
Conan ran into Dr. Agasa’s house.

Qian Jingfuyu followed slowly behind him.

“What’s wrong, Shinichi?”

“Oh! Dongshu-kun! You came just in time. The newly developed robot army is ready to release the prototype!”

Dr. Agasa glanced at Conan and said to Qian Jing Dongshu with a smile.


Qian Jingfuyuki raised an eyebrow at Conan.

Conan froze and winked at Professor Agasa madly.

“Dr. Agasa, you must be getting old! How come you can’t even tell me apart from Shinichi!”

“It must be because we looked too much alike when we were young, haha!”

The slow-witted Dr. Agasa realized it later and broke out in a cold sweat. He hurriedly said,”Ah ah!”

“It’s Conan. Look at my brain. I remembered it wrong again.”

“If there is something wrong with Dr. Agasa’s wisdom, I would not have given you such an important task.”

Under the nervous gaze of the old and the young, Qian Jing Dongshu lightly skipped the question.

“Then bring a robot army to the open space and fire a cannon for me!”

“Fire the cannon to hear the explosion? But I don’t have that many weapons.……”

Dr. Agasa was in a dilemma. Conan thought of the terrifying arsenal of Qian Jingfuyu’s family and swallowed his saliva.

“Hey, Doctor, just leave him alone! Hand the robot to him! I have something important to tell you!”

Conan said, and stuffed all the tracker stickers and eavesdropping devices in his pocket to Doctor Agasa.

“Doctor, please check if it is demagnetized. Why can’t I hear what the person who installed the bug said in the toilet today?”

Dr. Agasa immediately scratched his head,”It shouldn’t be like this. Let me check it.”

“”Hurry up! I’m useful!”

Conan said, looking at Qian Jingfuyu in a hurry.

Qian Jingfuyu smiled and said,”No hurry, their people have to report back, I will take the robot army to notify them soon.” Having said that, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! What if the people of the Black Organization are alerted and scared away by the boss… the mouse shrinks back into the hole, it will be difficult to pull it out!

Gin was covered in blood and was frightened by his subordinates and hurriedly sent back to the headquarters for processing.

As expected, he was scolded by the boss Karasuma Renye

“With so many people in the task force attacking at the same time, using bombs, snipers, and helicopters, you tell me we can’t catch him! ?”

“Gin, I’m now beginning to doubt your abilities!”

“After you recover from your injury, you will be demoted and asked to reflect on your actions immediately! All duties will be handed over to Rum!”

Gin walked out gloomily, leaving bloody footprints with every step, and no one dared to approach him.

At this time, Vodka called

“Brother, Chianti was safe and sound, but was also attacked by Qian Jingfuyuki!”

“She said, Qian Jing Dongshu asked us to tell them that the fun is not over yet, just let the boss wait!”

Gin instinctively wanted to go back and report to the boss.

But when he thought about what the boss had just said, he decided to forget it.

Before Vodka finished talking on the phone, another order email came from the boss in a rage.

He read ten lines at a time, a little surprised.

“Brother, that JOKER seems to be planning to let the organization go, and asked us to follow his instructions and go to Xianqiao Station to pick up a floppy disk”

“It is said that the floppy disk contains important information about the boss’s family. Since you are not here, I have to go there in person.

Gin frowned, and felt ominous reflexively.

But since it was the boss’s order, he said coldly:

“Do it quickly, adapt to circumstances, don’t embarrass me, vodka”

“Yes, big brother!”

Chianti was sitting in Vodka’s car at the moment. She heard it but didn’t take it seriously.

She was clumsy now and didn’t look as smart as she seemed.

Qian Jing Dongshu was really merciless and beat her until she screamed. He was always gentle with women, so why did he use such brute force on her? Her butt hurt so much that she didn’t dare to sit on the seat.

After this, she had to stay at home and recover..

Xianqiao Station.

With Qian Jingfuyushu’s god-level driving skills, Conan arrived earlier than Vodka.

Qian Jingfuyushu handed him the things and said,”The fingerprint collection device is ready.”

“As soon as you walk out of the station, your fingerprint will be immediately searched on the China Unicom network to reveal who you are, your life trajectory, and your underwear.”

“Yoshi!”Conan was full of confidence when he heard it!

The boss is reliable, this perfect backing is amazing!

He ran in……..

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and saw that he was destined to return empty-handed like in the original novel.

With a casual glance, he saw the sniper lying in ambush on the opposite building.

After a few taps on the keyboard, the man’s resume matched the information in the organization.

The sniper Calvados, whose life was saved by Sister Bayonetta when he was a child, has been devoted to Sister Bayonetta and is a direct descendant of the Karasuma family.

Except that Chianti has some friendship with him and they share the same sniping skills, Gin has no authority to dispatch him.

It is said that the old crow is cunning and treacherous, how could he not make a second-hand defense.

Vodka sent Chianti to a nearby safe house and came alone.

Like the original plot, he looked around and made sure that the station was cleared out as JOKER said, scared away by the news of a mistaken bomb.

He relaxed his guard, opened the cabinet door, and smiled with ease when he saw the floppy disk.

“It’s a pretty simple task.”

It was difficult to take the floppy disk fixed with tape with gloves on, so he took off his gloves and tore it up. He spat out the cigarette butt that he habitually held in his mouth.

Now that there was no Gin to make up for it, the door of the cabinet below was slightly open, and a small hand stretched out in seconds to pick up the torn tape and cigarette butt.

Conan was excited and was waiting to take the things out to find Qian Jingdongshu to search, and immediately locked Vodka’s identity, and even anchored the organization behind him!

Vodka swaggered away with floppy disk 2.0.

On the opposite building.

Rows of surveillance screens have already clearly captured all the details inside the station.

Calvados’s eyes flashed coldly under his sunglasses.

“Vodka, you idiot.”

The gloomy voice of Karasuma Renya came from the headset simultaneously.

“Shoot, Calvados!”

“That little devil……”

“A kid who was used by Qian Jingdongshu and addicted to hero games is already a discarded child and is not to be feared.”

“Remember your first task, get the floppy disk back!”

Calvados pressed the trigger without hesitation, like a robot that accepted orders coldly.

“Yes, BOSS!”


A bullet shot out from the muzzle.

Vodka still had a relaxed expression on his face, but he was shot in the middle of his eyebrows and fell on his back.

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