

Something heavy seems to have fallen.

There is the sound of another person’s footsteps! If it’s not Boss Qian Jingfuyuki, who else could it be!?

Conan held his breath, his blood froze, and he didn’t dare to come out at all.

He only knew that someone picked up something and left quickly. He didn’t know if it was his illusion, but before leaving, the person sneered in the direction where he was hiding…

Sitting in the car leisurely, he watched Calvados snipe Vodka, take the floppy disk and leave, and also activate the bomb detonator at Xianqiao Station.

Qian Jing Dongshu was in no hurry to defuse the bomb, but turned on the computer and started typing.

Calvados quickly moved to another place and entered the computer room designated by the boss.

This was to prevent JOKER from following the clues and”detonating” the mainframe of their organization’s headquarters for the second time.

They haven’t even finished moving yet, and the organization can’t afford a second blow.

“”Leave, Calvados.”

Calvados, as a tool, respectfully left without a word.

Then, a staggering, puppet-like person walked in and closed the door.

When he opened his eyes, it was an eye that looked very similar to the second generation Rum.

However, this eye was full of mechanical inhumanity that was forcibly transplanted, and there was corruption on the edge, as if it would break after being used once.

In the new headquarters, Karasuma Renye and the other 17 people looked at the large screen that occupied an entire wall through the substitute coldly.

“Let me see, Qian Jing Dongshu, JOKER! What do you want to say!”

As a result, two sentences flashed on the big screen.

【I know what you want, Karasuma Renya】

【The secret of immortality, shared separately.】

Karasuma Renya’s pupils suddenly shrank. His excited and eager heart just started beating wildly.

He wanted to ask more questions, but suddenly a huge ghost face popped up on the big screen, scaring him so much that he screamed.

The 100-year-old man was almost sent away on the spot.

Qian Jingfuyu looked at Karasuma Renya’s embarrassment through the surveillance camera directly above his head.

The camera was originally used by this old man to monitor his own vital functions, but he hacked it directly

“So, in my eyes, what’s the difference between your house and the toilet?”

“Come as you like, leave as you like.”

He sneered and shook his head.

Qian Jingdongshu’s fingers continued to dance on the keyboard.

“From now on, everything will be done at my pace.”.

“If you want the Dusk Annex, take it if you can!”

After the negotiation, seeing the last sentence, Qian Jingfuyu showed a satisfied smile. Karasuma Renye looked at the buildings on the ground of the old headquarters, which were razed to the ground by a mechanical army that came and went without a trace, and cold sweat ran down his face.

However, when he thought of the satisfactory results of his negotiations, he also put on a cunning smile.

As long as he got the secret of immortality from Qian Jingfuyu and the forces behind JOKER, everything would be worth it!

Becoming a transcendent, the glory of the Karasuma family will be restored in no time!

The whole world will no longer be an obstacle to him, Karasuma Renye!!

【Congratulations to the host for getting the approval of Karasuma Renya]

Qian Jingfuyu stretched and called Xiao Ai.

“Your existence has been made clear, please send me the information I prepared in advance.

“So easy? That’s an organization! Or the most mysterious and omnipotent gentleman!”

Qian Jing Dongshu snapped his fingers.

“That gentleman’s prefix is good. I like it. I will call him a few more times at home in the future, just to get used to it in advance.”

“You are not serious again.”

Xiao Ai curled her lips, but a relaxed and gentle smile appeared on her face.

She didn’t know how to describe this guy.

Every time she thought that doing something big and shocking people was his limit.

But he always had huge surprises and shocks waiting for others.

For example… the information carefully prepared this time.

Xiao Ai slid the mouse, even if the target was not herself, a drop of cold sweat slid down her forehead.

“False immortality, rejuvenated and euphoric feeling after eating”

“After taking this drug A, the remaining active cells in the old man’s body will burn violently, which is equivalent to deliberately prolonging the last moments of life before the oil runs out.”

“Even if you can frequently replace body parts through cloning technology, no matter how sophisticated the instrument is, it cannot detect the principle of the coexistence of decay and spirit.”

What a scary guy.

If the boss really falls for him, he will be toyed to death without knowing it.

Even… knowing that it is a candy with poppy in it, you have to eat it without leaving any residue, or treat it as a treasure and keep it to yourself without letting anyone know..

Karasuma Renye quickly received the information sent by Qian Jing Dongshu.

It was only half, as expected.

He was a kid who didn’t show his eagle until he saw the rabbit.

Their deal was full of cold calculations, so he should show more sincerity.

Karasuma Renye called Rum

“From now on, Qian Jingdongshu’s level of confidentiality is like mine, full”

“Hair, blood, fingerprints, DNA, all left out will be cleared!”

Karasuma Renya is not afraid of fingerprint and blood retrieval traces.

All his existence was wiped out with his fake death. He is an invisible man in this world.

Moreover, the parts of his body come from different talents, and no matter how powerful the people in the black and white world are, they can’t find them.

Rum was shocked,”BOSS, with this level of confidentiality, are you going to recruit Qian Jing Fuyuki into the organization?”

“Even if he doesn’t join the organization, it won’t be too far off.”

It’s mainly the secrets of the immortals, how can these fools in the secular world know it!

Uesugi Renya sneered in his heart.

He said in a deep voice:”From now on, the entire organization will be fully open to Qian Jing Dongshu, and he will be given authority second only to me!”

“He can choose any code name he wants, or you can just call him brother-in-law!”

As long as Qian Jing Dongshu is happy, he can get all the information as soon as possible. What does a small organization mean? If he can support one in more than a hundred years, he can support countless others in an infinitely long time!.

Gin was in the recovery room, and his pupils shrank when he heard the news.

“Boss, you actually reached an agreement with that guy!”

At this moment, Qian Jingdongshu’s words seemed to echo in his ears again.

“If you don’t believe me, let’s make a bet. It won’t be long before Karasuma Renya himself will withdraw all orders against me.”

“Even his own home, the Twilight Villa, was generously given to me as Vermouth’s dowry.”


Gin’s heart was in turmoil.

He had no idea how Qian Jingfuyushu did it!

Even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, Elena and Shirley who mysteriously disappeared from the confinement room were related to him!

How could he come up with a bargaining chip that the organization had not been able to satisfy the boss for a hundred years in such a short time!


The phone rang.

Gin clicked it and trembled all over!

It was Vodka lying in a pool of blood!

Behind him was the figure of Calvados who hurriedly left with the floppy disk!

Attached was a few short lines of words written on the black clown’s eerie smile.

【Conan is to me what vodka is to you, and you are to Karasuma Renye】

【Now that he and I have reached a consensus, what choice will you make if you are caught in the middle? Gin? It was like a bullet hitting the heart!

Gin’s face fell into darkness as the screen dimmed.

It seems that he has to think calmly about his future.

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