date so many girlfriends at once.”

Such an energetic man… even a woman can’t handle it!

Kuriyama Midori, a young girl, didn’t dare to look at the current Hibiki Eri. She hurriedly helped her back and tidied everything up.

Kuriyama Midori pounded her shoulders and secretly envied her.

She has been single since she was a mother.

If she had a boyfriend like this and could feel it, it would be worth dying for.

By the way, can she wait for the landlord to come back and talk to her? She doesn’t want double the reward, just a massage?

Well, the landlord is always easy to talk to, this should be possible…….

Standing downstairs of the Maori Detective Agency, Qian Jingdongshu made several phone calls, but no one answered.

“Did something really happen?”

He went straight upstairs to find Maori Kogoro

“Why is it you, kid?”

As soon as Maori opened the door, he glared at him with disgust.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled faintly,”I didn’t see Xiaolan so late, and I was worried. Maori-san, is Xiaolan at home?”

“Eh? She didn’t call you? I thought she went to your place!”

Maori Kogoro was shocked and hurried back to call

“Damn it! I can’t get through, and she’s not at your house, so where on earth could she go!”

Qian Jing Dongshu frowned, once again feeling the unreliability of Maori Kogoro.

His temper wasn’t so good anymore,”Then think about whether Xiaolan said where she was going today.”

“Ah, I remember now!”

Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized it at this time, leaving Qian Jingdongshu speechless………

It seems that no matter what, I have to bring Xiaolan to my side as soon as possible.

“Xiaolan and her classmates at Teitan High School have an event today!”

Qian Jing Dongshu turned around and left

“Hey, you kid, you throw it away after using it……”

Qian Jingdongshu finally waited for Xiaolan at the gate of Teitan High School


Xiaolan came out, her beautiful eyes sparkling with surprise!

“Why did you come to see me?”

“I called you but you didn’t answer. I only found out your whereabouts after asking Maori-san.

Qian Jing Dongshu said with a smile.

But Xiaolan could hear a hint of resentment in his words.

“”Huh?” She quickly took out her phone and said,”The school suddenly had a social event with an outside school today, and I came to help.”

“I wanted to tell Fuyuki-kun in advance, but I was so busy that I forgot”

“Ah, as expected, the phone is out of battery.”


Xiaolan is hungry again.

The same thing happened to her for the second time in front of Dongshu.

She was so embarrassed that she didn’t know how to face him.

“Haven’t you eaten yet? That’s great.”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and held her hand.

“There is a new neighbor. I will take you to meet her. You will definitely be surprised.”

“New neighbor?”

Xiaolan’s heart skipped a beat, as if she had some guesses.

However, when she met Qian Jingdongshu’s encouraging eyes, she inexplicably felt a little expectation and a little trepidation.

“Okay, let’s go quickly and don’t keep them waiting.”.

Ding Dong –


It must be my sister and the landlord!

Nakamori Aoko, wearing a light blue skirt, untied her apron in surprise and came out to greet her.

After twelve years of separation, she must make a good impression on her sister.

When the door opened, both she and Xiaolan were startled and looked at each other in disbelief.

“Who are you……”

“Who are you……”

The two sisters said in unison

“I am Xiaolan”

“I am my elder sister Aoko.”

They spoke at the same time.

Xiaolan and Aoko looked at each other, both feeling very strange. They were so similar that it was no exaggeration to say that they were cast from the same mold.

Nakamori Aoko was even more surprised,”No wonder the landlord said I look familiar.”

Facing such Xiaolan, she would be stunned even if she was a stranger.

Qian Jingfushu beside them couldn’t help but burst out laughing, breaking their somewhat subtle confrontation.

“Stop standing there COSinging like a wooden man. Aoko, Xiaolan just finished an extracurricular activity and is hungry. Let’s eat.”

“Oh! Yes! Xiaolan, and the landlord, come in quickly!”

Qingzi looked at Xiaolan excitedly and happily. When she went to serve the dishes, she couldn’t help but keep looking at her.

Xiaolan was a little uneasy at first, but when she met Qingzi’s excited eyes, which were full of concern, relief and excitement, she slowly relaxed. There was still a long-lost bitterness in her heart.

This is her relative, her sister.

The three of them sat on the left, and no one was in a hurry to speak.

“Xiaolan, you eat it. Qian Jingdongshu took a chicken leg and passed it to her.

“Xiaolan, you used to love fish the most.”

Nakamori Aoko and he happened to meet.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled at her first, put down his chopsticks and let Nakamori Aoko, who was trying to make up for the twelve years of missing, feed his sister. Aoko looked at him gratefully, and kept putting vegetables into Xiaolan’s bowl with her chopsticks.

“Enough, enough, it seems a bit too much.”

Xiaolan was so surprised that her mouth opened wide. Even if she was a big eater, she couldn’t eat so much!

“It’s okay, Xiaolan doesn’t want to waste food, I can do it for you.

Qian Jingdongshu said suggestively.

His big hand stretched out from under the table and was about to hit the target.

The temperature of the frog in the boiling water was almost right, it was time to harvest it and let Xiaolan know.

Unexpectedly, he crossed his legs halfway and accidentally hit the side car.


Aoko Nakamori was stunned for a moment.

What happened to her?

Is the landlord… with Xiaolan?

Aoko suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the landlord was inexplicably tolerant of her.

It must have been because of Xiaolan before!

Are Xiaolan and him dating?

If it was another man, Aoko Nakamori would definitely be disgusted and defensive and ask him to get out of here.

But if it was the approachable and considerate landlord…

Aoko Nakamori blushed quietly, and she was tense without showing any abnormality.

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