Nishino Masato passed by from the other end of the corridor and took an extra look at them.

When Kankawa Ryu saw him, his expression changed immediately, he cursed inwardly and quickened his pace.

It was obvious that the two had some grudge.

When Qian Jingfuyuki and Pu Siqinglan arrived, Maria and Kosaka Natsumi came out to greet them.

“”Mr. Dongshu~”

The three girls were all beautiful women with gray eyes, each with their own style.

Hanchuan Long saw Qian Jing Dongshu was quickly surrounded by beautiful women, and whistled in envy and jealousy.

He forced everyone to pay attention.

“Dear beautiful ladies, please look here. I will leave you and Dongshu-kun a beautiful memory.”

“Ah, why is Mr. Kanchuan here?”

Kosaka Natsumi frowned, she couldn’t let go when there were outsiders around.

It was a pity that Her Majesty the Queen had just taught her a few photo poses that would make Dongshu-kun happy.……

“Hey, since I got on board, I’ve taken photos of every room of the”350″ people!”

Hanchuan Long pinched a ring on his neck, looking proud of his successful prank.

“What? You took all the photos? What about my room?”

Pusi Qinglan turned around suddenly, her beautiful eyes flashing coldly.

On the table in her room, there was a photo of her most admired ancestor, the evil monk Rasputin!

Once discovered, Qian Jingdongshu could easily guess that she was Shi Kaobing without the help of outsiders!!

Then, her eyes suddenly fixed on Hanchuan Long’s ring.

“Sack, is this what you are wearing?……”

“Yes, it was a ring left by a duke of the Romanov dynasty. Pu Siqing Lansang was indeed a professional and could tell it at a glance.”

After Hanchuan Long finished speaking, without waiting for Qian Jingdongshu and the other girls to agree, he snapped a photo of the three girls in shock.

Thinking of Xi Ye Zhenren who had a grudge against him, he suddenly came up with an idea and left with a laugh.

“When we get ashore, I’ll wash it out and give it to Dongshu-kun!”

“Mr. Kankawa is really too much.” Kosaka Natsumi puffed up her cheeks in anger.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and looked at Pu Siqinglan, whose eyes were deep and murderous.

“It doesn’t matter, he won’t be able to laugh later.”

The four of them returned to the room.

Pu Siqinglan’s eyes flickered, and she asked curiously:

“How would you like to take a group photo?”

“Of course it has to be more exciting.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled maliciously.

He walked over and whispered a few words into the ears of the three beautiful girls.

The most shy girl, Kosaka Natsumi, instantly blushed from ear to white neck.

“Ah~ Dongshu-kun is really bad”

“Why don’t you try calling it”eggplant”? Others usually call it”eggplant”, but you call me”eggplant” and it will feel good.

Qian Jingdongshu put the camera in place,”You can call it now.~”

“Dad, Dad!!”

Xiaosaka Natsumi’s jade-like face was charming and seductive in the light. Her small and sharp red lips were open, as if calling for help, making people want to take a sip immediately.

Pu Siqinglan was also stunned.

This female killer who looked charming but actually had no experience couldn’t help but reveal shyness and a little fear in her narrowed eyes.

“” Dao, Dao Sang~” Her voice was trembling.

No, no! Just calling this name, she was so embarrassed that she almost jumped into the sea!

Only Maria’s beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she shyly but generously called:”Papa~”

Her delicate body slumped lazily, and her fair and tender shoulders and round curves were all clearly visible to Qian Jingdongshu.

The curves of her slender waist were even more prominent, and the concave was very tempting.

“”Well, you’re moaning well, keep going!”

Qian Jingdongshu held up his camera and took pictures, snapping, snapping… capturing the most beautiful moments of the three shy girls.

As a result, they all looked too photogenic, causing their voices to become hoarse.

“Damn it, Dongshu-kun, let’s take this photo next time.”

Kosaka Natsumi covered her throat and waved her hands.

Pu Siqinglan was also anxious to go back and deal with Hanchuan Long

“It’s getting late, and it’s almost time for lunch, I’ll go back and tidy up.” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qian Jingdongshu said with a chuckle just as she was about to pass by him.

“Okay, then after dinner, I have something important to discuss with Miss Qinglan.”

“About the treasure of the Romanov dynasty.

Pu Siqinglan:!!!

Her body froze and she turned back in disbelief.[]

When did he know?

She was very cautious when lighting the cigarette, blocking his sight with her body!

Qian Jing Dongshu only smiled mysteriously and watched her leave with a heavy heart, looking back every few steps.

“Forget it, it’s a blessing, not a curse. If it’s a curse, it can’t be avoided.”

Pu Siqinglan is an international killer and thief, and she has a deep understanding of Eastern history.

Her beautiful eyes flashed with a sharp light, and she made up her mind to have a showdown with Qian Jingdongshu……

As long as he can gain his protection, what does a little sacrifice matter?


Thinking about Qian Jingdongshu’s tall and majestic figure, her face was immediately flushed.

She was also happy.

During lunch, Qian Jingdongshu took out his mobile phone and flipped through the previous surveillance.

He didn’t just hang out with the beauties, but was still staring at the characters’ every move.

The old man Qian Jiangyi has been actively contacting oligarch collectors from outside, trying to get all the treasures of the Bellagio.

Sergei is controlled by Maria, and his loyalty is guaranteed. No matter how anxious he is about the ownership of the easter eggs, he dare not act rashly.

Hanchuan Long is shooting everywhere like a street urchin, and he doesn’t even know that he has provoked several people to kill him.

Then there is Nishino Masato…

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect that this guy, who is an unlucky guy in the plot, actually has special skills.

“A multifaceted person, a bounty hunter who travels around the world, an admirer of fantasy phantoms, and never stays in one place for too long”

“This time, he accepted the offer from the Suzuki Group for the first time. Did he want to guard the Easter eggs of Princess Maria and the Phantom?”

He is his admirer and pure love guardian warrior.

This brother has a great future.

Qian Jingdongshu thought happily that it would be a pity not to use such a talent.

As soon as the plot is over, he will be taken to the black market and continue to be a bounty hunter. But if he finds any good things, he will take them all.

During afternoon tea, everyone went to the deck to enjoy the sea breeze.

“Strange, I haven’t seen Mr. Samukawa for 2.5 minutes since lunch?”

Kosaka Natsumi looked around.

“Maybe that guy is editing his precious videotape.”

Qian Jiang laughed, his old face full of displeasure.

He was secretly photographed when he was on the phone with a client, and he had to give that guy a sum of money to erase it when he returned.

If it weren’t for the Queen’s presence, he would have died eight hundred times just for that guy’s idiotic arrogance.

Nishino Masato adjusted his glasses.

“Anyway, Mr. Hanchuan is also an important person on this trip, let’s go see him first.”

A group of people had nothing to do, so they went to find Hanchuan Long.

Unexpectedly, the door was open, and as soon as they entered, they saw messy feathers flying, and Hanchuan Long fell in a pool of blood with a gunshot in his right eye!


Kosaka Natsumi was so frightened that her face turned pale and she screamed on the spot!

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