Everyone looked at Qian Jingdongshu in disbelief.

Is there a reason for this?

“Yes, Ms. Nagakura Yumi was embarrassed at first and wanted to go to the sixth floor with me.”

“It was me who suggested that it would be more convenient and more exciting to go next door.

Qian Jing Dongshu admitted it openly. Anyway, he was the kind of person who spent money like that, and everyone would get used to it in the future. He had so much money that he could not spend it all. He was so rich that he could rival a country. What was the point of having so many women around him and looking for some excitement?

No matter how unique his hobbies were, they were just mistakes that an emperor would make, right?

“If Tsuchiya didn’t have my gun or even me in his plan from the beginning, you can review it.”

“The original resident of 502 was Okita Ichi, who was the rumored boyfriend of Miss Yumi and whom they were planning to hype together.”

“No matter why Miss Yumi left Maori-san’s sight, you were misled by him and felt a sense of spatial dislocation, and came to 601”

“At this moment, you all stood on the balcony and saw that Miss Yumi had a fishing line tied around her neck. If the trap was set up in advance and the fishing line broke, the body would fall straight down. You would mistakenly think that you had returned to 501. When you saw this scene, would you first think of Okita Ichi in 502 who committed a murder in a fit of passion, and that Tsuchiya had a sufficient alibi?”

Everyone thought about what Qian Jingfuyuki said for a while, and it was terrifying to think about it carefully!

“What if the incident with Lawyer Xun hadn’t happened, and he had called the police, and we took the elevator or just happened to get to the fifth floor like we did just now! ?”

“Just like the real script he wrote based on his plan to kill his wife, the criminal will mislead you, just like he did this time to find an excuse to order Maori-san and Conan, so that you can follow his intention and run downstairs without using the elevator.

Qian Jingdongshu put his hands in his pockets, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

“Or maybe the elevator display has been tampered with, and they’ve found all kinds of topics to make sure you’re distracted and can’t see the display when you’re in a hurry.”

“Then, as we saw, with the police around him, he was bold enough to secretly move the body, so it would be even easier to use ropes to frame Okita!”

At this time, Conan exclaimed, and suddenly realized

“I finally understood! Brother Fuyuki made this connection through the secret photos of me and Uncle Maori!!”

“Rope! His original plan was disrupted by the appearance of Brother Dongshu!”

“The first scene we witnessed should have been 602, then the police were called, and the body was tied to 502, but now it’s the other way around!”

Qian Jing Dongshu snapped his fingers.

“Yes, so the two criminals are really stupid~ They stabbed each other in the back, and asked you and Maori to be witnesses, and at the same time framed me as the scapegoat.”

He shook his head.

“Tsk tsk, the world is really going downhill and people are not as they used to be. In order to kill his wife, he can even disregard his wife’s innocence and endure it to this extent.”

“What great things can’t be accomplished with this kind of will?”

“Fortunately, the two beautiful ladies recognized them in time and got rid of their suffering! I really did two great things today!”

Hey, hey… you can even praise yourself in a roundabout way!?

Maori Kogoro and Conan twitched their mouths and eyebrows, and were completely speechless.

Inspector Megure looked at the distraught Tsuchiya Kosaburo

The truth is now out. Tsuchiya Yukisaburo, you are under arrest!

“Get out of the way!”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo suddenly pushed the man aside like a madman, pulled out the gun from his waist, and pointed it at Qian Jing Dongshu with trembling hands.

“Damn it! You bastard, you are so proud of yourself! Have you been treating me like a joke from the beginning?!”

“Ah! Mr. Tsuchiya, calm down!!”

Everyone was shocked!

Qian Jingdongshu took out his gun calmly.

“Did I ask you to kill your wife?”

“I admit that I went too far with Miss Yongmei. Playing tricks on you was also for fun, but when your crime was exposed and you got angry and embarrassed, it was too much fun.”

“How can I repair it!! I want you to die!!”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo’s mentality collapsed, he was really crazy. With a ferocious face, he was about to press the trigger at Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes were fierce, and he started to hit the target!


Tsuchiya Yukisaburo was shot in the middle of his eyebrows, and he fell straight down! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Ah this!!”

The whole audience was silent

“Officer Megure, you also saw that I was in passive defense!

Qian Jingdongshu put away his gun and frowned.

“In the situation just now, if I didn’t shoot, I would have died. Do I still expect you police officers to block the shot?”[]

“”Well, that’s right!”

Officer Megure came back to his senses from the shock, and his eyes became more solemn when he looked at Qian Jingfuyuki.

How could he forget that Fuyuki-kun’s identity is different now!

Behind this man is the Suzuki Group, which controls the huge financial lifeline of Neon!

If he falls, Tianhuang Shouxiang will be in trouble!

“Don’t worry, Fuyuki-kun! I will report this incident to my superiors truthfully and classify it as passive defense. Please don’t worry!”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan were also shocked by this sudden change.

They both watched Qian Jing Fuyuki leave in a trance and said nothing more.

Qian Jing Fuyuki walked home and glanced at the beauty trap buff. There were still three hours left.

“I really want another high-quality beauty. It would be a waste if I don’t make full use of such a good buff.”

He said casually, and there was a ding sound in his ear!

【Today’s wish has been fulfilled. The host will meet a high-quality beauty within three hours! 】


So beautiful?

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes lit up, and he even looked up his schedule for today.

“In a little while, it will be the plot of Tsunoguchi Shigehiko’s assassination.”

“Find an excuse to call Conan out, and have a casual chat with Gin, and the car company’s second condition 687 will be met.”

“Then, she killed Pisco with her own hands.”

In the original plot, the beauties who appeared in this scene were Bayonetta and Oshiho.

Now Ai is at home making new anti-cancer drugs for him, and Bayonetta is running around the world.

This is not in the plot, who will the new beauty appear? I am really looking forward to it.

“Mary, the person you have been investigating for 17 years finally has a clue.”

In Kyoto, in a secret base of M16 in Neon, a man wiping a wine glass handed a file bag to a short-haired woman wearing sunglasses and a hat, with a plump figure and a wild aura like a serval.

“Qian Jingfuyuki……”

“Is he really the last person to come into contact with Akai Tsutomu besides that organization?”

A sharp light flashed in Mary’s eyes behind her glasses.

“Help me find out his itinerary immediately”

“I want to ask him in person what happened back then.”

The man was shocked,”This person has a close relationship with the organization, are you sure you want to contact him alone?”

“Yes, this is my private matter.

Mary pulled down her hat grimly.

“I want to see him alive or dead. M16 has always said that Akai Tsutomu is a traitor, causing me, his partner of the same period, to suffer suspicion for so many years. It’s been so hard. No matter what, I have to find him and clarify the matter!”

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