【Sign in to Mao Lilan and get rewarded with the highest level of karate!】

【Sign in with Kudo Shinichi and get rewarded with the maximum level of detective intuition!】

【Sign in with Matsushita Hitomi and be rewarded with maximum flexibility!】

【This time, I got 1500 emotional points from three plot characters. There are still 500 points left to exchange for the blind box. Please keep up the good work! 】

Qian Jing Dongshu was following the plot with others, and he was afraid that it would affect his performance, so he turned off the series of ding-ding emotional value reports.

When it was quiet and no one was around, the system would calculate the total value.

He would then exchange the blind box and open it.

However, to his surprise, the system said

【Detected that the key characters in the plot were attacked by butterflies, the host can change the details】

【If the change is successful, you will be rewarded with a Sun God supercar! 】

Wow! Sun God supercar, it sounds cool.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and looked at Matsushita Hitomi with a hint of meaning.

“Let’s go, let’s find a quiet place to talk.”

At the same time, another sister of Matsushita Hitomi, the girl with glasses, looked at her watch anxiously.

We were supposed to ride the roller coaster together, and now it’s our turn. Why haven’t Aiko and Kishida come yet?

“I told you to stop it! I told you that there is nothing wrong with Matsushita Hitomi, why are you still testing me?”

“Suzuguchi Aiko, can you women not drag me into your ridiculous fight?!”

A man in a suit with a red lining came to the scene with a woman, cursing.

The woman was wearing an exquisite black wool coat with a long sweater inside that was as red as fire. She had a charming face and a charming figure, revealing an overbearing arrogance.

Suzuguchi Aiko folded her hands across her chest and sneered.

“Kishida Yuji, I think you did it on purpose. You knew that Matsushita Hitomi and I didn’t get along, but you still had to walk with that woman to piss me off.”

“Fortunately, I have high standards and I didn’t like you from the beginning.”

“Since you are using such a shameless way to provoke me and Matsushita Hitomi, then you should know the consequences.”

After saying this, she tossed her long hair that she had carefully groomed, raised her eyebrows, and pinched her waist.

“The agreed time has come, where is the woman?”

“”Aiko, you guys are finally here. It seems that Xiaotong owes rent, and the landlord is here to collect the rent.”

The girl with glasses said weakly.

She didn’t dare to intervene in the quarrel between the two people.

“Humph, a recommended student of Kyoto University of Physical Education can’t even pay the rent, what a useless person! I’ll go and have a look!”

Suzuguchi Aiko raised her chin high in the air of a winner, and went to look for someone with the mentality of watching a good show. Kishida was left with an angry look on his face.

“Damn you bitch, if I hadn’t made a bet with someone, I would have won 500,000 yen by taking down both of you at the same time, and I would never have gotten involved with you!”

One is a sharp-tongued person with thorns all over his body, and the other looks like a bad guy but is not easy to bully. Damn, it’s so difficult to deal with!

The roller coaster in front has finished a round and is being repaired for some unknown reason. Kishida was frustrated and found a place to smoke with his legs propped up.

At this moment, he glanced inadvertently and saw two men in black clothes walking towards him suspiciously.

The short and strong one was carrying two black suitcases in his hands and was very careful. The tall one went to the toilet and he had to stay outside to watch him.

“Hiss, is there something valuable inside…like money! ?”

Kishida, who was addicted to gambling and didn’t have much money, turned his eyes and was ready to make a move.

He went straight to the…….

Roller coaster lounge.

Sitting in a place specially for guests who are unwell to relieve themselves.

Qian Jingdongshu watched Matsushita Hitomi busying around him comfortably.

His fair face was swollen to a rice color, and his blue-purple clothes were as dark as if splashed with water.

“Landlord, is this really possible?”

“I really won’t default on my debt. I promise I’ll give you the money when I get back.”

Matsushita Hitomi looked up at him pitifully.

She was so happy that she was dizzy and had forgotten all about the purpose of coming to the amusement park.

She didn’t know if it was tears or sweat flowing down her eyes.

Qian Jingfuyuki snorted and just took out a handkerchief to wipe her.

The door opened with a bang, and Suzuguchi Aiko appeared with a shocked look on her face.


“Matsushita Hitomi, you like men like this! ?”

【Sign in to Suzuguchi Aiko and get a full-level venomous tongue as a reward! 】

Another plot character?

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled.

The murderer, the person who indirectly caused Matsushita Hitomi to commit the crime, is here. How can the plot not be changed?

“Now that you are here, don’t leave, keep your sisters company.”



Both girls were shocked at the same time.

But no one was as fast as the landlord with shining eyes.

The door was closed, completely blocking the sweet chirping of the oriole.

Dinglingling – the roller coaster inspection was completed.

Xiaolan just came out of the women’s restroom and found that she had missed something.

“Wait for me.” She said to Kudo Shinichi and turned back.

As a result, she was in a hurry and didn’t notice it. This time she stepped in.


It was like stepping on a pool of extremely sticky and pungent liquid.

Xiaolan’s pupils shrank suddenly.

No one knew what this smell was better than her, a former criminal police officer and now the adopted daughter of a detective.

It was blood.


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