Check the quality?

How to check?

Everyone’s expression was ambiguous.

Hattori Shizuka felt like burning from her toes to her hair.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Dongshu-kun”

“But if Her Majesty the Queen agrees, I will naturally provide personal protection throughout the entire process.”

Maria looked at Qian Jing Dongshu when she heard this.

How could such a delicate, tender and attractive beauty security guard not be a beauty to Dongshu-kun?

“Mojilong~ I’ll trouble Miss Jinghua~”

After the group was ready, they boarded the royal yacht.

Qian Jingdongshu kept his word and went directly to Hattori Jinghua

“Miss Jinghua, I have a question for a professional female bodyguard like you.”

“Hmm? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, Mr. Dongshu.”

I didn’t expect him to come so suddenly. Shizuka Hattori changed into a light short sportswear. She was about to go to the gym on the ship for routine training to keep in the best condition.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked down and saw that she had very agile skills because she had learned kendo since she was very young. Her beautiful legs were slender and white, her flat belly had no fat, and her charming curves were tightly squeezed together in her short clothes.

In the dim light in the room, the shadows and bumps of her figure added to the temptation.

Feeling the man’s overly strong gaze, Shizuka Hattori’s delicate face blushed and her beautiful legs were rubbed.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s red eyes darkened

“I want to ask, when the security guards encounter extremely vicious criminals, how do they get them to surrender their weapons?”


Hattori Shizuka raised her long white legs without hesitation, her beautiful eyes sharp.

“I will lock him by the throat, knock him down and take him down!”

“Can you show me how to do it?

Qian Jingdongshu stared at her like a good student with a strong desire for knowledge.

“Yes, sure!”

Hattori Shizuka did not doubt him, nodded and picked up the handcuffs

“Fuyuki-kun, are you ready?……”

The next second, a perfect and graceful body rushed forward.

The long legs locked the throat neatly, pulled Qian Jing Dongshu’s hands, disarmed him, turned his back against the wall, pressed him down and handcuffed him!

“”Mr. Dongshu, have you learned it?”

Hattori Shizuka tried to teach him.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled cunningly and immediately demonstrated it to his beautiful master.

“I think I understand, Miss Jinghua.……”


The full-level grappling technique, the invincible physical technique, was activated!

Hattori Shizuka didn’t even see his movements clearly before she was firmly held in his arms!


She was confused.

No matter how slow she was at this moment, she finally realized it and her face turned red with panic.

Qian Jingfuyuki laughed and whispered in her ear:

“Miss Jinghua, I came to you this time not only to discuss the issue of surrender.”

“But you, as a conscientious female bodyguard, wanted to be a substitute for the Queen, but you missed a key detail.”

“What details?”

Hatsube Shizuka’s attention was drawn and she became nervous.

This was related to her security work and she had to take it seriously.

“Virgins and underpaid girls walk differently”

“For example, the queen’s full bloom of charm, no matter how hard you try to imitate, how can you learn it?”

Hatsube Shizuka was stunned, and the next second, she exclaimed.

She was forced to accept Qian Jingdongshu’s heavy gift to her.

“To thank Miss Jinghua, I will help you fill this loophole without hesitation.”

“I’ll accept the tuition this time, and I’ll ask Miss Jinghua for advice next time.”

Qian Jing Dongshu waved his hand and left.

The door closed, blocking out Hattori Jinghua’s embarrassed eyes.

At this moment, her cheeks were flushed, and her expression was delicate and charming, and she was indescribably cute.

Although Dongshu’s tutoring benefited her greatly, it was too strong and overbearing for her to control! Qian

Jing Dongshu was in a good mood. Thinking that she still had a system reward that she hadn’t used, she simply clicked to use it.

【”Open the door and see the fruit” has been used! After using it, the host will taste the sweetness of a good harvest if he opens the door within 3 hours! 】

At this moment, the door of Xiangsaka Natsumi suddenly opened. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Qian Jing Dongshu, she smiled shyly, her pretty face became brighter, her whiteness turned red, and she was as bright as a flower in the morning.

“Dongshu-kun, come quickly, we were just talking about taking a group photo.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked into her room and saw Maria smiling and gesturing at him.

It was really the drunkard’s intention that was not to drink. How could this little clever man not love her?

“How can you two be enough? I will call Pu Siqing and Lan Sang”[]

Qian Jing Dongshu immediately went to knock on the door not far away.

At this moment, Pu Siqinglan looked solemn and stared at his clothes.

“I don’t know who it is, but the rumor spread that the Egg of Memories is in my hands!”

“Once I got off the yacht, I was surrounded by a net from all directions!”

“Now, the only way to get away with it is with the Queen’s protection!”

But if you get along with the Queen, you will definitely be noticed by the security on the ship!

What’s more, there is that powerful Qian Jing Dongshu watching…

Is there any way to get close to him without arousing suspicion?

Pu Siqinglan was lost in thought.

Knock knock

“Pu Siqinglan,”Sang? Can I bother you for a moment? Miss Xia Mei wants to take a group photo with everyone.”!!!

Just when I thought of him, he came!

Pu Siqinglan was panicked for a moment, not sure if he had seen the lower half of her face clearly last night.

But then she thought, this is a good opportunity to get a closer look.

She pursed her red lips, and her eyes immediately fell on the bright red slim cheongsam.


The door opened.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced and saw Pu Siqinglan in a bright red cheongsam, which was even more sexy than before.

Two grey eyes like gems were shining and smiling.

The flaming red lips made the woman look aloof and fierce.

But she opened her mouth softly, the front of her cheongsam fluttered, her white and tender legs were faintly visible, and immediately a sense of charm came to her face.

“Dongshu, I’m craving for cigarettes, can you lend me a light?”

Beautiful women have needs, even if there are no conditions, they have to create them.


Qian Jing Dongshu smiled deeply, put on the magic gloves and snapped his fingers. A lighter appeared in his hand, and he leaned in front of her to light it.

Pu Siqinglan held the cigarette in her mouth and leaned forward intentionally or unintentionally, the firelight shining on her cleavage. Her white and smooth skin was so white that people couldn’t take their eyes off her.

She exhaled a puff of smoke.

In the curling smoke, Pu Siqinglan’s gray eyes were as distant as the mist of the abyss, and like a water witch in the sea jumping and teasing

“Let’s go~”

She tapped Qian Jingdongshu’s palm with her slender white fingers, her expression was full of charm and suggestion, her figure was swaying and moving, and she walked in front.

“If I didn’t know you didn’t have it, I would be easily deceived.”

Shi Kaobing is really desperate for the treasure.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled meaningfully and followed with big strides.

At this time, Hanchuan Long passed by with a camera. When he heard Qian Jing Dongshu wanted to take a photo with the beauties, he took a photo of the room without thinking.

“Dongshu, Kimura, Qinglan, and others are waiting for us!”.

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