Under the streetlight in front of her, Miwako Sato knelt there with an awkward look on her face.

Something bad seemed to be brewing in her heart.

“Oh no, he ran in again!”

Damn it, why did it suddenly become like this!

If I can’t move, I can’t catch the thief!

Sato Miwako’s forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Because she was too sensitive, she dared not move at all.

“Are you… Mr. Sato from the Investigation Division 1?”

Just at this moment, Qian Jingfuyu came over!

He looked at Sato Miwako with a worried but friendly look on his face.

“Are you okay? How can I help you?”

“Ah… Qianjing Landlord-san!”

Sato Miwako was so embarrassed at the moment!

What a bad luck! She had planned to give the landlord-san a good first impression. How happy it would be if she could have a drink and talk with him, a hero in her mind!

But now… How could she be so unlucky to let him see her in such an embarrassing state!

Sato Miwako didn’t dare to get up, as if she would blush even more if she moved.

“How do you know my name?”

She hurriedly made up something to say, trying to divert Qian Jingdongshu’s attention.

After all, Inspector Megure said that the landlord’s observation ability was extraordinary.

If he accidentally discovered something unusual… he would definitely think she was some weird female police officer by such an upright landlord!

“I saw you arrest criminals on TV, so I remembered Sato-san, whose style was so obvious and charming.

Qian Jingfuyushu said with a smile.

It was the first time that Sato Miwako was played straight by a man.

Even though so many male police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department seemed to have a good impression of her, they seemed to be more protective of her and did not dare to express it clearly.

In her heart, she only had the sacred duty of being a good police officer and not letting her father’s spirit in heaven be ashamed.

“Landlord, you are really good at complimenting people.”

She was embarrassed by the compliment.

Sato Miwako blushed slightly and turned her head away.

Qian Jingfuyu admired the magnificent view of the Iron Lady blooming, and thought mischievously in his heart.

If the policemen of the Metropolitan Police Department saw this, Sato, who was so powerful and better at catching criminals than men, would show such a feminine side.

I’m afraid their eyes would fall to the ground.

By the way, I have to harvest Sato’s emotional value again.

I laughed secretly in my heart, he seemed to be really worried and wanted to reach out to help her

“Anyway, it’s cold at night and the ground is cold. Even if you feel uncomfortable in your stomach, don’t squat for too long.”

“No, no, landlord-san!”

It’s killing me!

She felt numb as if she was electrocuted.

Sato Miwako didn’t have time to refuse, and was helped up by Qian Jing Dongshu without question.

By the way, her brain banged, and her expression was blank.

A thin line across a deep abyss.

A mountain separated by an iron bridge.

She really wanted it to return to its original position!

However, no matter how she moved it, she was afraid that if she moved too much, Qian Jing Dongshu would see it!

Sato Miwako felt so uncomfortable. Her heroic eyebrows were squeezed into a ball.

Her hands were shaking because of excessive restraint. It was too hard!

However, how could she do such an indecent act as touching her panties in front of the landlord ?!

Ah, how did all those criminals she met before pretend to be innocent?

Why couldn’t she face the landlord calmly even though she tried her best!

Sato Miwako’s brain quickly started working, thinking about how to get rid of the landlord as soon as possible.

It’s not that she was embarrassed or ashamed, or even blamed Zeni Fujiki.

Quite the opposite!

She was too curious about him, too respectful, and too fond of him!

She really didn’t want him to see her ugly side!

“Landlord, I was just catching a thief. I feel a little uncomfortable now. I have to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to call for help.”

In order to deal with the strange feeling, Sato Miwako has spent all her energy.

She was thinking about finding a crack in the ground to crawl into, and her speech became incoherent.

She would be burned if an egg was put on her face!

“You really don’t need help? If you want to catch a thief, I can carry Sato-san on my back. ‘ ”

“I think I’m still strong enough because I work out every day.

Qian Jingfuyu felt the collapse coming from Sato Miwako and laughed in his heart.

“No, no, no, landlord, it’s really not necessary!”

“It is our duty to catch the police, no, to catch the thieves……”

Under Qian Jing Dongshu’s smiling gaze, Sato Miwako’s voice became lower and lower.

Ah, let her die now.

Sato Miwako’s face flushed. She was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to die on the spot. She wished she could roll her eyes and faint!

How is this different from trying to cover up the truth!

If the landlord can’t see the problem, then something is wrong!

Unexpectedly, Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at his mobile phone at this time.

The game is almost over. Even if he wants to promote the simple and charming Sato, he can’t let Mizuna Rena stand up.

If the beautiful agent is too shy, it will be difficult to tease her to take the initiative.

As for the blind thief… he just heard a scream.

Maybe under the automatic defense of the system, he was swallowed by some dangerous land.

“Then Sato-san, let me help you to the car.”

“Can you do it yourself?”

As soon as Qian Jingfuyu finished speaking, Sato Miwako nodded frantically.

“All right, all right! Landlord, don’t worry about me, I can do it on my own!”

Then, she walked through the longest and most painful journey of her life.

“Bye then, Officer Sato~” She got in the car and watched Qian Jingfuyushu leave in a carefree manner.

Sato Miwako looked exhausted as if she had finally been saved.

She could finally help that evil thing back to health!

“However, meeting the landlord in person was even more impressive than the TV reports.”

“A man surrounded by a dazzling radiance……”

No wonder she was warmly welcomed by so many old ladies.

Miwako Sato clenched the steering wheel, her cheeks slightly hot, and she coughed.

“In the future, it is better to apply for more patrols on Mihua Street.”.

【Sign in to Sato Miwako and get a full-level grappling technique as a reward! 】

As expected, Qian Jingfuyu didn’t take it to heart.

He strode towards the apartment where Mizuno Rena lived.

At the same time, Mizuno Rena herself was not happy in the apartment, and her pretty face was a little cold.

She said coldly to the other end of the phone:

“You guys are going too far. I think I have the right to have basic freedom.”

“Ying Hai, we are also concerned about your safety. How can we enter Qian Jingdong’s territory without knowing whether he is an enemy or not?……”

Rena Mizunoshi didn’t want to hear this.

They kept saying that they were worried about her, but they were just afraid that she would get too close to that man and fly out of the control of the CIA!

After all, the charm of Qian Jingfuyuki was listed in their investigation files.

Ever since he strangely appeared in Beika Street, the women around him have spontaneously surrounded him like possessed.

Even Vermouth, the most mysterious and most favored by the boss of the Black Organization.

Rena Mizunoshi rubbed her brows, worried that the landlord might come over at any time.

She said coldly,”Anyway, I’ve already moved.”

“Anyway, I am sure that my personal emotions will not affect my undercover work, that’s all.”

After hanging up the phone, she heaved a long sigh.

It seems that even if she finds out Qian Jingdongshu’s secret, it is not excessive, and she will help to smooth it out.

I don’t know why he has suddenly become a scourge in the eyes of the CIA’s top brass.

Ding Dong——

“Beautiful and generous anchor, Miss Mizuno, can I come in?”

Hearing Qian Jingdongshu’s voice, Mizuno Reina stood up.

Her round cat eyes subconsciously surged with shyness and tenderness.

“Hi, Fuyuki-san, come in quickly!”

As soon as Mizuno Rena opened the door, she was greeted by Qian Jing Fuyuki’s blazing red eyes, and her heart was pounding..

This night was quite fulfilling.

Qian Jingfuyuki was a master of practice and theory, and Mizuno Rena was full of special agent skills. The ping-pong noise upstairs sounded like a fast-paced gang.

It was constantly moving, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a happy-paced Tai Chi.

So poor Mizuno Rena couldn’t even say a complete sentence to get the intelligence, and she fainted!

“With the new skill, you can fly people up to the sky.”

Qian Jing Dongshu successfully got a new way to play, and he was even more satisfied.

With just a flick of his finger, he could make people scream.

He took care of everything above and ignored everything below, and his lethality was off the charts.

After helping Mizuno Rena cover the quilt, he went out in high spirits, thinking that this ability would take some time.

Should he try with the beautiful Eri-san?

Or should he try with the fierce Elena?

When Qian Jing Dongshu was thinking seriously, he walked downstairs of his house.

Just then, a shy exclamation came from upstairs.

“Ah, my clothes~!”

A series of triangles, corrective, pure, fell from the sky.

Qian Jingfuyu and Mizunashi Rena practiced all night and had already developed conditioned reflexes.

“Stop right there!”

The thing was hanging above his head, and the scent of virginity filled his nose.

But from the perspective of Nakamori Aoko, who was hanging clothes above and happened to be blown away by the wind, it looked like the unlucky handsome passerby was covered in the face.

“Ah! I’m so sorry!!”

Nakamori Aoko’s cheeks were red! She had never expected that she would make such a big mistake just after moving in.

She hurriedly ran downstairs with her skirt lifted up. She looked like Xiaolan, but her temperament was a little melancholy and pure, like the heroine in a pure love story.

Nakamori Aoko almost didn’t dare to look at Qian Jingfuyushu the whole time.

She stood on tiptoe and hurriedly collected the clothes.

“.「”I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I’ve caused trouble to my neighbor!”

Nakamori Aoko bowed madly.

But what she didn’t know was that the edge of her snow-white bodysuit was also exposed.

The fresh lace, with tassels, was swaying at the hem in a very impressive place.

“It’s okay. Is this lady a new tenant? She looks familiar, very much like someone I know.”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled meaningfully.

Should we say that they are indeed sisters with a tacit understanding?

He had originally planned to give Xiaolan an unforgettable first experience in the next few days.

It would be best if it was on her birthday.

The scene of the skyscraper exploded not long after the daily plot of Ke Xue began.

But he didn’t expect that Nakamori Aoko, who happened to be the twin sister of the Butterfly Queen, would come uninvited.

It seems that she wants to live in Beihua Street for a long time and recognize Xiaolan as her relative?

Qian Jing Dongshu took a look at the system registration information.

Oh, what a coincidence, the person lives opposite his house!

The one who is close to the water gets the moon first.

If he doesn’t entertain his sister Sang who came from afar, how can he show his enthusiasm as an honest and friendly landlord?

“Ah? Really?”

Zen Jing Dongshu thought for no more than a moment.

The cute and slow-witted Nakamori Aoko was completely unaware of the man’s fiery gaze.

She was so excited that she didn’t even care about her clothes and grabbed Qian Jing Dongshu’s hand.

“Neighbor-san, have you really seen a girl who looks exactly like me??”

“Ah, Miss……”

Qian Jingdongshu frowned slightly, as if frightened.

“Sorry!” Nakamori Aoko’s cheeks turned red again, but she did not back down.

After waiting for twelve years, she really missed her sister so much that she didn’t want to miss any clues that could get closer to her!

She calmed down and introduced herself to this polite and handsome neighbor.

“”Hello, neighbor. My name is Nakamori Aoko. I just moved to this building. Please give me your advice!”

She stretched out her hand to shake hands with Qian Jing Dongshu.

But when she looked up and really looked into the eyes of the tall man, Nakamori Aoko’s brain buzzed!

“So, so handsome… How can there be someone in the world who is brighter than the sun?!”

“Wait, this man, isn’t he the famous landlord in Kyoto! ?”!!

Ah, let her die of wits!

Nakamori Aoko, you are so stupid!

Nakamori Aoko groaned in her heart, covering her face and not daring to think about how strange she had just behaved. What made her even more embarrassed was that she had just met her benefactor, the landlord, in such an embarrassing situation.��!

Seeing that Mori Aoko’s whole face was instantly gloomy, it seemed that she would stay in the corner of the room like a mushroom when she got home.

Qian Jingdongshu couldn’t help but invite:”My lovely lady, don’t feel embarrassed.”

“Besides, for a girl as shy as Aoko, the beautiful and kind lady I know would definitely be happy to meet her.”

They are all angels. Xiaolan doesn’t say it, but how could she not care about her relatives?

It’s best to use Nakamori Aoko and get more people from Mori.

His woman, he hasn’t even made her completely tired, what can a parasite like Mori Kogoro do?

“Ah, thank you so much, landlord!!”

Nakamori Aoko was overjoyed.

She grabbed Qian Jingfuyu’s hand and kept thanking him.

“Landlord, I cook delicious fish! I will make you a fish feast tonight, remember to come!”

“Are you good at cooking fish?”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled with interest.

“How could I refuse Qingzi’s kindness? Don’t worry, I will take Xiaolan there as promised.”!!

The whole person was so excited and happy that he almost exploded.

Nakamori Qingzi’s eyes were full of smiles. She hummed a song, like a cheerful lark, said goodbye to Qian Jingdongshu, and ran to the vegetable market with her handbag in her hand!.

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