Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 597: Qingshan Yuzi, intimidating!

Watching the little girl move the trash can almost one step at a time, Li Xuehao shook his head and quickly stepped forward, grabbing the trash can from her side.

The little girl was suddenly "robbery" and was shocked and looked up in horror.

When I saw the "robber", the little girl’s eyes lit up in an instant, like suddenly twining two stars, a surprise: "Brother!"

"Yuzi." Li Xuehao carried a trash can with his hand and touched her little head with the other hand. For the young Lolita, who is as old as Yuki Yuzawa, he is used to doing such an action.

Qingshan Yuzi looked at him with big eyes, and his pale face was full of sweet smiles: "Thank you brother." It is not a small burden for her to pour a large bucket of garbage alone. She still has some grievances in her heart. Because the value of her life with her did not help at all, let her clean it alone, but also let her dump the garbage, but now see her brother, she suddenly thanked the value of the birth, she let her meet her brother.

"Let's go garbage together." Li Xuehao gently patted her head and walked forward.

"Yeah!" Qingshan Yuzi nodded heavily and felt that there was nothing more happier than this.

After finishing the garbage, Li Xuehao carried the empty trash can, and Qingshan Yuzi followed suit, and his face was full of excitement.

"Yuzi, can you help your brother a favor?" Seeing that in front of the teaching building, Li Xuehao talked about business.

"Good!" Qingshan Yuzi nodded again and again, no need to ask anything first, because no matter what her brother asked her to do, she would try to cheer.

"Go help me to call Yuko, I am waiting for her here." Li Xuehao gently rubbed her head.

"Call the minister? My brother is waiting for me, I will go right away." Qingshan Yuzi took his empty trash can and hurriedly ran.

Li Xuehao was very pleased, but the next moment, his brow wrinkled. Because Qingshan Yuzi, who ran into the teaching building, was stopped by a few girls who had just gone downstairs. One of the girls didn’t know what to say, and then pushed a piece of Qingshan Yuzi.

Qingshan Yuzi was originally relatively small, and was suddenly pushed to the ground. The empty trash can also fell to the ground and rolled a few meters away.

Li Xuehao also did not care that this was in the middle school, and strode forward.

The girl who pushed down Qingshan Yuzi pointed at the Qingshan jade on the ground and laughed. The two companions around him also laughed at each other. There was no sympathy for the weak bully.

Li Xuehao has come to the side of Qingshan Yuzi and helped her from the ground: "Yuzi, is there anything?"

"I'm fine, my brother." Qingshan Yuzi originally felt some pain, but there was a brother around, everything was not painful.

Li Xuehao secretly checked the body of Qingshan Yuzi and found that there was no serious problem. This turned to the three girls who stopped ridiculing because of his appearance: "Why bully the jade?"

The three girls looked at him with a flinching look. After all, such a tall figure is rare in junior high school, and from the school uniform worn by him, this is a high school senior.

In the face of people who have more strength and status than them, the three are very scared and hesitated. The girl who pushes the man is bold and asks: "Who are you?"

"I am the brother of Yuzi, why should I push the jade?" Li Xuehao frowned at her, although the woman grew up not bad, but it was far worse than the Qingshan jade.

Being stared straight at by a senior high school student, the girl was scared and looked scared. She argued: "She, she grabbed... the boy who was with me..."

"No!" Li Xuehao had not spoken yet. Qingshan Yuzi had already shouted out loudly. His face was indignant and his eyes were tearful, but he barely flowed out.

"You lied, Asano sent you a loveletter..." The girl was also dissatisfied with her denial, almost no one has the pressure of a senior high school predecessor.

"I have rejected him, and loveletter I also confiscated." Qingshan Yuzi hurriedly said loudly, especially in front of her brother, she did not want her brother to think she was a bad boy.

Li Xuehao also listened to the matter. Even if he is not familiar with Qingshan Yuzi, he does not think that she is the wrong party. Because it looks cute, it is liked by boys, but the boys also like other girls, so other girls see boys like her and regard her as an "enemy." This kind of thing is completely the top of the pool.

If it is a few older boys, Li Xuehao can also teach the other person a meal, but for the little girl who is as big as Yuki Yuki and Aoyama Yuko, he will not be able to get a hand.

However, I can't get it anymore, but I can solve it in other ways. Li Xuehao looked at the three little girls across the face with a sullen look: "Don't let me know that you are bullying the jade, or I will wait for you at the gate of the school every day, understand?" ”

"Yes, I am sorry..." The three girls were obviously threatened. I thought that being blocked by a senior high school student at the door, it must be very shameful, and no one would sympathize with them.

After the three girls apologized, they ran away in a hurry. It seemed that there was still a low cry and it was obviously frightened.

"Brother!" Qingshan Yuzi looked at him happily, her brother is her protector, and all the bad guys "hit" and ran.

"Go, call Yuki, I am here waiting for you."

"Yeah!" Qingshan Yuzi picked up the trash can and left in a brisk pace.


Li Xuehao did not wait for a long time. About two minutes or so, he heard a rush of footsteps from the building.

When I saw the first girl, Sakai Yuko, she ran down first, then Qingshan Yuzi. The two girls had some flushing on their faces because of the rapid breathing.

Compared with the Aoyama Yuko, which has a long and slender double ponytail, Yuki Yuki in the school has a lovely mushroom head with a baby fat face, which is even more tender and cute.

"Hao Er brother, are you coming to me to play?" Yuji Yuji almost rushed to him, and Li Xuehao quickly took his hand to her head.

"I came to ask you for help, Yuko." Li Xuehao said the purpose directly.

"Hao Er brother wants me to do something, Yuko will definitely do a good job." Yuji Yuko holds a small fist, and everything is fine.

"If that's the case, go to a place with me now." Although it is the time of the club's activities, Xiao Shantou also went back with him at this time. He is the minister of the flower society, even if she wants to slip away. I believe that ordinary members will not have any opinions.

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