“It’s not surprising to see anything new. There will be more of these things in the future.”

Qian Jing Dongshu said lazily, and the helicopter landed safely.

Maori Kogoro was helped down by Officer Megure to vomit.

Tsuji Hiroki collapsed on the ground, shaking like a sieve..

“I was saved. I almost died! All thanks to Fuyuki-san!!”

Conan was still mumbling to himself like a ghost.

“Impossible, this is unscientific.……”

Qian Jingdongshu saw that everyone was still not recovered and coughed.

“Hiroki Tsuji’s crisis has been resolved. Mr. Mori, do you have any idea about the next person with the number 9 in his name?”

“9? I don’t know anyone with a 9 in his name!”

Maori Kogoro said weakly with a sallow complexion.

Inspector Megure saw Qian Jing Fuyuki frowning, and his heart suddenly jumped.

He didn’t know why, but he felt that Fuyuki was very dangerous today!

It seemed that if he disobeyed his wishes, something extremely terrible would happen!

“Since Maori-kun can’t think of a name with 9, let’s skip it and think of one with 8!!”

Maori Kogoro’s brain worked quickly this time.

“Zemu Gongping! A friend of mine who is a wine taster has an 8 in his name!”.

“What? I became the target of a brutal criminal because of Maori-san?”

Zemu Gongping was very shocked.

He looked at Qian Jingfuyu

“By the way, Fuyuki-kun, Murakami-jo, was he the one who drank with us last night?”

“He doesn’t look like that kind of person!”

Mouri Kogoro, Inspector Megure and Conan were all stunned when they heard this.

“What? You three drank together?”

“Brother Fuyuki, when did you meet Mr. Zemu?”

Conan was puzzled. Qian Jing Fuyuki was sometimes a homebody.

Apart from the rice flower street he controlled, occasionally going out to collect rent and buy the properties he was interested in, he rarely took the initiative to contact strangers.

Zemu Gongping did not overlap with his social circle!

Could it be that the two of them had some gray transactions in private?

Conan couldn’t help but look at Zemu Gongping with suspicion, and subconsciously paid attention to whether there was anything unusual in his house, and then found traces of something being smashed on the floor.

“I met Mr. Sawaki last night when I met Murakami Takeru.”

“Oh, by the way, he was riding a motorcycle at that time.”

Zen Jing Dongshu blinked at him.

Conan understood immediately. It must be him who asked first, and the boss found Murakami Jō from the surveillance.

Then, relatively speaking, Zemu Gonghui is very suspicious!

Riding a motorcycle, he seems to be the same as the murderer this time…

In secret, someone heard their conversation and looked at Qian Jing Dongshu with murderous intent.

“You can’t hold it back so soon? You don’t have good mental quality.”

Even if Qian Jingdongshu didn’t use his super sense, he knew that this guy was too guilty.

There were too many deliberate coincidences in the time and place of the crime, and it was too easy for him to discover it.

Tsk tsk, my heart is about to burst

“Ah, I suddenly remembered, Fuyuki-kun, did you receive a call from Mr. Asahi Katsuyoshi?ˇ ?”

Zemu Gongping suddenly spoke, attracting everyone’s attention

“Asahi Katsuyoshi… 9! Ah, I remember it now!”

Mouri Kogoro stood up in a hurry.

“This big boss once asked me to help find his cat! Although I didn’t find it, he happily remitted money to me!”

“Even if we just met, we could still be targeted by the murderer! ?”

Inspector Megure looked at Sawaki Kouhei hurriedly.

“Mr. Sawaki, may I ask what Mr. Asahi said on the phone?”

“He said that the newly opened Crystal Oceanarium themed underwater restaurant wanted to cooperate with someone and asked me to be the store manager. He also said that he wanted to find Dongshu-kun to borrow money from the black market for financing!”

Zemu Gongping said it with details.

“Is there such a thing?”

Qian Jingdongshu said with a playful look on his face.

“But he didn’t say where or when we would meet?”

“Uh, it’s about 2pm. Let’s go to the underwater restaurant together. It’s almost time.

Zemu Gongping looked at the time and said in surprise.

“So what are we waiting for! Hurry up and go!”

Inspector Megure and Maori Kogoro rushed out.

Qian Jingfuyu slowly went out, and at the same time received a call from Tachibana Maya and two girls

“I have dealt with Dongshu-kun. Before he died, he promised to transfer the property rights.”

“After the person died, all the formalities were completed, and Akiko-san has come to you with the documents.”

No matter what means are used, as long as the goal is achieved, it’s fine.

“You’ve worked hard. I’ll reward you when I get back.”

Qian Jing Dongshu said with a smile.

Curacao was still looking forward to it, but Maya Tachibana was already too embarrassed to control herself.

She was on the ceiling and walls like Spider-Man.

It was as if she was in a weightless space.

And Dongshu-kun was like a magnet, firmly absorbing them.

Afterwards, she was covered in sweat, and the water kept dripping down. She was hit by the little girl.

Ah, it was really, even though she was prepared, it was too explosive..

The group soon arrived at the Crystal Oceanarium

“It’s such a spectacular and iconic building, with a kind of abstract artistic beauty.

Qian Jingdongshu couldn’t help but sigh as he looked at it.

Squeak, squeak – at this time, three cars drove over one after another.

Who knew that a beige sports car followed closely behind, rushing in front of everyone, honking the horn almost wildly, and scared everyone.

“What? Do you know how to drive? Do you know that this is dangerous?

Maori Kogoro was very nervous and immediately got angry!

Qian Jingfuyu looked at the woman who got off the sports car and couldn’t help whistling.

“Hey, Nana-chan, we meet again so soon.”

Nana Koyama’s pupils suddenly shrank!

“Dong, Dongshu-kun!”

Emotionally she was madly infatuated, but her body was subconsciously shrank in fear.

This superman-like man was too scary!

She was still a virgin before last night! She actually experienced the kind of scene that even R-rated blood-thriller movies dare not shoot!!

“Nana-chan, you took advantage of me last night, but you are ignoring me today?

Qian Jingfuyu looked aggrieved, hooked his finger, and flew over uncontrollably.

In the eyes of outsiders, it seemed like a pair of young men and women who were having a quarrel and flirting.

Conan’s mouth was twitching.

“So after drinking with Mr. Takeshi Murakami, you still have the time to hook up with the supermodel beauty, right?”

“Wait, Nana, isn’t that 7 in Japanese?!”

Conan looked at Qian Jingfuyu suddenly, and Qian Jingfuyu nodded to him. His big hand directly embraced Nana Koyama’s slender waist, and Qian Jingfuyu checked it.

The atomic-level reorganization and regeneration is really amazing. Except for the membrane, there is no trace of repair on the whole body.

“”Fuyuki-kun, ah~ I’m really scared.”

Nana Koyamauchi begged for mercy from Qian Jing Fuyuki with a pitiful face.

To some extent, she is also the first strong woman who can resist the magnetic field madman with her real body.

But she is too useless.

When facing Qian Jing Fuyuki, her nerve endings seemed to be screaming in horror every moment.

Qian Jing Fuyuki was worried when he heard her heartbeat.

If there is no system hosting, she will faint from the fear.

“.「 Don’t worry, Nana-chan, I’m here for serious business this time.”

Patting her hand soothingly, Qian Jingdongshu passed a trace of spiritual energy over.

“By the way, how did you get here? There are several others……”

He looked at the three people who got off the bus.

The man wearing sunglasses, holding a camera and with a unique beard introduced himself.

“I am a professional photographer, Nagaaki Shishido. Mr. Katsuyoshi Asahi invited me to come here to take promotional photos.”

“I am the gourmet Nishina Minoru. Mr. Asahi Katsuyoshi also invited me. He probably wants me to write a gourmet column for him to promote it.”

A man in a beige suit and long hair tossed his hair and posed.

The last person, Inspector Megure, did not expect

“Shiratori-kun? Why are you here?”

“Because I’m really worried about Inspector Megure!”

“The Ten of Spades poker card left by the criminal has been found at Mr. Tsuji’s house.”

Shiratori Renzaburo parked the car and came over.

“Mr. Tsuji was taken to the hospital, where the mydriatic was found to be a specific drug for iritis, which takes ten minutes to work.”

“The follow-up effect lasts for a long time, from ten days to two weeks, and the pupil remains dilated.”

“All this shows that the criminal had planned it in advance. He took advantage of the children’s mischief early in the morning. The adults would not care about it. He broke the glass to divert attention, and then sneaked into Mr. Tsuji’s garage while he was not paying attention and replaced the eye drops he usually used.”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan looked solemn.

“The National Golf Tournament in two days)!?”

“He definitely can’t participate. The key is the mental impact of this incident, which may cause Mr. Tsuji to end his career early!”

After Shiratori finished speaking, the two of them fell silent.

Shishido Nagaaki and the others realized that the atmosphere was not right and panicked.

“Hey, what are you talking about that we don’t understand!”

“What happened? Two policemen are here!”

Zen Jingfuyu came out with his arms around Nana Koyama,”Let me explain.”

After briefly explaining what happened, everyone immediately fell into unprecedented panic.

“What? For this sleepy detective who we don’t even know, we are going to be put in such danger! ?”

Nishina Minoru immediately backed off.

“I won’t go, you guys should go find Mr. Asahi yourself!”

Shishido Nagaaki also frowned,”Then I……”

Nana Koyama’s pretty face turned pale, she recalled something that happened a few days ago, and was about to say goodbye.


A soft but powerful voice sounded

“I’m afraid that’s not possible! A murder has occurred in the aquarium, and everyone present is a suspect. No one can leave!”


Everyone turned around in shock and saw a tall, graceful beauty slowly approaching.

It was Hanai Akiko, who was carrying a briefcase and looking for Qian Jingdongshu!

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