
A black pearl suddenly fell to the ground.

Yuanzi called out in panic:”Arnold, is there anyone who can help me pick it up?”

“”Sister Sonoko, let me help you!” Conan heard it and ran over.

As soon as he bent down, the pearls on the ground suddenly spewed out thick smoke.

“”Ah! What is this!”

He was so shocked that his face was covered with tears. His glasses were fogged up and he couldn’t see anything clearly.

Others also found that several black pearls appeared under their feet.

Bang, bang, bang!

A series of black pearls exploded, and layers of smoke burst out!

All the guests present were well-known figures. Seeing this, they took off the black pearls and threw them on the ground in fear.

“What the hell is this! Could it have been tampered with by Kaito Kidd and Nightmare?”

“Maintain order! Everyone, pay extra attention! Kid and the others must be about to take action!!”

Chaki Shintaro and Nakamori Ginzo shouted loudly with their heads down.

Maori Kogoro gritted his teeth,”But whoosh! I still couldn’t stop them!”

“Is Qian Jing Dongshu going to get into trouble?”

“Boss! Boss, where are you!”

Conan finally wiped his glasses clean, and when he turned around, he was shocked to find that Qian Jingfuyu, Suzuki Tomoko and Sonoko had all disappeared on the stage!

He hurried to Suzuki Shiro who was coughing due to the smoke.

“”Old man! Where are Brother Fuyuki and the others!!”

Suzuki Shiro was confused for a moment, and looked around dully. 05″Ah? They’re gone! They were just here!”

Suddenly, he thought of something, his old face turned red, and he hurriedly grabbed Conan who was about to run to look for them.

“Wait, Conan-kun, don’t bother Mr. Qian Jing yet.”

“I think I know what they are going to do, the most urgent thing is to catch the thief first.”

Suzuki Shiro didn’t know that Conan was so anxious at the moment!

“Miss Suzuki Tomoko’s hint has been very clear, the Dark Star is undoubtedly on the boss now!”

“The smoke bombs that Kidd and his men set off were just to divert attention, in order to scare everyone and cause chaos!”

“The real target is still the boss!!”

Just as he finished thinking, the scene began to fall into chaos.

“What’s going on! So many policemen can’t catch a few thieves, what’s the use of you!!”

“”Open the door and let us out! Get out of here!”

A group of big men angrily pushed aside the police blocking their way and rushed out.

Chamu Shintaro and Nakamori Ginzo could clearly not stand it anymore.

“No, no! None of the people here are people we can afford to offend!”

“Damn it! Are we going to watch Kidd escape in the crowd?!”


At this moment, a tall and strong foreigner with white skin and blond hair fired a gun at the ceiling.

Conan, Maori Kogoro, the police and the big guys present all had their pupils shrank and looked over in shock.

“Everyone calm down! I’m the FBI! From now on, we will take over the scene with Interpol!”

“We suspect that Nightmare, the internationally notorious criminal mastermind, has sneaked into the venue and blended in with everyone!”

“Please cooperate with us. No one should leave without permission before the search is completed!!”

Following his words, several armed FBI and Interpol officers stood up. They also had international arrest warrants issued by the US Special Law Enforcement Department in their hands.

As we all know, the relationship between the United States and Japan…

At this moment, all the Japanese political and business leaders present had black faces.

They were disappointed with their failures, and glared angrily at Chaki Shintaro and other police officers, as well as those Americans who stepped on their faces and showed off their power.

“When will the search be completed?!”

Someone asked harshly

“Soon, we will find out the target in the shortest time, please be patient!” said the FBI who had just fired.

His gun was still smoking, and everyone looked at him in awe.

The Japanese police dare not offend these powerful Japanese bosses, but these Americans are not afraid.

If they don’t cooperate when catching international criminals, they will die by themselves, causing them to accidentally empty the magazine…

If they die, they will just protest a few times and be pushed out by a few scapegoats!

Compared with the wealth and status they have, it’s not worth it at all! No matter how aggrieved the bosses were, they could only sit down and swallow their anger.

Anyway, as long as they are alive, they must settle the account with the FBI and Interpol!

The scene froze for a while

“Next, it’s your turn to show your skills.”

Jack Connolly looked at the FBI.

He laughed wildly in his heart, hoping that the FBI would make a bigger fuss to cover up Kidd’s actions.

“Of course!”

The FBI exchanged glances and immediately sent people out to catch Qian Jingdongshu!

Fortunately, because they took control of the situation in time, the international thief’s methods caused a little chaos, but most of the people participating in the event were forced to stay here.

Then the target was in other parts of the cruise ship, which was not ordinary conspicuous!

Conan was short and no one noticed him. He immediately saw the eye-to-eye dispute between the FBI and Interpol.

His conditioned reflex felt that something was wrong

“Why? To capture Kidd and an international prisoner, why keep so many important people here?”

“Is it to protect or to avoid accidental injury… or is it because they are afraid that someone will interfere with them?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Wait, could it be that!!”

A flash of lightning suddenly pierced through his brain!

Conan’s eyes widened in horror.

“Could it be that they mistakenly thought that Nightmare was the boss! ?”

Thinking about what Qian Jing Dongshu said, the various rumors about Nightmare on the Internet[]

A master at playing with people’s hearts, he loves to give advice to criminals…

Except for the fact that the latter part is not quite true, some of the characteristics of the boss are perfect for the character of Nightmare!

If the FBI and Interpol think that the boss is Nightmare, thinking that he has the power to call the wind and rain on the Internet and is a thief who can collude with Kidd, then they are wrong!

Who knows Kidd’s situation better than him and the boss!!

“Uncle Maori! You help me cover, I’m going to find the boss!!”

Conan said as he rushed out

“Hey you kid! Where are you going at this time! Those Americans really know how to shoot! Hey!”

“”You are a stinky boy who only causes trouble for others!”

Maori Kogoro called out to no avail and cursed fiercely.

Seeing the American guard looking over, he quickly pulled Chaki Shintaro and Nakamori Ginzo with a stiff smile to cover for Conan and Qian Jingfuyu who was not present.

“Qi Kexiu, why are my eyelids always twitching? I have a bad feeling. Could things be worse than they are now! ?”

Among the people who were forced to stay in the hall, there was one person who was more anxious than anyone else.

Pisco kept looking at his watch.

“Damn FBI and Interpol, where on earth did they come from!”

There is less than an hour left before the boss’s ultimatum!!

If the boss fails to respond within the specified time, then the boss will be angry and will not mind letting the entire ship be buried with the secret!

Pisco doesn’t care whether everyone present lives or dies, what he cares about is what the boss thinks of him, his loyal minister!

It was not easy to get the boss back from marginalization, and he must complete this mission perfectly!

Pisco’s eyes turned cold and he directly pressed the special alarm on his body.

Beep, beep, beep…

The radio waves of this alarm can only be received by all the members of the organization hiding on the ship at this moment.

If these damn cops are still not good at hindering him, then get rid of them all!

Now, Curacao, who sent Xiao Ai to the guest room and told her not to go out for the time being, frowned suddenly

“It’s a signal from within the organization, huh? It’s Pisco.”

Did something unexpected happen? I don’t know if it was arranged by Fuyuki-kun or…

At this time, a chaotic sound of footsteps sounded, and Tachibana Maya, who was hanging upside down on the beam like a bat using a steel cable, suddenly opened his eyes.

“They were martial artists, carrying guns. I smelled something I didn’t like about them.”

What is the smell that killers naturally dislike? Cops.

Interpol, FBI.

Curacao’s eyes were sharp, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a sneer that resembled Fuyuki’s.

“Let’s go, Maya, it’s our turn to take action.”

The heterochromatic eyes hidden under the beautiful contact lenses looked through the corridor at the FBI people who were unaware of the danger.

Everyone felt a cold wind blowing behind their necks, and their bodies instantly became cold!

Before they could notice anything unusual and prepare to take out their weapons and call for help, two women who moved like a storm rushed into their sight.

The prelude to killing officially sounded.

When the shadow of blood gradually covered the entire ship, in the luxurious and spacious room.

Suzuki Tomoko’s face flushed red, and she clung to Qian Jing Fuyuki like a vine.

“Dongshu-kun, I don’t know how to express the joy in my heart.~”

“You still have the energy to speak, which means Miss Tomoko, you are stronger than I thought.”

“Then I can’t slack off.”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s voice with a smirk sounded, and Suzuki Tomoko’s heart was beating wildly.

At the same time, a figure wearing a black tights, like a cat, tiptoed carefully, trying to get close to the clothes scattered on the ground.

Hei Yu Qianying tried to hold back the burning cheeks, forced himself to ignore the scratching sound, and kept searching.

“Huh? Strange? How could it be gone?”

She clearly saw him wearing it when he came in.

If she didn’t get the Black Star quickly, then she and Terai Huangzhisuke would be exposed by Nightmare for trying their best to pretend to be Kidd in Japan and overseas!

Kuroba Chikage was secretly anxious and didn’t notice when the silence came.

Until, a lazy and indescribable sexy voice brushed past her ears.

“Dedicated Miss Thief, are you looking for this?”

A big hand, holding the treasure that everyone was rushing to get, the Black Star, was quietly placed in front of her.

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