A few hours later, at Benkei Onsen Ryokan

“Qian Jing Dong Shu! How come you are here?

Maori Kogoro pointed at Qian Jing Dong Shu in shock.

Conan beside him was also stunned.

“Boss, when I called you, you said you already had an appointment. Are you going to have a date here with Ranae-chan?”

“Of course. I just bought this hotel, and I didn’t know I would meet you guys.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and hugged Xiaolan’s slender waist, and Xiaolan’s pretty face immediately turned red.

“I didn’t expect to bump into you guys, what a coincidence”

“By the way, why are you here?”

As soon as Qian Jing Dongshu finished speaking, the door opened and everyone inside looked over in surprise..

“Maori-kun, who is this handsome young man?”

The Benkei Onsen Hotel is not in Kyoto, but in Chiba Prefecture, so Qian Jingfuyu is not well-known here.

Maori Kogoro immediately blinked his eyes.

“Well, just an annoying landlord boy!”

“Brother Dongshu is very powerful! He is the landlord of our Beihua Street! He manages many people!”

Conan is very���He knew that Qian Jing

Dongshu was being too modest when he said that he was the landlord of Beihua Street!

With the many industries he acquired and developed, plus the black market in Kyoto, he had accumulated a lot of wealth!

“Mmm, Dongshu-kun is amazing!”

Xiaolan also looked at Qian Jing Dongshu with admiration.

“Ah, what a young talent!”

Mori Kogoro’s classmates from the Judo Club of University immediately became enthusiastic about Qian Jingfuyuki after hearing this.

They all started to introduce themselves.

“My name is Yukio Ayashiro, a classmate of Maori-kun in the judo club, and now a physical education teacher in a college.”

The tall man who looks like Takagi smiled.

The chubby guy with glasses smiled kindly.

“Hello, my name is Omura Jun, and I am also a member of the club.

A woman with short curly hair, fair skin and a mature look looked at Qian Jing Dongshu, and her eyes lit up little by little.

“I went to Kyoto on a business trip not long ago, and I think I saw you on TV, Qian Jingdongshu, the landlord of Beihua Street~!”

“You are so handsome, even more dazzling than on TV. I am a member of the Judo Club of the same class as

Maori, Yumi Horikoshi! Qian Jingfuyu listened to her moving voice, raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Yumi.”

Her beautiful hands, as plump as white jade, are just like the goddess of beauty Venus.

Qian Jing Dongshu remembered her, and she would die in this plot.

As long as she lifted her bathrobe, she would find that her figure was very hot, with exquisite curves and spectacular balls.

Unexpectedly, this woman is still a virgin, and she is as charming as Sister Bayonetta.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes were filled with a fiery

“Dong Shujun……”

Yumi Horikoshi was pinched twice, and her fair cheeks immediately blushed.

She has always had high standards and is very picky about men, so she has been single until now.

Because she pays attention to dressing up and takes exquisite care of herself every day, she looks like a beautiful mature woman, which naturally always leads to misunderstandings.

I didn’t expect that Fuyuki-kun looked at her so nakedly…

I really can’t muster up the heart to resist.

When Kogoro Maori saw that the only remaining beauty in their club was about to be taken down by Qian Jing Fuyuki, the hunks, at first sight, he shouted angrily:”You kid, if there is nothing wrong, you can take Xiaolan away!”

“Oh Dao-san!”Xiao Lan was about to get angry.

“Mori-kun, how disrespectful! How could you be so rude to Fuyuki-kun?”

“Besides, I haven’t introduced myself to him yet!”

A girl with glasses, a high hairline, a yellow face and pockmarks, and a somewhat unattractive appearance, yelled at him angrily.

Turning her head, she took a big step forward, looking at Qian Jing Dongshu with shining eyes

“Hello, Fuyuki-kun, I am Ayashiro Noriko, and I am a housewife now.”

What kind of perfume did Fuyuki-kun spray on her body? It smelled so good that she couldn’t help herself and her legs went weak.

The only bald man left snored in confusion.

“I’m the only one left, right? Haha, Fuyuki-kun, welcome to Chiba Prefecture. I’m Kazushi Nakamichi, the prefectural police officer, and I’m also a classmate of Maori.”

After getting to know a group of people, Xiaolan also grew up under the watch of the judo club, so she sat down and chatted with great interest.

Qian Jingfuyuki naturally sat aside, and his presence was also very strong, responding from time to time.

“Tucker, even if we can’t get rid of him, forget it!”

Maori Kogoro was unwilling to be overshadowed and quickly joined the conversation.

Only Conan was still curious and took the time to ask Qian Jingfuyushu

“Boss, you wouldn’t buy such a shabby hotel for no reason, right?”

“Are you going to expand the industry to Chiba Prefecture?”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his index finger,”It’s a commercial secret, no comment.~”


They even hid it from him. Conan’s eyes were half-mooned and he ran away.

“There are still more than three hours until the six o’clock fireworks show. It’s boring to just sit there and chat. Mina, why don’t we go play billiard?”

Someone suggested at this time

“Great! I’ll let you see the strength of my famous detective Maori Kogoro!

Maori Kogoro clenched his fist excitedly.

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled and glanced at him.

“Really? With me here, I’m afraid I can suppress Maori-san with one hand without him being able to fight back.”

“Qian Jing Dongshu, you brag without thinking! I have never seen you play table tennis!”

Mouri Kogoro would never believe it.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at the full-level skills in his skill column and made a provocative hook.

“Don’t believe it? Just practice on the field and you’ll know.”

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

It’s not that they looked down on Qian Jing Fuyuki, but because this guy Maori was afraid of the competition, but when he really performed, he was superb! He was invincible in all the clubs in college, and it was said that all the graduates of the police academy were record holders in shooting. If he really aroused his fighting spirit, even if he was as strong as an ox, the current county police officer Nakamichi Kazushi would not dare to say that he was a match for Maori Kogoro!

“”Mori-kun, please be merciful later!”

Ayashiro Noriko shouted nervously, not even noticing that her husband was looking at her in a strange way.

“Yes! If you smash Fuyuki-kun’s handsome face, I will be the first one to not let you go!”

Horikoshi Yumi said sternly

“Oh Dao-san, don’t take advantage of this to bully Fuyuki!” Xiaolan also warned.

Maori Kogoro did nothing, but was treated as a thief first, and a mouthful of blood was stuck in his throat.

Then, the flames of anger burned fiercely, and he rebelled.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, as a man, do you dare to accept my challenge!”

“If you lose, you must honestly apologize to me!”

Apologize? What are you apologizing for? Are you trying to seduce me again?

Qian Jing Dongshu sneered.

“That would require you to be really capable of it, Maori-san!”

As soon as he picked up the racket, his aura changed! The sharpness, ferocity, and dominance of the king of all ball games were all unreservedly exuded!!!

At this moment, Maori Kogoro suddenly shuddered and felt that something was wrong!!.

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