The criminal was caught, and Inspector Megure and his companions were about to go back.

But at this moment, a gunshot was heard from upstairs!

“Gunshots? What happened upstairs?”

The police all looked up with sharp eyes!

Qian Jingdongshu pretended to be surprised,”It sounds like it came from the sixth floor.”

“Where did Mr. Tsuchiya get the gun?”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan looked at each other fiercely!

“Could it be that Mr. Tsuchiya moved the gun?”

They just ran downstairs in a hurry to solve the case, and only now realized that they had just gone to the wrong room.

After running down the stairs, these two floors were rented by Tsuchiya Yukisaburo, so they rested in 601 without knowing what was going on.

“Let’s go over and take a look.”

Qian Jing Dongshu was the first to run up, and everyone else, except the police escorting Xun Zhuangping, rushed up.


When Yukisaburo Tsuchiya heard the sirens, he guessed that the affair between Tatsumi Sohei and his wife had been exposed.

However, based on his understanding of the wisdom of lawyer Tatsumi, he had probably already found an adulterer to take the blame.

So what he had to do now was to quickly shoot Yumi Nagakura and make the police run one more trip.

Because his 501 and 502 were separated from 503 and 504 where Tatsumi Sohei was, by a”five-zero-seven” well and a big corner.

Yukisaburo Tsuchiya carried the”fainted” with his eyes closed, and the unusually light”Yumi Nagakura” didn’t pay much attention to him. He focused on avoiding other people’s sight and ran up to the sixth floor. With his adrenaline soaring wildly, he didn’t even notice that there was no one in 601.

Putting himself in their shoes, if he was a wealthy chaebol like Fuyuki Zeni, he would definitely have a bit of face and would not stay at the scene after the affair.

He couldn’t find Kogoro Mori and the others, and then he saw the police coming, and there were neighbors and media attention who came to hear the news, he would definitely want to keep a low profile as much as possible.

“Yumi Nagakura, you shameless woman, go to hell!”

“It’s a pity that your adulterer is very amorous. It’s destined to only cost a large sum of money. You’d better protect yourself!”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo grinned and aimed at”Nagakura Yumi” and pressed the trigger hard.


This time his arm was in a straight line, without anything to block it, and the bullet bounced back and crippled his left arm holding the gun.


Tsuchiya Yukisaburo was really confused this time.

But once the gunshot was heard, the police would definitely find it!!

He didn’t care about cleaning up any traces, he threw the gun away, tied the wound with cloth to absorb the blood, and found the fishing line that he had prepared to wrap around”Nagakura Yumi”‘s neck! His legs were spread apart, as if he was strangled to death while playing PLAY in the chaos.

He jumped over the balcony in a hurry and rushed to the bathroom in 601.

It was only at this time that he found that Maori Kogoro and Conan were not at the scene, but it was too late!


A large group of people broke open the door of 602 and saw this arrangement!

“Ms. Nagakura Yumi!!”

Mouri Kogoro’s head buzzed, and Conan was also stunned.

“Boss, how could you!!”

“What’s wrong with me?” Qian Jingfuyuki came in slowly. Maori

Kogoro pointed at”Nagakura Yumi” who was strangled and motionless.”

“You, you are going too far! It’s fine that you stole Mr. Tsuchiya’s wife right in front of him, but you even went so far as to kill her!”

Ah? There’s another one??

Inspector Megure and the others looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki with a strange look in their eyes.

Fuyuki-kun’s hobbies are too wide-ranging, and too much of Wei Wu’s legacy. Is he trying to emulate that Prime Minister Cao!??

“Wait, let’s get this straight first.……”Qian Jingdongshu was about to speak

“”Wow, Yumi, my wife! You died so tragically!”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo rushed over after quickly pouring a few drops of water on himself, taking off his clothes and putting on a bathrobe.

He covered his eyes and cried loudly, and he didn’t even see the person in front of him clearly.

Just the action of raising his hand, God knows his nerves were throbbing with pain!

Don’t even mention paying attention to who said what, just hearing a few scattered words and understanding that everyone found out that his wife had died tragically, he felt that the pain was worth it!

“Hey, Mr. Tsuchiya, you don’t need to pretend anymore, right?”

Qian Jingdongshu seemed to finally be unable to listen anymore and shook his head.

“Your blood is almost seeping out from under your bathrobe!”

Qian Jingfuyuki!!

Why is he still here!?

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo, who was in a state of acting, was forced to freeze after only a few seconds of performance.

He even fell into a huge panic and trembled wildly!

Oh no, the biggest flaw is about to be exposed!!

“Huh? What’s the blood? And the gun on the ground, Fuyuki-kun, tell me, what’s going on!”

Inspector Megure was confused.

Qian Jingfuyuki didn’t rush to answer, but picked up the rebound gun first.

“I see. Where did the gun come from? It’s my service gun.”

“Usually after the insurance is installed, it is used as a self-defense decoration because it is too easy to fire.”

Conan and Maori Kogoro’s eyes are wild and erratic

“Weren’t you just busy looking for excitement that you even forgot to throw the gun away? It was Mr. Tsuchiya who helped you put it away!”

“Wait, since the gun is with Mr. Tsuchiya, he was the one who fired it just now! Then Miss Nagakura Yumi!!”(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Maori Kogoro suddenly felt horrified and looked at the dead person.

Because of the misunderstanding just now, the police were much more cautious this time, and they first checked the condition of the dead person.

“Inspector Megure! Another fake person!”

“It’s confirmed, it’s still the pillow, the inflatable condom and the silicone, there’s no skin tissue or blood at all!”


“”Fuyuki-kun, what are these hobbies of yours?”

Not only was Inspector Megure speechless, Maori Kogoro and Conan also looked at Qian Jingfuyuki in confusion.

Is this guy a figurine maniac?

Qian Jingfuyuki shrugged.

“It’s the same. I accidentally bullied Miss Nagakura. She couldn’t face people, so I let her live in my place.”

“I put the dummy on bed 502 at first, thinking that if Mr. Tsuchiya found something wrong, he would understand what I meant.”

“God knows how it managed to reach 602 by itself? It even started playing by itself!”

“Am I right? Tsuchiya Yukisaburo-san?”

Everyone looked at the second bizarre murder case that happened in the same building today with different eyes.”

“Wow, I didn’t expect Qian Jingdongshu to have such a keen eye that he could see it all at a glance.”

“The person is not dead, I am just joking with you all”

“Isn’t my new drama about to start filming? I just wanted to promote it without Yumi’s permission! I’m sorry to bother you officers.”

Seeing that his crime was exposed, Tsuchiya Yukisaburo stopped pretending, took his hand off, and smiled calmly……

“What kind of person is this!” Kogoro Mouri frowned.

Inspector Megure also said dissatisfiedly:”This reason is too far-fetched!”

“Mr. Tsuchiya, if we hadn’t heard the gunshots and rushed in, and if Fuyuki-kun hadn’t used a dummy, your joke would have really killed someone!”Such a thin, tough and sharp fishing line! And you even spread the dummy’s legs apart! You really took me for a fool, and your purpose of framing me is obvious!

“Oh, brother Fuyuki just said that Mr. Tsuchiya’s gun went off accidentally and hit someone in the body!”

Conan looked up in confusion.

“It’s really strange~ Uncle Tsuchiya, you are shaking in pain, your arm is bleeding, and the sleeves of your bathrobe are red, why do you insist on hyping it up?”!!!

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo couldn’t laugh anymore.

Qian Jingfushu teased and touched the fishing line

“Besides, this arrangement is very well thought out and well designed, and it doesn’t look like something that was done on the spur of the moment!”

“And I just officially rented the house to you yesterday, right? Mr. Tsuchiya, and the lawyer Tatsumi who is suspiciously sharing the house with you?”!!!

Kogoro Mori, Conan, Inspector Megure and other police officers were so shocked that their pupils shrank suddenly!

Could it be that this was really a serial murder of wives that was carefully planned from the beginning!!

No, according to Tatsumi Sohei’s inexplicably smug account on the phone, he had initially exchanged wives with a man named Hijikata!!

“Tsuchiya, Hijikata!!”

Inspector Megure’s eyes became sharp.

“Mr. Tsuchiya, can you explain what is going on?”

Qian Jingfuyu said with a smile:”Don’t bother, Officer Megure, I can provide their online chat records and house registration information for free.”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo knelt on the spot!

“No, no way! You are invading other people’s privacy!”

He and Xun Zhuangping met in an online chat room, but the content of their chat was incriminating evidence, so how could it be exposed to the public?

“If we really talk about privacy, then Lawyer Tatsumi will be the first to violate Mrs. Tatsumi’s privacy!”

Conan hurriedly pulled Kogoro Maori’s pants.

“Uncle Maori, now is not the time to hide anything.

Maori Kogoro quickly explained what happened and added:

“And Mr. Inspector, when Conan and I were helping Lawyer Tatsumi, there was a sliding rope prepared on his balcony!!”

“Ah, the two people’s plans are synchronized, and their preparations are exactly the same!”

Inspector Megure and other policemen were shocked.

Conan squatted on the ground and looked at the dummy, and was even wondering why Tsuchiya Yukisaburo made all these weird moves. He kept looking at the watch, anxious about Qian Jingdongshu’s endurance, tricking him and Uncle Maori to run up and down the stairs, deliberately confusing the sense of dislocation between the fifth and sixth floors.

Then the dummy was forcibly moved to 602, because he picked up the gun and wanted to frame the boss, which became the most fatal flaw!

Swish – a flash of lightning flashed through Conan’s mind!

Just as he was about to say it.

Qian Jingdongshu spoke first

“Actually, I wanted to ask since I saw this scene: Mr. Tsuchiya probably didn’t expect from the beginning that I would fool around with Ms. Nagakura Yumi in room 502, right?”


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