
Kuroba Chikage was startled

“When will you?”

Then, a domineering champagne scent emanated from the man.

Qian Jingdongshu did not give the thief lady a chance to react.

Since the person came to the door himself, of course he had to enjoy it well.

He looked at her teasingly,”For the threat of Nightmare to Kidd, you, as a young lady, are risking your life.”

“Since we have fought so hard, we should not mind shedding some more blood.”

“Right, Miss Kuroba Chikage?”


It was like a bullet shot into her chest.

Shocked, panicked, helpless, and a sense of being controlled that was constantly invading.

Kuroba Chikage’s slender legs, which were also wrapped in black stockings, were immediately so soft that she couldn’t move!

A hot flush rushed to her cheeks, and before she could speak in a confused manner, Qian Jing Dongshu had already pulled her over and stood side by side with Suzuki Tomoko.

“Huh? You are……”

Suzuki Tomoko’s eyes were filled with fireworks, and she vaguely saw a figure falling beside her.

Why does she look so much like Sonoko?

As a younger sister-in-law, she actually went this far in demonstrating. She was so embarrassed.

Suzuki Tomoko’s snow-white and plump body turned red again.

Qian Jingfuyu was studying how to cook the tender and juicy soft steak over and over again.

Outside, Curacao and Tachibana Mayo bypassed the organization’s range of action and quietly found here.

The door was not locked, and with their hearing ability, they immediately caught a certain sound and smelled the scent of heather blooming.

The two girls blushed at the same time.

“This winter tree……”

Everyone outside was killing like crazy, but he was still living a peaceful life, enjoying the happiness of having a family.

Maya Tachibana unconsciously crossed her beautiful legs and rubbed them gently.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her beautiful eyes were filled with ripples of desire. If she hadn’t remembered her duty as Fuyuki-kun’s bodyguard, she would have missed his strength madly.

Curacao was also enduring, with a calm face.

She stood guard at the door with Maya Tachibana vigilantly.

Da da da!

At this time Conan came over

“Two bodyguard sisters! Is Brother Dongshu in there?”

Curaçao quickly closed the door and isolated the situation inside.

She looked down at Conan,”Dongshu is busy, no one is allowed in.”

“Busy?” Conan thought about the fleeting figure he had just tracked down.!!!

Would the boss also take away the suspicious lady pretending to be Kaito Kid?

Conan sat down on the ground with a plop.

“This guy… in the end, everything is just for fun, so why should I be so anxious!”

Thump, thump, thump – someone else came over.

It was James who was in the overall command. He was anxious when he saw that his FBI subordinates were out in full force and had lost contact one after another.

Since such a big scene has been caused and many bigwigs in the political and business circles of Japan have been offended, they must go all out and gain something!

Otherwise, for a long time to come, their FBI will definitely be restricted everywhere in Japan, and they will not be able to investigate and arrest people on the cruise ship as unscrupulously as today!

“There are still two hours before the cruise ship arrives at Kyoto Port.

James’s glasses flashed a solemn light.

“Although it was against the rules, I had no choice but to ask my old friend for help.”

Soon, the US military stationed there received a call for help from the FBI.

The reason for this operation was to eliminate the terrorist organization hiding under the neon lights!!

“Boy, what are you doing there? And you two women, are you bodyguards? Who are you looking at?”

A few ignorant FBI and Interpol approached Curacao and the others with vigilant and hostile faces.

Conan stood up and jumped up quickly.

“Uncles, you misunderstood! Brother Dongshu is not the nightmare you think he is!”

“The real Nightmare is someone else! He even knows everything about the venue, more like one of you!”

This is what he deduced based on the limited clues.

Otherwise, why are Nightmare and Kidd’s actions so weird, as if they are fearless!

Perhaps they are taking advantage of the arrogance of the FBI and Interpol!

“Are you kidding me! There will be nightmares among us! ?”

“Forget about that brat, capture those two women, rush in and we’ll know!”

The FBI and Interpol sneered and walked towards Maya and Conan.

Conan was anxious and wanted to aim with the anesthetic needle, but he could only take down one and it would be easy to expose himself!

In his opinion, the current FBI and Interpol are not friendly, and there may even be a traitor!

What if they suspect his true identity again ?……

“But whoosh, in order to attend such a grand party, I only wore a suit, but I didn’t bring the doctor’s football belt!”

Conan was racking his brains to think of ways to tangle with these people, so he asked the two bodyguard sisters to go in and inform the boss.

Curacao and Tachibana Maya had already stopped talking nonsense and rushed up to deal with this bunch of trash in a few seconds.

Using the strange rule that these unknown people could not hurt them, they took them down in a few seconds without any effort!


After twisting one person’s neck, Curacao stood up coldly, with no warmth in his eyes, just like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

“”Ah!” Conan took two steps back and looked at her in disbelief. It was not until this moment that he suddenly realized that the two women looked too familiar!

Especially the one with black hair and black eyes. Wasn’t she the fiercest and most terrifying woman when Uncle Maori was assassinated that day!

And the other one, he had seen it many times before!

“Hey, hey, could it be that this is another trap set by the boss from the beginning!!”

Conan suddenly thought of a possibility that he had ignored from the beginning, but dared not think about! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He stared at the closed door in horror.

It was like watching a demon who casually threw a piece of meat, hugged a beautiful woman and enjoyed it leisurely, while watching the beasts in the Colosseum bite each other.

“You’re making too much noise, Pisco!”

When Dongshu-kun had no time to get away, Curacao frowned and sent messages frantically, expressing his dissatisfaction with Pisco.[]

“I am here on behalf of Lord Rum to protect your safety as a bodyguard”

“You are interfering with my normal mission! Lord Rum will be very angry if he knows!”

Pisco was shocked when he received the message from Curacao.

“Rum actually sent someone here too! The boss doesn’t know yet!”

With Rum’s position as the second in command of the organization, no, below the son-in-law.

He sent a confidant like Curacao, and the boss shouldn’t have come to him to make a deal in a roundabout way after knowing it.

The only possibility is that Rum has made unusual moves, and the boss is suspicious and no longer trusts him easily!

“Damn it, they are all a bunch of bastards who backstabbed the boss!”

Pisco boasts that he is loyal to the boss and the Karasuma family!

How can he not take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out these traitors in one fell swoop!

Let Rum lose an arm, Rum’s status is shaken, and Gin’s position as a backbone is also dismissed. Isn’t this a godsend opportunity for him to climb back to the core layer and regain power!!

“In that case, let’s just blame everyone on this ship and Curacao for her stupid mission!”

“The appearance of the FBI and Interpol can help me!”

Pisco showed a wicked smile.

But at the same time, he also knew that his own strength was not enough. To destroy the entire ship without leaving any survivors, external forces must intervene, preferably Thunder’s strong cleaning ability!

This person must be Gin!

Pisco sent a message to Gin without thinking.

At this moment, Gin had just massacred a wave of rats in the organization.

This night, even if he took a helicopter to fly back and forth in several major cities in Japan, he was still very busy.

“‘Hmm? Pisco”

“Humph, you old bastard can’t see the situation clearly.”

Gin put down his phone and ignored the row of read messages.

Colen, who was flying the helicopter, asked in confusion:”Brother, since you don’t plan to help Pisco, why do we still have to go to the harbor?”

“Waiting on the shore, watching the show.”

Gin was in a rare good mood, he pulled down his hat, and a strong interest flashed across his cold and sharp eyes.

I wonder what the surprise on the last page of the rat list from JOKER means?

Buzz buzz buzz – ten minutes before Karasuma Renya’s ultimatum.

More than a dozen US fighter planes fell from the sky. Hundreds of well-trained US soldiers jumped from the air like dumplings.

This is the maximum amount of foreign aid that James, as the commander-in-chief of the FBI against the Black Organization, can secretly invite by using his authority.

If the Japanese side protests after crossing this line, even the US hegemony will have to consider the international public opinion to deal with many people to calm their anger.


Their feet have just touched the hull of the Night Pearl.

Qian Jing Dongshu pushed away the two unconscious women, and with a thought, he created a bathrobe and put it on his body. With a sneer, he directly activated the landlord’s authority

“Repel, all uninvited guests without my permission, get out!”

Plop, plop…

A group of American soldiers were almost stunned, and were bounced away by a strange air wall and fell straight into the water!

The next second!

(The king’s) had set up an electric net that was hidden by the huge shadow of the Night Pearl underwater, and it had quietly trapped them!

On the shore, rows of dark shadows who had been waiting for a long time called out to each other.

“They are all falling down! Open the gates, close the nets!”

Zizizizizi – no matter if there are innocent people or not, no matter how many people are trapped in the underwater power grid, as long as they are not on the Night Pearl, everyone will be shocked and screaming by the terrifying voltage!

“It’s the power grid!”

“There is an ambush!!”

The American soldiers didn’t even see what the enemy looked like before they were thrown into the turbulent sea water.

The terrible electricity could quickly consume their physical strength. Not to mention bravely climbing onto the boat to prepare for battle, it was difficult for them to struggle to save themselves!

But how could Qian Jing Dongshu give them a chance to survive?

“Gin, it’s time for you to reap the credit——JOKER

On the shore, Gin was holding a telescope, enjoying the good show of closing the door to hit the dog and catching the turtle in the jar.

Seeing this, he did not hesitate, called Colen, picked up the sniper rifle and walked over

“Ah, it’s harvest time.”

He showed a bloodthirsty and extremely excited smile.

This night really made him the happiest in history!

At this moment, except for Gin, hundreds of black market people in the sky and on the ground have pointed their guns at the sea.

No matter who it is, want to jump into the sea like Kidd in the original plot and try to escape the net? It’s impossible!

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