“It’s getting late, we should go back.

Qian Jing Dongshu said this deliberately.

He knew that at the beginning of the plot, except for other irrelevant guests, these licking dogs and Si Jing Lihua would not be able to leave.

As expected, Si Jing Lihua was anxious and hurriedly pulled his hand to keep him.

“Dongshu-kun, just consider it as fulfilling my little wish for my birthday today~”

As he spoke, his round big D surged and rubbed the back of Qian Jing Dongshu’s hand.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes were deep.

“In this case, how can I refuse Miss Lihua’s kindness?”Just don’t run away in fear after entering the room.

Sijing Lihua had no idea how terrible the blow was waiting for her.

She raised her chin to Xiaolan proudly.

“Since I am here to accompany Dongshu-kun, Lan-sang and your father can leave first!”

“And some of you……”

Sijing Lihua looked at the few licking dogs with contempt and disgust

“We don’t need you to get in the way here, just get out of here!”

“What’s your tone?”

Takuya Mifune glared at her angrily.

“All my worries in the past have gone to waste!”

This woman is so heartless!

He turned and left!

But the others were still unwilling to give up.

Everyone knew that Qian Jing Dongshu’s current status must be just a toy with Lie Yan’s women.

If he abandons Si Jing Lihua after tonight, won’t they still have a chance to take over?

Anyway, they are targeting the Si Jing Group behind Si Jing Lihua, and marrying a woman to serve is not a problem.

If Dongshu is still satisfied, just like other wealthy masters, he will let Lihua, who is already a married woman, continue to be his underground lover, which may be more exciting!

Gojo Osamu and Nikaido Yuji are ready to move. Even

Rokuda Masashi, who is ten years older than Si Jing Lihua, has a slightly changed look in his eyes.

The Si Jing Group, now backed by Qian Jing Dongshu, is really a piece of fat meat that no one can resist.

If Miss Lihua agrees, he can divorce and remarry immediately. The two of them try their best to please Dongshu and get what they want!

“How strange… How come it suddenly became cooler?”

Xiaolan rubbed her arms with some urgency.

It was as if she had fallen into an ice hole in an instant, and all around her were cold and calculating eyes.

Maori Kogoro had seen countless people, so how could he not see the turbulent undercurrents below.

He sneered and stood up.

“Lan, let’s go and not stay here to interfere with certain people’s good deeds!”

“That winter tree……”

Qian Jingdongshu held Xiaolan’s hand tightly

“Xiaolan, Maori-san seemed to be drunk just now, so you should stay.”

“Ah, that’s true, Oh Dao-san!”

Xiaolan glared at Maori angrily.

“Have you forgotten all the driving safety rules?”

“Uh… isn’t this a case of getting carried away again!!”

Mouri Kogoro’s show of being cool lasted only a second before he became a joke again.

He snorted and lay on the sofa, while Xiaolan felt very embarrassed and held her forehead.

“It doesn’t matter, there are many empty rooms in the villa.”

Yui Lihua concealed the disgust in her eyes and asked Nanao Mi to prepare the farthest room.

She wanted to send this woman Mao Lilan away tonight!

No one should disturb her and Fuyuki-kun!

“Well, the villa is quite dark at night, and without security guards, it is not very safe.”

The lickers looked at each other in bewilderment.

“We should stay here shamelessly.”

The guests left one after another.

The women were reluctant to leave and tried to stuff business cards, handkerchiefs and silk into Qian Jing Dongshu’s pocket.

The most outrageous thing was that some of them wanted to rush up and kill him.

Qian Jing Dongshu was elegant and did not move a few steps. He easily slipped out of the circle of powder.

“”Sorry, I’m not interested in women who are not virgins.”

The women froze in unison.

Sijing Lihua was even more excited.

She was a virgin! It was real!

If she hadn’t relied on her beauty and family background to sell herself at a high price, she would have just given herself away like those frivolous rich ladies.

Now she was extremely fortunate that even though she had hooked a few lickers in the past, she had always kept her distance and didn’t let them touch her!

“”Fuyuki-kun~ I’ll take you to the room myself~”

Shii Reika took Qianjing Fuyuki’s arm, smiled charmingly, and the two walked away.

Xiaolan looked away a little sadly. Although she had been mentally prepared, she still didn’t quite get used to it.

She turned to confront Maori.

“Dao-san! It’s all your fault. I wish you didn’t drink!”

“”Ah? This is all my fault?! Xiaolan, you are taking your anger out on me! It turns out that nothing good will come of being associated with that kid Qian Jing Dongshu!”

The other lickers watched the back of Shijing Lihua with eagerness or coldness.

Their eyes were not like looking at a lover to pursue, but like looking at a walking gold.

“Since Fuyuki-kun and Lihua-san are going to enjoy a wonderful night, we bodyguards should not be idle.”

Rokuda Masashi said meaningfully.

“Haha, that’s exactly what I meant.”

Yizhilong rolled up his sleeves.

“Fuyuki-kun is famous and has no bodyguards around him, so how can he be without anyone to serve him?”

Gojo Osamu and Nikaido Yuji looked at each other, their eyes sparking.

“Everyone wants a chance to show off, so I’ll be in charge of patrolling in the first half of the night.”

“Then I’ll be fine in the middle of the night.”

“You are still patrolling! You are a bunch of crazy people!”

Takuya Mifune walked in with a dark face.

“Mifune? Didn’t you leave with the others?

Everyone was stunned. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Mifune Taku also scolded

“I don’t know who is so wicked to puncture my tire!”

“The same thing goes for your car and Detective Maori’s! Either the tire is flat or the gas tank is empty!”


Everyone was shocked and ran out in a hurry.[]

As expected, the parking lot was empty, with only a few of their cars left, and they all had problems!

The only car that was fine was Qian Jing Dongshu’s eye-catching floating black mamba!

“……The pranksters are bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.”

The lickers looked at each other in bewilderment.

“Can you disturb Dongshu-kun’s fun for such a small matter?”

“Let’s wait until tomorrow to call the police!”

Before that, who dares to touch the boss’s beloved car? Don’t you want to live?

“Besides Mifune, I think the mischievous person should still be nearby!”

Yizhi Long said

“After all, he is the president of a listed company, so he wouldn’t do such a low-level trick.”

“Let’s look for him everywhere. If we catch him before Dongshu and Lihua get up, it will be a great achievement!”

That makes sense!

The lickers looked at each other and immediately took action separately.


Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan had just finished tidying up their rooms and were ready to go to bed.

They heard a scream and pushed the door open.

“What happened?!”

They ran frantically towards the place where the sound came from.

The corridor was silent and dark, and for some reason no lights were on.

This added to the eerie atmosphere.

“Damn, are the lights broken?”

Maori Kogoro said to Xiaolan while running:”Lan, be careful not to trip!”

“”Okay!” Xiaolan nodded, and at this moment she couldn’t help but worry about Qian Jing Dongshu.

According to Dongshu’s condition, he should be getting better now, but don’t let him be affected.

However, Xiaolan was destined to think too much.


The crazy footsteps approached the room of Shijing Lihua.

Xiaohei knew that woman. With her greed and vanity, and her possessiveness for the man she liked, she would definitely not prepare the so-called guest room.

Qian Jing Dongshu would only be led to her own room!

His only target was this woman. He wanted to take advantage of Qian Jing Dongshu’s lack of energy to tie her up and continue his revenge.…���

Xiao Hei calculated everything very well.

Even a battle-hardened male actor could not withstand such intense consumption after dancing three dances in a row.

But when he really pried open a crack in the door, he saw with his own eyes that Qian Jing Dongshu was strangling Shi Jing Lihua’s throat in an evil manner.

Shi Jing Lihua’s body was tightly wrapped in the red carpet, but her beautiful eyes were empty, staring straight at this side, and her red lips were suffocated and opened, as if she had completely turned into a corpse without a soul.!!!

Xiao Hei was almost scared crazy on the spot!!

His way of killing was already barbaric enough.

Qian Jing Dongshu!!

Who the hell is the murderer!!!

The resentment in his heart suddenly turned into a terrifying fear of Qian Jing Dongshu, the murderer on the bed.

Xiao Hei wiped out all the prepared traces of the crime as quickly as possible, and rushed back to the crowd as if he was being chased by a ghost!

“What a coward.

Qian Jing Dongshu closed the door and locked it with a disdainful palm.

His big hand did not leave Shi Jing Lihua’s neck, and he whispered in her ear with interest.

“Miss Lihua, are you satisfied with my massage?”

“Ahem… Satisfied! Very satisfied!”

The fire of desire burst out from Sijing Lihua’s eyes.

There was no trace of mechanical suffocation!

Qian Jing Dongshu was really good. No man could give her this kind of pleasure on the verge of life and death!

Only him! The god who controlled all her experiences, he could make her excited when he wanted her to be excited, and he could make her fall when he wanted her to fall.

“Dongshu-kun, please don’t hesitate to destroy everything I have!”

The initial timidity faded away, and only Yu Yue was left!

Shijing Lihua must enjoy it to the fullest, even if it was the pain that Dongshu-kun brought her!

“Mr. Nikaido Yuji is dead?”

“Oh my god, who did this?”

Mouri Kogoro and Xiaolan have already run to the pool.

Everyone has a grim look on their faces, looking at Nikaido Yuji who didn’t even close his eyes even though he was drowning.

“What are you still standing there for? Call the police right now!

Mao Li took out his phone and realized something was wrong.

“Where’s the signal? ? Oh, I won’t be so unlucky again!”

Xiao Lan was anxious and worried.

“Then let’s go and see Dongshu-kun and Miss Lihua!”

“Now that everyone is here, what if the murderer runs over and attacks them!”

“That’s right! Let’s go!”

Maori Kogoro and others ran towards Qian Jingfuyuki in a hurry.

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