The sun is high in the sky.

A brightly colored, aggressive-looking Helios sports car is driving on a mountain road to Tottori Prefecture.

“Rannai-chan, did Brother Fuyuki really receive a dark invitation letter?”

“It reads ‘The Phantom of the Son Forsaken by the Gods’?”.

Conan was swinging his short legs in the back seat, looking at Xiaolan in the passenger seat with some strangeness.

Xiaolan’s eyes were all on Dongshu who was driving, and she hummed twice perfunctorily.

“That’s right, they specifically asked Fuyuki to bring a famous detective, otherwise they wouldn’t have asked you and dad to go.”

Qian Jing Fuyuki glanced at Conan.

“Don’t you think you’re not a famous detective?”


How to answer this question? Who knows if it’s a trap!

Conan scratched his head and laughed.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at the rearview mirror on the side.

“It’s strange, I’m driving so slowly, but Maori-san hasn’t caught up yet.”

Conan’s Half Moon Eyes: It’s because the performance of the car is different.

Uncle Maori rents a car, how can he compare with your limited edition supercar!

Qian Jingdongshu was bored while driving, and he didn’t have a smoking addiction.

He counted the plots he had walked in the past two days.

The monthly weird gift incident solved the medical dispute.

The mysterious information incident taught the foreign gangsters a lesson.

The disappeared corpse solved the mentally ill murderer, even if he wanted to reduce the rent, it didn’t work for his own brother.

Antique collector, took down the sword, and bought all the treasures at the lowest price.

The child in the department store was held hostage, and the property rights of the department store were taken into his pocket.

The haunted house murdered, caught A mother and son who wanted to escape rent…

The flow of time in the science world is really unscientific. With Conan around, a day can be broken into several parts.

All in all, the emotion value has accumulated another 70,000 or 80,000. Looking at the upgrade progress bar, I can make a wave of upgrades after the Dusk Annex.

There is another rare blind box discount event. I don’t know if there will be a self-selected supreme blind box. I will keep it and draw it together when the time comes.

Just when he was about to get impatient and couldn’t help but use special means, the two people of Da Shang Zhu Shan finally raised the money for the loan.

Whoosh – the car drove to the gas station, Qian Jing Dongshu brought Xiaolan down to relax

“Dongshu, these are small balloons of various colors. What flavor do you like?¨ˇ ?”

Xiaolan walked to the vending machine and asked with a smile on her face.

Conan didn’t dare to listen and ran away.

This was not a topic that a little eunuch like him could touch, it was too painful.

However, Xiaolan has adapted so quickly since she has been with this guy!

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiaolan deeply, then walked over and hugged her plump buttocks, picked out a few exciting items and put in the coins.

When he took the coins into his pocket, he didn’t forget to chuckle in her ear.

“This is your own choice. Don’t regret it when you get to the mountain.”

“mo~” Xiaolan shyly opened his hand and hurried to check the refueling situation.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and said nothing.

After the car restarted, Qian Jingdongshu saw Mao Li’s rental car, which had been used for many years, and drove to the gas station.

“But whoosh, that kid Qian Jing Dongshu really doesn’t know how to respect the elderly.”

Mouri Kogoro spat out his cigarette butt, cursed and rushed into the toilet in the gas station to flush.

Not long after, someone came out to empty the ashtray, started the car and chased Qian Jing Dongshu’s Sun God supercar up the mountain.

The mountain road leading to the Dusk Villa is not easy to drive on.

Because the various bridges have been in disrepair for a long time and it is an ominous place that is cursed, the journey is getting more and more bumpy.

Conan grimaced, buckled his seat belt tightly, and put his hands on the armrests.

Qian Jing Dongshu and Xiaolan remained calm, one relying on the modified car, with a chassis as hardcore as a tank, and continued to gas and move forward.

Xiaolan, maybe it’s because people who practice martial arts have an amazingly stable lower body? Still without changing her expression

“The mountain road is so rugged and dark! Dongshu, I’m a little scared. Can you sing a song for me~”

Xiaolan gently put her hand on Qian Jing Dongshu’s arm and acted coquettishly.

Conan couldn’t bear to watch and consciously blocked his ears to look outside.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at Xiaolan with a smile.

“I think we should sing when we get to our destination, otherwise I’m afraid I’ll attract the Black Mountain Demon who specializes in sucking yang energy.”

Just as I finished speaking, the car’s high beams hit a short, lonely figure holding an umbrella.


“Stop the car! There’s someone here!”

Conan’s heart almost stopped beating when he saw it!

Qian Jing Dongshu was driving so fast, he might hit someone!

Deep in the mountains and old forests, burying corpses in the wilderness…

The key is that this guy is really an out-and-out lawless madman!

At this moment, Conan’s hair stood on end!

Who knew he was worried about nothing.


The car turned and drifted at an incredible angle, giving people the feeling of a show of skill.

The next second, it circled lightly and stopped in front of the old woman with a scary shadow on her face, who was illuminated by the high beam.

“.「 Hey, Basang, it’s scary to stand in the middle of the road at night!”

Qian Jingdongshu leaned his head out and said unhappily.

According to the plot, shouldn’t this person be blocking Maori Kogoro?

Or is it because Conan is in his car, and he is following the god of death?

“You are such an impolite young man, but as a cultured old woman, I won’t bother with you.”

Qian Jianjiang said in a powerful voice, asking Qian Jingdongshu to immediately transform his vision into a certain Saiyan.

He sneered and saw the little beetle stopped by the roadside.

“Did the car break down? The wilderness is really hard to deal with. Get in the car. I’ll give you a ride out of kindness.”

((Well done)

Chikan Kyoudai glanced at him, and this time said nothing, and took the initiative to open the door on the other side of Conan and got in.

【Sign in to Qianjian Jiangdai, and get rewards that hit the core! No matter what you say or do, you must be sharp and to the point, and you can get to the point without being pointed out, and you can get to the point directly! 】

The system did not show that the positioning overlapped.

That divergent thinking is a powerful ability that is a bit dirty.

With such practical benefits, Qian Jing Dongshu didn’t mind Qianjian Jiangdai taking the car.

After Qianjian Jiangdai got on the car, he took the initiative to chat with Conan, still with a little reasoning, revealing that the old lady was not simple

“Hey, old lady, you are really amazing. You knew we had Uncle Maori behind us just by talking to me for a few words.”

Conan’s eyes flashed with the excitement of meeting a master.

Xiaolan looked at Chikan Kyoudai and seemed to remember something.

Ah, you are the real-life version of Miss Marple, a thousand generations sitting in an easy chair!”.

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