“Well, it was a long time ago. Old people don’t like to move.”

“So did the old lady also receive that strange invitation letter this time?”

“Of course.”

A strange light flashed in Qianjian Jiangdai’s eyes, and he looked at Qian Jingdongshu.

“I don’t know what surprises there will be when I go up the mountain this time.”.

When the group arrived, they saw a row of cars parked in front of the large villa with a gloomy overall style.

“Wow, Alfa Romeo! What a cool car!”

Conan got down and took a look, his eyes lit up.

“My little brother has good taste. I didn’t expect that we would meet again not long after the last game conference.”

Mogi Harufumi got out of the car, put his hands in his pockets and smiled at Qian Jingfuyuki with ill intentions.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, I will definitely not lose this time.”

Qian Jing Dongshu is not interested in the detectives’ strange desire to win or lose.

He only wants the emotional value.

So he raised his eyebrows and said to Mogi Harushi provocatively:”I’m afraid you will be disappointed.”

“If you face me, you will always feel defeated.”

At the same time, a ding sound came from my ear.

【Sign in with Haruki Mogi and get the reward of Akina Mountain Old Driver! Know all the performance of luxury cars! Merged with God-level driving skills!】

“There is nothing we can do about it. It depends on your ability, Dongshu-kun.

The two shook hands and walked towards the villa.

“Is it really okay? I heard that you were attacked in Chicago on 9/20.”

Chima Kyouyo and Mogi Harufu are both detectives, so they have a close relationship and are well-informed.

Mogi Harufu sighed,”A few blind black gloves can’t take my life.”

Then he looked at the collapsed corner in front of the villa.

“But…if there is another earthquake in this place, it’s hard to say.”

“Earthquake?”Conan was surprised.

Xiaolan said:”Come to think of it, I read the news in Tottori Prefecture before coming here. There was indeed a small earthquake in the mountains not long ago.”

“Just in case, we should be careful, Dongshu-kun……”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and patted Xiaolan’s hand,”If an accident really happens, I will be the first one to carry you away.”

“How corny.”

Conan shook his shoulders.

Chikan Kyouyo and Mogi Harushi looked at the young couple and couldn’t help but sigh.

“It’s great to be young”

“Seeing this, I also want to go back to the days of passion.”

As soon as Mogi Harushi finished speaking, a charming and charming voice of a queen sounded.

“It’s hard to say, Mogi-kun. After forty years, the cursed dark land has been reopened, and anything is possible.”

Qian Jing Dongshu and others immediately looked up.

A beautiful woman wearing a purple cheongsam, with a graceful figure and a wisp of curly bangs in her hair, was leaning on the railing with her hand, looking at them with a smile, her eyes charming.

From Qian Jing Dongshu’s personal perspective, he could see the spectacular outline of her chest and the white and smooth legs in the split skirt, which were brighter than the lights.

As if she felt Qian Jing Dongshu’s deep gaze, her face blushed, and she hurriedly adjusted her posture, crossing her beautiful legs, and covering them with the front of the cheongsam, which added to the looming effect.

“Ikumi Gunda, the legendary forensic doctor turned famous detective.”

Chikan Nozomi and Mogi Harufumi called out her name in unison.

“I didn’t expect that even a busy person like you would be alarmed this time.”

“It’s not just me~” Gunda Yumi’s occupational disease broke out, and she sprayed a reagent on the wall with gloves.

Suddenly, blue dots of various splashing shapes appeared on the wall.

Conan’s pupils shrank.

“Luminol reaction……”

Someone said it faster than him.

“Every corner of this villa is filled with blood and crime. It is the residence of the 100-year-old tycoon, Karasuma Renye, who died mysteriously forty years ago.

A young, handsome and confident figure slowly walked down the stairs, with an iconic owl perched on his shoulder.

“Hakuba Detective, whose father is the highest officer in the Neon police force, Hakuba Superintendent, is a young genius currently studying at Ekoda High School.”

Qida Ikumi raised her eyebrows and smiled.

“Well, although I don’t want to take advantage of my father’s past, it’s really good this way.”

The white horse scout pretended to be powerful for only two seconds. The owl on his shoulder met Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes, and his body suddenly stiffened and became restless.

“Watson? What’s wrong with you? Hello……”

The owl let out a long scream in panic, and its sharp claws suddenly scratched its owner’s face, and it flew all over the house in a panic.

The white horse detective felt the pain, but had to catch the bird, and for a while, the bird’s feathers were all over the floor.

Everyone was stunned.

“Ah, this is……”

Qian Jing Dongshu spread his hands and said,”I am now starting to worry about my master in advance.”

“If an owl flies around, it will leave marks on good furniture.”

Xiaolan frowned as she looked around.

They were all detectives, so Conan interrupted them,”By the way, who is the other detective?”

“The invitation said six detectives, plus my uncle Maori, who else?”

“Hattori Heiji?”Zen Jing Fuyuki knew who was missing, but he guessed wrong on purpose.

An ordinary-looking maid pushed the door open and introduced herself as Ishihara Aki, who was temporarily hired by the host family to entertain them.

“It wasn’t Heiji-san, he just happened to be taking the junior high school entrance exam, it was his aunt who called to decline.”

Having been cheated by the random footprints, Mogi Harushi couldn’t help but complain

“Fortunately, that unruly boy didn’t come this time.”

“Who could that be?”

While everyone was still guessing, a fat middle-aged man with a big belly and a white suit ran out angrily.

“How rude! How can we not have the best tea and snacks when we have guests coming from afar?”

“I’m really sorry, it was like this when I came… There’s not even a cook in the villa.”

The maid apologized quickly.

The fat middle-aged man snorted unhappily.

“For a detective like me who values food as life, every moment is uncomfortable without the calories of dessert.

He turned around and greeted Qian Jingdongshu and others, with a kind of unconscious superiority of the host.

“Hello everyone, I am Dashang Zhushan. It’s hard for you to come all the way here. Let’s go to the restaurant and wait for me to prepare delicious food for us to enjoy together!”

As he said this, he looked at Qian Jingdongshu again.

“Strange, you are……”

He frowned, his eyes filled with confusion, and unconsciously looked towards someone in the team.

“A landlord who collects rent everywhere, a genius whose detective brilliance is quietly covered up.”

Qida Yumi’s beautiful eyes are blazing as she looks at Qian Jingfuyu

“Every time, there is the unlucky”Sleeping Death Detective” Maori Kogoro as a foil, who solves the case with one glance, and can be called the savior of the Kyoto police with sharp and strange thinking.”

Mogi Haruhi smiled teasingly and looked at Qian Jingfuyuki.

Then Chijian Shiyo and the embarrassed and hairy Hakuba Tan who failed to catch the bird spoke together

“Qian Jing Dongshu is a man of great reputation, famous in both the black and white worlds, and no one dares to mess with him.”

I really didn’t expect that fraudster would dare to invite you here.”.

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