The devil’s horn is a prop that attracts evil women.

So far, it has worked twice.

Once, he met Koizumi Hongzi in his dream and violently conquered the Red Witch, causing her dream world to collapse and the sun and moon to turn upside down.

Once, he subdued Tachibana Maya, who was a naturally black female killer. When she was in a state of depravity, she wanted to entangle people to death.

And now…

It seems that the eldest lady of the Shijing family is not simple, but you want to hook him?

The rank is not high enough.

Qian Jingfuyushu didn’t give face at all and pulled Xiaolan up.

“Come to think of it, I have never danced with you, Xiaolan?”

“It was Fuyuki-kun who said that you are not good at this. Aunt Fei and the others have no chance to dance with you.……”

Xiaolan blushed, but she didn’t refuse Qian Jing Dongshu’s invitation.

She thought to herself that if Dongshu didn’t know how to dance, she could just lead him to dance together.

There was no need for fancy dance steps. The two of them holding hands and swaying quietly like a boat was also a kind of romance.


The beauty and seductive eyes that Shioi Rika was so proud of were thrown to a blind man.

Her perfect seductive smile almost broke apart on the spot.

“”Miss, it’s time to change into your dance dress.”

At this time, the very short nanny Nanami came over.

“Humph! I will definitely be able to surprise everyone and surpass that woman, so that Dongshu-kun will only see me!”

Sijing Lihua stared at Xiaolan, who smiled sweetly at Qianjing Dongshu, with a burning fighting spirit, and turned away unconvinced.

The rest of the group of licking dogs stood there awkwardly, looking at each other in bewilderment.

“Haha, so this is what Rokuda Masashi-san meant.”

“Miss Lihua, you are interested in Fuyuki-kun!”

Mifune Takuya’s courtship was unsuccessful and his face turned black on the spot

“I think she has no idea of her own status!”

“Hey, Mifune, this is too much.……”Gojo Xiu, the good man, wants to persuade

“Humph! Are you still speaking for this heartless woman?”

“We should have known about this young lady’s character from the incident two years ago, right?!”

Mifune Takuya didn’t care and directly exposed the dark history of Yotsuga Reika.

When they mentioned two years ago, several people’s faces changed on the spot.

Maori Kogoro could see that the atmosphere was obviously wrong.

Xiaolan, who practiced martial arts, could also hear a little, not to mention Qian Jingfushu.

“It seems that today’s birthday girl has a lot of scandals.

Qian Jing Dongshu sneered and didn’t take it to heart.

He has always been sober.

Playing is playing, but different types of women have completely different attitudes towards using them.

“Xiaolan, you dance first and I’ll learn your rhythm”

“”Okay, Fuyuki-kun, look~”

Xiaolan danced first by herself very obediently.

The two of them acted as if no one was around, and didn’t care about the looks from others at all.

Qian Jing Fuyuki:”My comprehension is against the sky!”

At this moment, in his eyes, Xiaolan’s dance steps were gradually disassembled.

His proficiency was infinitely refreshed, and he spontaneously comprehended more types and difficult postures!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have realized the”Dancing God””!】

【Free rewards, limited-time superpowers, and the thrill of near-death!】

【No matter how you suffocate, you won’t really die, and it will trigger a soul-level tremor! Automatically effective, countdown 24 hours! 】

This reward? He likes it!

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes immediately lit up!!

Of course, Xiaolan is reluctant to be sadomasochistic, but if it’s Shijing Lihua…


When he was at the maximum level and appreciated many movies, he learned a lot of fun ways to play mechanical suffocation. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s impossible to try it on the women around him, so he’ll practice on this evil woman!

“”Mr. Dongshu, I’m done dancing.”

Xiaolan finished dancing and looked at Qian Jing Dongshu with a rosy face.

“How are you doing? Do you want me to do it a few more times? It’s okay for me to take you along.”

“Need not”[]

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled mysteriously, suddenly took her hand, and danced a fiery tango!!

The dress Xiaolan wore was specially tailored by him, covering her from head to toe, and only the outline of the cheongsam could be seen.

Don’t look at the bold and unrestrained tango movements, that was the atmosphere he created.

Xiaolan followed him and moved around, just like a white rose girl waiting to bloom in the raging fire.


Everyone around was stunned.

Apart from the rapid drum beats, the entire banquet hall seemed to have become a stage for Qian Jingdongshu to show off his skills!

There was no light focused on him, but he led Xiaolan to dance, and everyone’s attention was unconsciously attracted to him.

All the female guests were so excited that they forgot themselves, scratching their faces and hair, wishing they could replace Xiaolan who was touched by Qian Jingdongshu, and screamed……


“Ah, Fuyuki-sama!!!

Such an excellent and perfect man, with dancing skills comparable to Michael Jackson!

How could there be such a man in the world, rich, handsome, and charming, he is simply God’s favorite!

The atmosphere soared to a climax, and the women all showed signs of losing control.

The men were also shocked and opened their mouths wide.

“Hello, is this a dance competition?”

“”Zenijui Fuyuki, what on earth can’t he do!”

Too outrageous!

Too exaggerated!

There should be a limit to what a person knows!!

Maori Kogoro looked at Zenijui Fuyuki in shock.

He swore that if Kisaki Eri and those women were standing here, they would probably not be able to resist kissing him on the spot!!

“Qian Jing Dong Shujun!!”

Shi Jing Lihua excitedly changed into a bright enough dance dress, and was thinking about how to stun everyone and get Dong Shujun’s attention.

As soon as she came down, she was stunned.

Her beautiful eyes trembled, and she looked at the man on the stage with disbelief, dancing hot and wild, and letting his hormones run wild.

Boom boom boom boom – her heart was beating wildly and excitedly, and a passion was erupting like a volcano!

“I must get this man!!”

She swore that she would do anything today! She would not hesitate to stun that Mao Lilan and take her place in Fuyuki’s bed!!

After the three dances, a hot tango, a waltz, and a foxtrot,

Xiaolan’s physical strength was strong after being trained by Qian Jing Fuyuki, but she was a little short of energy at this moment.

And it was also because she had consumed a wave of energy before setting off.

“Dame, Dongshu-kun… I really can’t keep up, you’re really amazing.”

Xiaolan held her waist, shook her head and waved her hands, panting softly.

“Can’t keep up? Xiaolan, you really lack practice. I guess I need to make up for it in the future.

Qian Jing Dongshu teased her as she blushed.

At this moment, Shijing Lihua twisted her slender waist over

“Mr. Dongshu, it is getting late, why don’t you stay in the villa? As the host, I will treat you well for the night, what do you think?”.

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