Conan walked in and surprisingly didn’t notice Aunt Kisaki Eri.

Plus his detective habit kicked in, he subconsciously glanced around twice.

Qian Jingfuyu gave him a half-smile.

“Conan, are you always so rude when you visit someone’s home?”

“Ahem, Fuyuki Nissan……”

Conan needed help, so he shamelessly shouted

“You should be more normal.

Qian Jingfuyuki looked disgusted.

Conan immediately turned his face blank.

“That’s right, Mr. Qian Jingdongshu should have noticed it last time at the art museum, right?”

“I know a lot of things… too much for ordinary people, so I have to ask someone Shinichi knows to arrange my life.”

“But I wanted to ask Uncle Maori and Ranai for help, but accidents always happen.”

As he spoke, Conan’s shoulders collapsed.

He really didn’t understand what bad luck had befallen him. He made a fool of himself again and again, embarrassing Uncle Maori, and Xiaolan disliked him even more.

Qian Jingfuyu raised his eyebrows

“So, Conan-kun, you mean to ask me for help?”

He deliberately emphasized the word”ask”.

“Yes, Brother Dongshu……”

Conan was inexplicably stuck when he was halfway through his speech. This was because he met Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes that were indifferent, as if they looked down on everything, yet they also knew everything. It was not until this moment that he realized that there was a slight change in Qian Jing Dongshu.

Hey, that’s strange. He’s still the same person, but why has his overall temperament become more unpredictable, even a little…not like a human?

Conan scratched his head, thinking that he might have seen it wrong, and looked at Qian Jing Dongshu again in surprise.

“Hey, Brother Dongshu, why are the calluses on your hands gone?”

“What shampoo did you use to make your hair so smooth? And your skin seems to have changed a bit too?”

Conan’s old problem came back.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at him.

“What does this have to do with you asking me for help? Stop interrupting.”


“Hehe, this is just curiosity.”

Conan laughed.

Then he sat up straight and solemnly, clasped his hands together, and bowed to Qian Jingdongshu.

“Consider this as a request from you! Fuyuki-kun! Please help me and be my guardian and guarantor!”

“I really need a formal identity now so that I can go to Teitan Junior High School.”

In Conan’s opinion, he and Qian Jing Dongshu have gone through the art museum and they are already friends in need.

Although they did not reach a consensus, they have tacitly understood certain things. Sometimes he is always the one who gets cheated unilaterally.

If Qian Jing Dongshu is willing to help him, he does not mind sharing information.

And when Qian Jing Dongshu needs it, as long as it does not violate conscience and justice, he can help without hesitation.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at Conan with pleading eyes and fell into thought.

Since Conan took the initiative to come to the door to be a tool for the plot, it is really great.

And this kid himself has taken the initiative to promise that he will do the work and take the limelight himself.

Although he doesn’t need his help now, one day when Conan leaves for an extra-curricular plot and calls him, he will sign in and collect the emotional points.

However, it is too much for him to agree like this.

Long-term guarantees are too empty. He is a more pragmatic person and wants the benefits now.

“”Okay, I can help you, but there is a condition.”

Qian Jing Dongshu said.

Conan was delighted and nodded without hesitation:”Any conditions are fine, just tell me!”

There is nothing that the successor of Sherlock Holmes cannot do!

“Really? Then don’t refuse later.”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled at him with ill intentions.

“Hey, what do you want to do?

Conan’s mind was filled with alarm bells, and he stepped back defensively.

“Don’t worry, you can definitely do it. Qian Jingdong smiled lazily,”How about teaching me to defuse bombs?”

This is what he had just thought about.

Destroying bombs is definitely the most practical skill in science, which is explosions.

Everyone knows that all the later theatrical versions have explosions, just like if you don’t have some explosion aesthetics, you are not worthy of being in science.

He still has the Sumida Canal Bridge to unlock, and he is just stuck in the bomb defusing link.

It is impossible for him to go to Pramia or that group of bomb maniacs now, and scan their faces one by one to wait for the fraud technology, right?

“Teach you? Defuse a bomb?!”

Conan was so scared that he fell backwards.

“Are you kidding me? Who would study this in peacetime?”

Qian Jing Dongshu spread his hands,”Didn’t you also study in Hawaii? Just tell me whether you want to teach me or not.”

Conan was choked and really couldn’t refute.

He looked at Qian Jing Dongshu warily.

“Tell me first, you are not learning this to do something bad, right?!”

“Are you kidding me? Who do I need to promise? Conan, you know that you are not qualified.

Qian Jingdongshu sneered.

“If it weren’t for me, everyone in the art museum would have been finished!”

“That’s true.……”

Although this guy has a sharp tongue, Conan has to admit it.

By the way, that mechanical maid… where is she?

Qian Jingdongshu seemed to see his confusion and said lightly:”Alita went to where she should go.”

“You don’t have much time to think, Conan, just ten numbers, if you don’t think well, forget it.”

“10, 9, 8……”

Qian Jingfuyuki just started, Conan couldn’t stand it

“”Okay! I promise you!”

He shouted,”But let me make this clear, I don’t really know how to teach you. I can only show you how to dismantle it, and you learn by watching!”

When Conan said this, he felt so conflicted.

He was curious about why Qian Jingdongshu wanted to learn bomb disposal, but he was also a little afraid.

After all, this guy is now involved in the black market, an inconspicuous gray boss.

If he has any criminal activities, how destructive would it be!

I hope this guy doesn’t do anything where he can’t see.

Conan quickly calmed down and acted like a teacher.

“Bomb disposal requires real-life operations. This is not something that can be learned by just looking at blueprints and finding a few similar props to simulate.”

“There are many complicated lines, plus there are different types of bombs, including mercury-balanced bombs, plastic bombs, detonator explosives, etc.……”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qian Jingdongshu’s thoughtful expression, curled his lips again, and said with some gloating:

“What do you think, Brother Dongshu, this is not easy to learn, right?”

“You got stuck at the first level! Let’s wait until you find a few duds to test them. Then we can learn.”

“Don’t forget my ID card for school admission!”

Look at this villain’s smug look, who is he looking down on?

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled.

He glanced at Conan lightly and raised his chin.

“Come with me, don’t be scared.”

Then he walked towards the study.

“Me? Scared?”

Conan snorted, and followed behind with his hands behind his back.

He twisted the temporary mechanical modification mechanism, and the door opened, and a cold breath immediately hit him.

Conan came in and saw it, and he was stunned.

The study, storage room, and basement of Aunt Fei’s temporary apartment were all connected to form a huge arsenal!

Countless guns and ammunition were lined up in it!

The various explosives that made him tremble were placed tightly inside, piled up like a hill, and it seemed that the owner didn’t care about the corner.

“You, how did you do this?!”

“Did you move an arsenal into your house?”

“Even if you just got involved in the black market, this is too outrageous!!”

Conan’s voice was shaking, his feet felt like they were stepping on cotton, cold sweat broke out, and he felt weak.

He was really frightened. If all these bombs were detonated at the same time, what a terrifying force would be created!

Not to mention the entire building, the nearby streets and parks would all be blown up to the sky, and if things go wrong, even Rice Flower Street would be burned down!!

There is a gunpowder keg under the fart drum, can this man really sit still at home!?

“Are these enough? If not, there are more.”

Enjoying Conan’s shocked gaze, Qian Jing Dongshu seemed to think it was not enough, and slowly said another sentence.

The pure truth.

On the day of the bombing of Rice Flower Street, various societies paid their rent and gave him free purchases, which really contributed a lot of inventory.

With just such an arsenal, if we count the continuous delivery from the black market, as long as Qian Jing Dongshu wants, he can arm half of Rice Flower Street in minutes.

Even if the FBI, wineries and other red and black parties send in groups, they may not be able to clear the first wave of fire.

“You lunatic, whoever is against you will die a miserable death!”

Conan patted his chest in relief, thinking to himself that he should keep a close eye on Qian Jing Dongshu.

No one should be allowed to provoke this guy, otherwise, if these things were taken out, it would cause a huge panic! It was too shocking, and his heart was beating so hard that he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

“Conan-kun?” Qian Jingdongshu kindly brought him a glass of water,”Can you start teaching now? I have limited time.”

Conan suddenly looked up at him in disbelief, as if he was talking about a fairy tale.

“You don’t think that if I teach you once, you will be able to learn everything!!”

“Even if there are many bomb samples provided for practice, you still have to be careful!!”

“If you can learn 50% to 60% of each type in half a month, you are considered a genius!!”

Since he was a child, his father taught him how to shoot a gun to prevent him from being shot for no reason in the United States!

Even back then, it took him two months to learn how to defuse a bomb!

The time Conan learned is not accurate, it is required by the plot, but as long as Conan wants to remember, he can still remember it.

“Well, it’s still a little slow.

Qian Jingdongshu nodded seriously, as if he didn’t understand what he said.

“Then work harder and learn it in half an hour.”


Conan’s foot twisted and he almost hit his head on the muzzle of the gun next to him.

“You, I really don’t understand what’s the point of you bragging about this!”

Conan looked dead, and didn’t wait for Qian Jingdongshu to change his mind.

He simply rolled up his sleeves and laughed.

“Then I’ll let you back off.”

“Stop talking nonsense and hurry up.”How can I be late for a beautiful woman’s appointment to deliver meat ?”

Conan held his breath and really wanted to dismantle the most complicated one for Qian Jingdongshu to see.

He carefully opened the dangerous explosives that made him tremble, and finally picked out the most suitable one.

“I’m about to start! Watch carefully.”

After Conan finished speaking, he took a deep breath and buried his head in carefully removing the shell and defusing the bomb.

Qian Jingfuyu stood there and watched motionlessly.

Deep in his eyes, it seemed that countless mysterious laws were running at the same time.

Every minute and every second, every breath automatically increased countless proficiency.

Triggered, the comprehension was against the sky!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, watch the protagonist of Science defuse a bomb and gain sudden enlightenment on bomb technology!】

【It can be manufactured, installed and disassembled. There is no bomb that you cannot control!】

【Free reward, limited-time supernatural power, control underwear! Automatically effective, countdown 24 hours! 987]

Hmm? ?

This reward, each time is wilder?

But he likes it!

Qian Jingfuyu’s mouth curled up, and his red eyes became more intense.

He couldn’t wait to rush to Mizunashi Rena for a love battle.

After a long time, Conan finally finished a bomb with sweat all over his face after dismantling it.

He raised his head and stretched his sore neck.

How about it, how much fur do you know? Just tell me directly, I won’t laugh at you.

“”What? Where are the people?”

This guy, is he deliberately tricking him again?!.

Qian Jing Dongshu didn’t have the patience to continue looking at things he already knew.

He was eager to try it out and wanted to find someone to try out his new supernatural power.

Yes, it was a supernatural power.

Being able to control other people’s underwear, isn’t that perverted enough!

If he wanted to control Rena Mizunashi when he saw her, this and that…

Hehe, I wonder what kind of expression the beautiful and shy female agent Sang would show?

When Qian Jing Dongshu was daydreaming

“”Stop! Thief! Don’t run!”

A sharp shout came from the alley ahead.

Then, a sharp figure with short hair came running over, kicked the ground and jumped up, striding across the money.���On the winter tree!


That figure, how come it looks so much like Ke Xue…

Qian Jing Dongshu was stunned. He just looked familiar, but he couldn’t call out the name.

After all, sometimes people’s memory is so strange. They know who it is, but when they call it, it gets stuck inexplicably.

His mind is now full of the circle W-shaped that just flashed by.

And the faint smell of lavender laundry detergent that hit him when he was very close.


Qian Jing Dongshu was shocked. He swore that he moved his fingers subconsciously!

Who would have thought that what would happen the next second!


With a muffled groan, someone covered his lower abdomen and immediately knelt down in an awkward position!

“What, what happened! Why did it suddenly get louder!”

Misako Sato originally wanted to drive to Beihua Street after work to help scare off the thieves nearby.

Unexpectedly, she happened to meet a thief who stole an old lady’s wallet on the street and tried to escape to Beihua, disturbing the landlord!

“Damn it, don’t even think about running away!”

She rushed forward without saying a word, being honest by nature, and didn’t know when she had reached Rice Flower Street.

Just as she passed by a familiar handsome guy, hey, he looked a bit like the landlord? It didn’t matter, at least she had to help that old lady get her wallet back.

However, just when Sato Miwako was about to catch him, an accident happened.

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