The next morning, Qian Jingdongshu put away his camera with satisfaction.

It recorded the intoxicated and crazy state of the women, and he would enjoy it at his leisure.

“System, Settlement”

【Sign in with Nana Oyama and get a soul-shaking reward!】

【Sign in to Minoru Nishina, and be rewarded as a master of ambiguity, good at pretending, which overlaps with the positioning of”Best Actor Acting Skills” and”God-level Disguise”, and has been merged!】

【Sign in with Shishido Nagaaki and be rewarded with the maximum level of wilderness survival!】

【The host’s current emotion value is detected to be 283,000, and the available emotion value is 83,000. Do you want to redeem the blind box? 】

The recent results of brushing emotion value are quite gratifying. Qian Jingdongshu waved his hand

“This time, I won’t wait for a discount, I will directly redeem ten rare blind boxes and open them!”.Ding

Ding Ding Ding——

【Congratulations to the host for winning”Super-realistic Inflatable Doll”*1, a one-to-one replica of a designated character, a one-time prop, and occasional artificial imitation behavior, so use with caution!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining”Acute Hearing” once, use it on a designated target to make the other party’s hearing ten times more sensitive! Effective for 3 hours!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 2 special property rights”Benkei Hot Spring Hotel” fragments!】

【Both conditions of the property right have been met, it will be automatically unlocked, and an additional album of Yoshitsune Benkei will be revealed!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Monroe Skirt Lift”. Within 24 hours, wherever the host passes by, women’s skirts will be lifted by the wind, their bathrobes will be opened, and only you can see them!】

【Congratulations to the host for getting a”self-aware off-road vehicle”. This is a wild car that will help the owner pick up girls! But its own aesthetic taste is different from that of humans!

Qian Jingdongshu laughed when he heard it. The first six were not bad.

This time, the welfare props and real estate fragments reminded him of a fresher way to play.

“What about the other four?”

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special property”Night Pearl” fragment * 4. The four conditions of this property have all been met and it has been automatically unlocked!】

“This is a bit perfunctory!”

Qian Jing Dongshu was speechless. He spent 20,000 emotion points, and got this in return?

“What is the plot of Dark Pearl?”

【The Night Pearl, appearance time: Suzuki Group’s 60th anniversary celebration】

【Tomoko Suzuki exhibits the”Dark Star”, an important scene where Kaito Kid appears in the main plot!】

“I see, but Kidd is seriously injured now and can’t be used for a while.

Qian Jingdongshu put the Night Pearl behind him.

There will be plenty of time to take the girls to surf on the sea in the future.

“Xiao Ai, how come you woke up so quickly?”

Xiao Ai had big dark circles under her eyes, and it seemed like there was a dark gas behind her looking at her.

Qian Jing Dongshu took out yogurt from the refrigerator and laughed heartlessly.

Xiao Ai had a tense face and was childish for a rare time. She jumped up and kicked his knee and forcibly snatched the yogurt away.

“Baka! I told you not to do it, but you insisted on doing it.”

Stretching exercise, that’s just an excuse for this guy to do something bad!

Xiao Ai’s face turned red, and she was still ashamed and angry and didn’t want to recall it.

“Get used to it~”

Qian Jing Dongshu laughed evilly

“Now you really become mine. Do you feel at peace now?”

“No need to worry about anything anymore!”

This guy… It turns out he knows everything!

Her fragility, her sensuality, she can’t do anything when she becomes smaller, she has always felt uneasy living under someone else’s roof!

Xiao Ai’s heart seemed to be suddenly shot by an arrow, and it started beating violently. Her cheeks felt hot.

She glared at Qian Jingdongshu in annoyance, she didn’t even know how pitiful these big watery eyes were.

“Anyway, you are forbidden to eat meat recently! I want to punish you to eat the nutritious meals I make at home during this period of time!”

What kind of punishment is this?

Qian Jing Dongshu laughed

“Aren’t there Xiaolan and Maya Tachibana at home? If Yukiko is not good enough, the versatile assistant Hanai Akiko will do.”

Let’s not talk about Xiaolan’s gentleness, virtue and good at housework.

Yukiko is also keen on cooking for love. A few days ago, she put on an apron and walked in front of him. She has done it several times without shame.

Although Maya Tachibana is a cold-blooded female killer, her full-level killing skills also include cooking skills.

How can you be considered a professional and experienced killer if you don’t understand the principle of food mutual promotion and mutual restraint!

“It’s no use~”

Xiao Ai gloated and crossed her chest with her hands

“You were so cruel yesterday. We all decided to avoid you for a while.”

“Didn’t you notice? Akiko-san bought a plane ticket to go abroad a long time ago in the name of managing Asahi Katsuyoshi’s business.”

“.「 Xiaolan also has to prepare for the karate competition. She has to stay in school for a while and practice meditation.”


Qian Jingdongshu’s ground cracked and the mountains collapsed.

I didn’t expect that making full use of the magnetic field crazy man’s magic skills, turning the magnetic field back and forth, and extending the time for one night would cause such a big shadow to them.

“Can’t Curacao stand it?”

He began to reflect on himself for the first time.

Seeing that he really had no idea of his own strength, Xiao Ai snorted.

She was so unbridled and frivolous when she was young. When she grows up, she will be even worse! She should calm down for the time being. I hope that Teacher Elena will slow down her research..

To Ai’s disappointment, Xiaolan was the first to betray the women’s alliance.

“Uchifuyuki-kun, last time I wore a maid outfit, you said you would agree to go on a date with me alone.~”

“Does it still count now?”

After breakfast, the other women did what they were supposed to do.

Qian Jing Dongshu was still thinking about whether to hire another assistant (Li Le) after he left.

Xiaolan sat over and took his arm with expectant eyes.

“Of course, I keep my word to my woman.”

Except for those who are spoiled by their favor.

For example, yesterday, she was so confused that she asked him to expose his superhuman abilities in public and take her to hype and become famous.

Qian Jingfuyushu was too lazy to reply and directly sent her to the island of evil women.

Anyway, the atmosphere was good at that time, who cared whether there were few people or not.

“Is there any place Xiaolan wants to go?”

Xiaolan shook her head.

“No, it’s up to Dongshu-kun to arrange it. I’ll listen to Dongshu-kun.~”

“In that case, let’s go to this Benkei Onsen Hotel.

Qian Jingfuyu pointed to the special property he had just unlocked. Let the system anchor the plot and find that it was the scene of Maori Kogoro’s class reunion. The smile on his face deepened.

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