
“Hate it~ Why did you stick so close to me in front of Guangmei and the others just now?~”

“”It feels like being molested in broad daylight, so embarrassing!”

Yukiko’s face was as beautiful as a peach, and she stared at her bra with shame and annoyance. If she had known that Fuyuki was so naughty, she would never have agreed to let him stick to her like this just for fun.

“Yukiko, don’t be angry~ If you don’t like it, I’ll find Guangmei-san too~”

Qian Jingfuyu suddenly stretched and changed.

He smiled evilly and lay in Yukiko’s arms, waving his hand to close the curtains.

Yukiko screamed and hurriedly hugged him to find a new bra. With such a low head, it seemed like she was weeping.

How could Qian Jingfuyu not enjoy the welfare that was delivered to his door? He decisively stuck to it!

“Ah~ I knew you had bad intentions!!”

Kudo Yusaku decided to return to Japan after hearing the news of the death of Fuyuki Zeni in”703″.

From his son’s calls every day, he was 100% sure that Fuyuki Zeni was the young man who bravely rescued Yukiko.

But before he could start an investigation, something happened to him.

He knew that Yukiko had loved that man for 17 years, and he was worried that his sister-in-law would not be able to bear the loss of her love.

In addition, a close friend asked him to return to Japan to look after a child, so Kudo Yusaku appeared at the Yabuuchi family.

“Even in front of her childhood friend, Yukiko would not be so rude even if she was relaxed.”

“Don’t tell me there’s something wrong with her body.”

Kudo Yusaku came over with a medicine box in his hand.

What a coincidence.

When he came, he vaguely saw Yukiko holding something with her back to him behind the curtains, a graceful figure.

Hiss, hiss, hiss…

There was also a strange sound in his ears.

“Wait, Yuki returned the child?!”

“That child, could it be her and Qian Jingfuyu’s! ?”

Kudo Yusaku was shocked!

He realized that Yukiko was doing the greatest nursing of a mother. In the blink of an eye, Yukiko had become a mother!

He ran away in a trance holding the medicine box, and almost tripped over his left foot and fell.

“Humph, dare to peek?”

No matter how fast Kudo Yusaku ran, Qian Jingfuyu, who was enjoying himself, was also keeping an eye on all directions and listening to all directions!

He found him immediately.

This guy was nominally Yukiko’s sworn brother, but he was still too annoying.

Qian Jingfuyu’s bad temper came up, his eyes rolled, and he laughed strangely.

A plan to make Kudo Yusaku embarrassed and get out of Neon in disgrace came to mind!

At seven o’clock, the Yabuuchi family prepared to have dinner.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting~”

Yukiko came in with a faint voice, holding Zeni Fuyuki.

Yabuuchi Hiromi looked up and was startled.

“Yukiko, did you take a bath? Why is your face so red?”

“And this kid, who is he?”

Everyone looked at Yukiko immediately after hearing this.

The already lively and bright star’s face turned pink at this moment, and her delicate appearance was more beautiful than peach blossoms!

Even if she was wearing a tight turtleneck sweater and trousers.

The moisturized and mature charm of the young and mature women made the men present dazed and their heartbeats accelerated unconsciously!

“Ah, this is my godson Qian Jingshu. I was playing hide-and-seek with him when he came, so I found him~”

Yukiko shyly covered her face and introduced

“Mina-san, right valley~”

Qian Jingfuyuki used her baby voice to greet him cutely.

Even if they were beaten to death, they would never have thought that such a young godson could have made Yukiko so frightened.

Looking at this cute and delicate little boy, the sister-in-law of Hiromi Yabuuchi, Keiko Yabuuchi’s eyes immediately filled with hearts.

“Just a godson? Yukiko-chan, you are so lucky!”

“I’ve been married for so many years and I still don’t have a child!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“If I could give birth to such a fairy child, I would be so happy!”

Happy to death? More like exhausted to death.

Yukiko’s beautiful eyes drifted.

The shrunken Fuyuki-kun was really hard to serve.

He would make her sweat all over.[]

The road was already muddy, and she had to hold him tightly with her slender legs.

Otherwise, he might fall off halfway, which was unbearable torture.

Because Yukiko came here on behalf of the landlord.

Even if something happened to him, the property could still be registered under the name of the small Qian Jingshu.

Everyone in the Yabuuchi family was very polite and enthusiastic to the big and small, and introduced themselves one after another.

The short, short-haired old man who looked shrewd and not easy to mess with was Yabuuchi Yoshifusa. He had been running a farm in Baxi for many years.

He heard that his brother, who he had not seen for many years, had died and left a will, so he came back with his share of the property……….

There is also his bodyguard, the tall and strong black-skinned young man Carlos.

Hiromi Yabuuchi’s younger brother, the frivolous and idle-looking Yabuuchi Yoshiyuki with dyed yellow hair.

The late old man’s widow, the stepmother of the Yabuuchi siblings, Yabuuchi Machiko.

Finally, there is Kudo Yusaku.

Yabuuchi Yoshifusa glanced at everyone in the room unkindly.

“This is a friend of mine who is much older than me. He is a famous novelist. I believe you have all heard of him.”

“Humph, after I received a warning letter threatening me not to return to China to inherit the property, I refused to believe in evil and brought him here.”

“Let this sharp-sighted novelist figure out who the guy threatening me is and send him directly to the police!”

“It’s just right to write this into the book, and use local materials!”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed!

Yabuuchi Hiromi’s brother and sister, sister-in-law, and stepmother Machiko all looked unhappy.

“My uncle is joking. We are such a harmonious family. We welcome you so much that we don’t have time to threaten you.”

Machiko laughed dryly and changed the subject.

“But then again, it was really a coincidence that the world-renowned Kudo brothers and sisters gathered at our house.”

The Yabuuchi family members exclaimed as they walked along the steps.

A coincidence?

Qian Jingfuyuki, who had no choice but to take out his cell phone to find out his purpose, sneered.

Kudo Yusaku felt a chill on his back for no reason, frowned and glanced at the little Qian Jingfuyuki

“Is this child Yukiko your godson? That means he is the illegitimate child of Zeni Fujiki.”

“There are so many beautiful women around you, even your children are out for you to take care of.”

“This is really outrageous, Yukiko……”

He was about to give his usual lecture, hoping that his sister would get over her love-sickness.

Qian Jingdongshu walked over and pulled down his pants, mocking her.

“Even children know that beautiful women like to pursue strong and powerful men!”

“But how come a little kid like me has more capital than this uncle?”

“Alas, no matter how envious you are, eunuchs are not liked by women!”


The Yabuuchi family, who had a subtle atmosphere just now, immediately looked at Kudo Yusaku in dumbfounded state with only his shorts left.

He was a gentleman who always followed reason, how could he meet such an unethical person!

He came up and pulled his pants, exposing his…

Kudo Yusaku’s brain buzzed!

He was stunned on the spot.

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