Qian Jing Dongshu smiled secretly.

He applauded and sent off the Death King.

He glanced at Gin, who was about to leave the crowd, and now his eyes were cold and murderous.

【Sign in with Gin and get rewarded with the maximum level of sniping skills!】

【Sign in for vodka and get rewarded with god-level driving skills! 】

He didn’t know how the unlucky guy got into trouble with the model worker of the winery, but he knew that Kudo Shinichi would not be able to escape.

“Xiaolan, the murderer may still be in the playground. This place has undoubtedly become very dangerous.”

“I’ll take you home.”

Qian Jing Dongshu let go of the two girls and said to Xiaolan.

What happened today was too intense, and Matsushita Hitomi and Suzuguchi Aiko were still not able to recover.

The two girls walked away listlessly, supporting each other.

“Aizi, now that the scumbag who was flirting with other women has been dealt with, what are your plans?”

“You have been recommended to study abroad, so of course I will stay here to help the landlord.”

When Suzuguchi Aiko thought of someone’s toughness, her cheeks burned hot again.

If he wanted, she would be willing to accompany him now.

No matter how mature Xiaolan was, she was still a girl. She just felt strange watching them leave with shaking legs.

Coming back to her senses, she said to Qian Jing Dongshu in embarrassment:

“Thank you Qian Jingjun, but I am with Kudo Shinichi……”

Now you care about him?

Kudo Shinichi chuckled and said without hesitation:

“Who needs you to accompany me? I, the great detective, will be able to catch the criminal soon, okay?”

“If you are worried, go back with Qian and this guy!”

He didn’t want to use honorifics to this bastard!

So confident?

Good thing!

Qian Jingdongshu wanted to applaud him again. He was asking for death to this extent. If he didn’t change his account quickly, Mr. Aoyama’s brain would be filled with horse urine.

“Well, thank you for your help, Qian Jingjun.”

Xiao Lan said apologetically.

As she spoke, her gentle and beautiful face turned slightly red.

It was the first time for her to be so close to a strange man.

“No trouble, let’s go.”

Qian Jingfuyu laughed, and under the terrifying stare of Kudo Shinichi, he pulled Xiaolan away.

When they were about to leave, Officer Megure suddenly said:

“Ah Qian Jingjun, please wait a moment and leave me your contact information.”

【Sign in with Officer Megure and get a full police favorability bonus!

Officer Megure didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt very close to Qian Jingfuyu.

He had a trust and love for his juniors that far exceeded that of Brother Mori and Brother Kudo.

Officer Megure’s eyebrows relaxed and he smiled generously:

“Don’t get me wrong, you and Lan Jun accidentally got involved in a murder case.”

“In order to prevent the criminals from retaliating against you, we the police need to send people to protect your safety.”

“That’s not necessary, Officer Megure.”

Zen Jing Fuyuki suddenly kicked the electric pole.


The top-level karate in the world of science immediately kicked a pole as thick as a man’s arms and broke it in two!

This is the peak combat power of One Punch Man Kyogoku Shin!

Dodging bullets and flying kicks are no problem!

He himself is only this good when he comes here in full condition.

Not to mention a mere trial of his skills.

“Uh…ah! ?”

Inspector Megure, Xiaolan, Kudo Shinichi and others were all stunned.

Their mouths were wide open enough to fit a duck egg.

It was unbelievable that a handsome, lazy, harmless young man could be so explosive.

“As expected, it’s Qian Jingjun!”

“Can I ask you for advice when I have time?”

Xiaolan’s eyes lit up immediately, and she looked at Qian Jingdongshu with an expression full of admiration!

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t even need to open the system to see, he could feel the surging emotions in her heart through the full and vibrating headlights!

“Of course, my door is open to you.”

“Oh, I seem to have forgotten to mention that I am now living with your adopted mother, Attorney Kissing.”

Kissing Eri and Maori Kogoro are not real couples, so Xiaolan must be an adopted daughter!

Sure enough, when Xiaolan heard this, she smiled even sweeter to Qian Jingfuyuki and became closer to him!

“Qian Jingjun actually lives with my aunt Fei? That’s great!”

“Aunt Fei is still lonely, and I have been advising her to find a companion!”

“”Fuyuki, come to my house and play in the future. I will cook delicious food for you!” Xiaolan smiled and got closer to him when she was excited.

Qian Jingfuyuki could smell the faint virgin scent on her.

Kudo Shinichi, Kudo Shinichi’s face was livid.

He felt that he should not be here but under the car.

Ah, how abominable!

Why is Xiaolan’s attention completely attracted to this guy when he is around!!

They are childhood sweethearts, aren’t they!

“”Ahem, Xiaolan, don’t be easily impressed by a person’s superficial appearance.”

Kudo Shinichi said sarcastically.

“A grown man with hands and feet actually went to live with Aunt Fei”

“God knows if he is a decent landlord. He even came to collect the rent in person. Could it be that his family property is almost squandered?”

Beep beep!

At this moment, the driver drove the Sun God supercar over.

“”Sir, your car.”

The door opened and the man handed over the key respectfully.

Smooth car model, gorgeous and unique appearance.

The ultimate enjoyment for men, the ultimate car of the emperor.


Kudo Shinichi immediately stared like a rooster with its throat pinched, unable to speak.

Apollo, the sun god!!

Limited to ten units worldwide, even my father can only look at this top luxury supercar with envy!!

How could Qian Jingfuyu have it!?

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