
Hanai Akiko handed over the documents

“The real estate transfer certificate you want.”

Someone’s pupils shrank slightly when he heard about the real estate transfer.

Conan also paid attention. At this time, the boss is still leisurely buying real estate?.

Others looked at Hanai Akiko in shock.

“Who is this beautiful lady?”

Maori Kogoro couldn’t help asking.

“My new assistant, Hanai Akiko-san, was just hired from the bankrupt Takei family.

Qian Jingfuyu also put his arms around the beautiful assistant’s slender waist, hugged her left and right, and said with a smile

“Hello everyone, please give me your advice.”Akiko Hanai smiled politely

“Oh, it turned out to be the Takei family.”

Inspector Megure quickly had an impression.

Who made Takei Katsuhiko’s death so strange? His daughter was kidnapped and he was burned to death. It is still unclear.

Hanai Akiko is a suspect, but she has no motive and a sufficient alibi. The police can only turn their attention to Takei Naoko.

“So stop changing the subject! What murder case are you talking about, woman?”

Nishina Minoru is a closeted person and doesn’t buy into Hanai Akiko’s tricks, so she shouted angrily.

Hanai Akiko:”Mr. Asahi Katsuyoshi died shortly after I completed the property transfer.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can go to the aquarium below and see it floating in the sea, with a 9 of spades and a joker on it.”


“What, Mr. Xu is dead! ?”

“If he’s dead, could it be a ghost who invited us here! ?”

The whole audience was shocked!

Someone’s face was completely gloomy!

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at him and laughed secretly

“Since the criminal may be hiding among us and has already attacked Mr. Xu, who is ranked ninth, we really can’t leave.”

“Everyone, please cooperate with our police work. 727

Inspector Megure and Shiratori both stood up and said seriously.

Then when they took out their mobile phones to make a call, they were shocked to find that the signal was cut off!

Hanai Akiko shook her head

“It’s no use. I’ve tried driving to the farthest place, but I couldn’t find a signal even with the last bit of gas.”

“This is a remote area across the sea, and there are no people around.

Everyone’s face suddenly turned ugly.

“It seems that the criminal intends to turn this place into an isolated island, so that we can be trapped together and wait for him to hunt us one by one!”

Zen Jing Fuyuki said meaningfully.

Nishina Minoru could no longer bear it, and he was furious, shaking his finger at Maori Kogoro.

“It’s all your fault, God of Plague! What bad luck have I had, just because there is a 2 in the word”Ren”?”

“Fuyuki-kun, I’m so scared~!”

Nana Koyama was so frightened that she hid in Qian Jingfuyu’s arms and dared not leave.

Shishido Nagaaki looked at his camera.

“Since I can’t go out in the short term, let me take some photos for the record.”

“Otherwise, you guys would be very distressed too, wouldn’t you?”Inspector

Megure hadn’t thought of this, and he was grateful when he heard it:”Ah, thank you very much, Mr. Shishido.”

Three people took the lead to go down to see the body. Although the others felt terrified, it was too dangerous for them to be alone outside. They followed the crowd and went down.

The elevator went straight to the counter, and when they arrived at the counter, they found a key pressed on a piece of paper.

“Mr. Zemu, if you are here, please go to my wine room and take a bottle of your favorite wine from the No. 18 wine rack and help me entertain everyone.

Qian Jingdongshu went over first, picked up the paper and read it.

“Huh!? This is obviously a trap!”

“Mr. Sawaki, the next number is your 8, you must not fall for his trick!”

Mouri Kogoro shouted quickly.

Everyone looked at Sawaki Gonghe nervously. They all thought that it was the hidden criminal Murakami Jō who was causing trouble, and if they followed one by one, no one would be able to escape.

Shishido Nagaaki and Nishina Minoru had secretly regretted and wanted to go back.

At this time, Conan touched around and saw that the electronic lock was locked, the elevator could not be used, and the emergency passage was blocked with cement in advance. His face changed.

“Brother Dongshu, please try to hack into the computer here. The security passage is blocked and the elevator is unusable!”


Everyone was shocked again!

“Computer! Yes! Didn’t they say last time that you could use the LAN to send out a distress signal in the Twilight Annex?”

Maori Kogoro’s eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki like a savior!

“Qianjing boy!! Now it’s up to you!!”

“Hacker!?”Someone could no longer remain calm.

He froze and hurriedly activated the bomb in the power room!

Qian Jingdongshu immediately sensed it the moment he pressed the button.

“I told you not to damage the building, how can I let you do something bad?”

With a sneer, a strong and terrifying magnetic field spread throughout the underwater restaurant.

The locations of all the bombs were clear.

The three-second countdown for a bomb placed in the power room had just ended and was about to explode.

In this area, everything was like pressing the pause button. Before the sparks of the bomb could even appear, they were moved by a force and appeared in the waters near the aquarium.

Boom – the ripples of the explosion shook.

The waves outside were surging, and the colorful schools of fish that were swimming leisurely just now were all caught in the terrifying waves.

Blood and shattered fish corpses flew together, covering the glass wall. The scene looked like an underwater horror movie for a while.

This was not over yet. Everyone looked at Xu Shengyi’s bloody body in horror, with his face twisted and stuck to the glass!

The joker on his chest seemed to be laughing at them mockingly and hideously.


Nana Oyama screamed in terror.


The switch was pulled down by a force.

Everything fell into darkness.

“Power outage!?”

Nana Koyama was completely panicked.

She scratched her face anxiously with her ten fingers.

Qian Jingfuyu’s voice sank,”Nana, your fingernails are glowing!”

“Huh?! But this was given to me by Mr. Xu’s secretary!”

“”Nana-chan, get down!”

Conan roared, jumped onto the counter, and kicked the key towards Nana Koyamauchi and Fuyuki Zeni.

The wind whistled!


Someone’s body was hit in the dark, and there was a muffled groan!

At this moment, Fuyuki Zeni had already hugged Nana Koyamauchi and covered her ears.

The criminal was completely empty-handed, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked at him.

No matter how unwilling he was, he could only turn around and run away.

Everyone heard the crazy footsteps running away

“What’s going on!? Is it Murakami!?”

The others realized it later, perhaps stimulated by the darkness and fear, and their potential exploded at the critical moment.

“But whoosh, I can’t let you run away!”

“Catch that bastard! All crises will be solved!”

There are so many of them! I don’t believe we can’t catch him together!!

“”Remember to restore the power!”

Qian Jing Dongshu shouted.


Shishido Yongming took out a lighter and just tried to light it, but Shiratori pressed it down.

“Mr. Shishido, it’s too dangerous!”

“It doesn’t matter! I heard the criminal has already run away!”

Conan also turned on the flashlight of his watch.

“As long as the power is restored in time, Brother Dongshu can hack into the internal system and turn on the surveillance, won’t he know everything?”

“That’s true!”

In an emergency, even though the police knew that black surveillance was wrong, Shiratori didn’t say anything.

While they were talking, Nishina Minoru, Maori Kogoro and others had already rushed out a long way.

With everyone working together, they quickly found the power room, turned off the switch and restored the power supply.

Everyone returned to the hall and saw Asahi Katsuyoshi’s mutilated body, which was no longer acceptable. They all looked grimly at Qian Jingfuyu.

“Qian Jing boy, now it’s up to you”

“Well, I’ll try.

Qian Jingdongshu took out his mobile phone and operated it quickly.

In fact, he had already used the magnetic field to erase all traces that should not be there.

“No, this aquarium looks trendy, but the computer system it uses is still old.”

“A sudden power outage without prior saving, all previous surveillance disappeared, the time became 0000, and the murderer could not be found.”

“The electronic lock is set to automatically activate to prevent theft. Unless the police experts use a special key to unlock the lock, it cannot be solved by ordinary hacking methods.

Qian Jing Dongshu said in a deep voice

“But whoosh, was all this part of the criminal’s plan?”

“How come Murakami has become so smart after ten years in jail!”

Maori Kogoro scratched his head frantically.

After hearing this, someone was shocked and couldn’t help laughing in his heart.

No matter how powerful Qian Jingfuyu is! God is on his side!!

Sawaki Kohei said with a sad face:”If we really can’t find Murakami, I’ll be the bait.”

“I heard from you that the criminal killed people according to the order of playing cards, and he insisted on leaving behind crime clues such as paper flowers. This may indicate that he is a perfectionist.”

“Since I haven’t been attacked yet, he will definitely not let go of this loophole”

“Ah, this……”

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

It was undeniable that what Zemu Gongping said was indeed reasonable.

But who would dare to let him go to the wine storage room? What if he was really killed by the criminal who was watching from the dark! ?

“Don’t worry.” Qian Jingfuyu came out with Nana Koyama, who was still trembling.

“One person might be afraid of an ambush, but what about so many people together?”

“As long as Conan is around Mr. Sawaki, the criminal will relax his guard. Besides, he is also very smart, right?”

“”Yeah! I will protect Mr. Sawaki just like I protected Nana-chan!”

Conan dragged little Mengyin with a serious expression.

That criminal was so arrogant that he dared to commit crimes again and again in front of him, he would never let him go!!

“In that case, let’s go.”

Zawaki Gongping took the lead and walked towards the wine storage room.

Conan looked at his back in surprise and followed him.

Qian Jingfushu and Hanai Akiko asked for a deck of playing cards.

“I am not interested in choosing wine. No matter what kind of wine it is, it is no different from boiled water to me. I just drink it.”

“Come on Nana, Akiko, let’s play cards and wait for them here.”


It’s already this late, Boss, are you still so casual?

Qian Jingfuyu noticed Conan’s gaze and raised his eyebrows to look at him teasingly.

“I have a special talent. You have to be patient for a while, Conan-kun”


What is the boss going to do again! Conan immediately had a bad feeling!.

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