“That shape… is really heavenly?!”

“No wonder Yusaku-san hasn’t found a wife for so many years. It turns out she’s younger than his children.”

The Yabuuchi family was amazed.


Hiromi Yabuuchi’s pretty face flushed red, and she turned away quickly.

As innocent as she was, she deliberately took a terminally ill cancer patient as her son-in-law in order to share the family property.

She had never seen a man’s body, but she didn’t expect to be horrified by a eunuch.

Even if she was wearing big shorts, it was still immoral!!

“”Yukiko! Take care of that kid!”

Kudo Yusaku blushed and hurried to pull up his pants.

But as soon as he did that, the belt broke again!

He took a big step and tripped himself!

A table full of soup and water fell on him, burning the most vulnerable part!


Kudo Yusaku immediately bent his waist, put his hands down and his face turned green!

“Yusaku-san! Are you okay?”

Yabuchi Yoshifusa couldn’t stand it anymore and hurried to help with Carlos.

“Humph, this is the end of talking too much.”

Qian Jing Dongshu put away the knife, turned back disdainfully and threw himself into Yukiko’s arms.

Shaking like a wall of water~

Yukiko’s face was rosy, her eyes were red and tender, and she was almost dripping with water.

“”Mr. Dongshu, you are naughty again.”

She pointed her finger at Qian Jing Dongshu’s forehead.

Qian Jing Dongshu did not hide his gloating and said confidently:

“Who asked this guy to sneak up on you first?”

“You want to meet Yukiko privately without my permission? No way!”

Fuyuki-kun, who is so cute and domineering, is so adorable~~!!

Yukiko rubbed him hard, smiling dotingly like an auntie, loving him so much.

She didn’t notice how shocking her and Fuyuki’s intimate interaction was in the eyes of Kudo Yusaku!

“That Qian Jingshu, he is just Yukiko’s godson, how can he be so close to her! ?”

Some of the interactions even made him, a grown man, blush! He simply took advantage of his status as a child and went too far!

“Wait, is he thinking!!”

As a cultural person, Kudo Yusaku’s mind was opened up, and he suddenly thought of an incredible possibility!

“Father and son get together! ? ?”

Then Yukiko becomes the exclusive plaything of the father and son!!

Kudo Yusaku’s worldview was shattered!

He didn’t know that he was tricked by his son this time.

Conan was warned by Qian Jingfuyushu not to reveal the fake death, and he felt guilty and blackened himself, hiding the key information from his father!

This caused Kudo Yusaku’s imagination to fly all the way on the highway, and he couldn’t stop it anymore!

“Enough of that!”

“There are distinguished guests here, and you guys have ruined the good food.”

Machiko already had a lot of complaints against Yabuuchi Yoshifusa.

Just when she gave him a way out, she was embarrassed by that Kudo Yusaku.

It was a pity that she was interested in that gentle mustache and wanted to attack him at night. She thought she was still charming in her middle age, but in fact, she squinted her eyes and drooped them to her belly, and she was extremely disgusted with the eunuch.

“Uncle, you said you missed the traditional bath in Japan. I have already boiled the water for you.”

“Well, you guys can eat, I’ll just go over there.”

The old man stood up, turned around and looked around sharply.

“Don’t try to plot against me from behind. Carlos, as my bodyguard, will keep an eye on you.”

Carlos stared at me like a big, upright black bull.

Yukiko laughed dryly at Hiromi Yabuuchi.

“Uncle Yifang is really treating us like thieves now.”

“Who said it wasn’t? It’s all because of my father’s will. I’ll announce it tomorrow!”

Yabuuchi Hiromi seemed a little uncomfortable and pulled the edge of her panties.

“Hey, what is this? Is it an interesting little Easter egg?

Qian Jingdongshu saw a rope outside, and the little devil in his heart immediately got excited and reached out to pull it.

“Hey boy, don’t move! Uh-huh~”

Hiromi Yabuuchi’s pretty face suddenly flushed, and she was so embarrassed that tears were about to fall

“That’s a sanitary napkin.……”(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She had just finished a visit from her relatives and had a little time left today.

Who knew that this little guy could see that she was feeling uncomfortable?

At this moment, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to bang her head on the tatami.

“Sanitary napkins?”

Yukiko blushed and glanced at Qian Jingdongshu in a reproachful manner.[]

“Oh, Shu-kun is just too curious.”

“Guangmei, my relatives are coming soon, can you lend me two of your tampons?”

“Okay, follow me.”

During the meal, the incident with Kudo Yusaku happened, and neither of the two women was in the mood to eat.

They ate a few mouthfuls and went back to the room, talking and laughing.

Qian Jingfuyu followed them. It was the first time she touched a sanitary napkin used by women.

“It’s so thin, it will expand after absorbing water.”

But the expansion size is limited, so it won’t hurt the palace guard.

He said he had learned a lot.

Now Zeus has one more variable incarnation!

Qian Jing Dongshu laughed evilly.

The two women were chatting enthusiastically.

Qian Jing Dongshu was bored and was playing on the slide on their smooth legs.


Outside, a woman’s terrified scream suddenly came

“What’s going on?!”

Yukiko and the other two girls were so shocked that they hurried out.

Suddenly, they saw Yabuuchi’s sister-in-law, Keiko, pointing at the wellhead with a horrified face.

“”Mom, Mom, she!”

Less than an hour later, Machiko’s eyes widened. She was stabbed in the neck and hung at the wellhead where water was drawn!

All the lights in the Yabuuchi family were on, and everyone was shocked to see this scene.

Qian Jingfuyu stared at the angle of the knife mark and raised his eyebrows.

Kudo Yusaku called the police immediately, and the Gunma Prefecture police arrived soon.

Yes, that 240-meter-tall man, a poor but lucky Yamamura Cao

“Ahhh… How can a dead person’s eyes be open?”

Shancuncao was frightened the first time he went out on duty.

He didn’t dare to touch the body, let alone investigate.

“It seems that this police officer cannot be relied on to solve the case.”

Kudo Yusaku frowned and had to untie the body with Yabuuchi Yoshiyuki and Carlos.

He was squatting down to look at the body.

Qian Jingfuyuki came from behind and kicked his raised buttocks.

“No need to look, I already know who the criminal is.”

Kudo Yusaku lost his balance and crashed into the corpse’s arms.

The corpse happened to have water in its mouth, and the conditioned reflex squeezed it and sprayed it all over his face!!!!

Kudo Yusaku’s face turned blue!

“Qian Jingshu-kun!!”

How can this kid be so evil? Compared to him, the energetic Shinichi is simply a well-behaved angel!

Qian Jingfuyushu did not hide his malice towards him and bared his teeth.

“What a bunch of useless adults! Isn’t the answer obvious?”

Don’t try to show off, old man! You’re trying to steal his emotional value from him!”

“What?! Did you really figure it out?”

Kudo Yusaku was shocked!

He originally thought that the child was just lying to attract the attention of adults.

But seeing Qian Jingdongshu’s attitude, he suddenly became uncertain! He just saw the body and he could determine the murderer!?

When did he become inferior to a child?

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