Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 596: Crazy plan, suitable candidate!

"Long wife teacher, then we will leave." Fu Yuanzhimei and Yamamoto voice may be embarrassed to be too intimate with a boy in front of the teacher, and the empty lunch box hurried away.

Li Xuehao was left behind, facing the black voice of his long wife alone, and his heart was awkward.

Since guessing that the night of drinking the spirits and the water bridge Ryoko is not clear, he is also wondering whether he did the same thing with the long wife black tone that night.

After all, when he woke up, both of them were naked. Even if he hasn't done it, then he and Shuizu Ryoko... must have been seen by her.

In either case, he did not have the indifference to the black voice of his long wife.

"Youth, help me a lot after class." Waiting for Fu Yuanzhimei and Yamamoto's voice to leave, the iron gate closed again, and the long wife black voice said quietly.

The two men were no longer under the shade of the trees, but went to the edge of the roof and looked at the people or things underneath the barbed wire.

"What's busy?" Li Xuehao looked at her. It's hard to imagine what a long-wife black tone needs to help him.

"I just received a call from my mother, she asked me to go to a blind date." The long-haired wife black-sounded another cigarette, and the slender fingers sandwiched the cigarette was very elegant, giving a pleasing picture.

"Dating?" Li Xuehao was more confused in his heart. What can he help with this?

“It’s ridiculous to say, my mother is worried that I can’t get married, and I’ve been looking for a suitable blind date for me.” The long-haired wife’s black voice licked her forehead and was estimated to be a headache and helplessness for some of her mother’s behavior.

Li Xuehao didn't interrupt, waiting for her to say what she was going to do.

The long-wife black tone continued: "Mother's blind date has arrived in Yokohama today. I will go see him after class. Although my mother said that he is very handsome, he is a successful lawyer, but I don't like it. So I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Li Xuehao still did not speak, but his heart faintly guessed something, let him help, is it pretending to be her boyfriend, to run away the blind date object?

However, this is a bit exaggerated. After all, the age difference between the two is so much, as long as it is not an idiot, it can be seen, not to mention the lawyer who is a social elite.

"I attended your birthday celebration that day..." The long-wife black voice turned a bit and suddenly talked about irrelevant topics.

"Yes." Li Xuehao said casually.

"I remember there was a little girl named Yuko, she was very cute..." The long wife's black tone continued to be irrelevant.

"She is called Yuki Yuki, a sister of mine." Li Xuehao was almost fainted by her. What can't be said at one time? And what do you do with the little girl who is a good girl?

"Can you help me to call her? I will need her cooperation after class." The long-haired wife Heyin finally said the topic.

"You want to help Youzi?" Li Xuehao was shocked. He began to think that he was pretending to be a boyfriend. I didn't expect it to be called Yuji Yuko, but what could the small girl of Sakai Yuko help? He can't figure this out.

"Yes, I want Yuko to pretend to be my illegitimate daughter." The long-haired wife Heyin said a shocking plan.

Li Xuehao has no idea what to say, illegitimate daughter? This plan is really crazy! The long-haired wife’s black tone seems to be at most twenty-five or six years old, and there is a twelve-year-old daughter. This is too exaggerated.

"How, juvenile, this plan is very good?" The long wife black tone took another sip of smoke, her smoke was almost exhausted, leaving only a small part of the front of the cigarette butt.

"I can try to ask Yuko, if she agrees, I think there is no problem." Sakai Yuko, the snack food, Li Xuehao is almost certain, as long as he "seduce" a little, she will immediately agree.

"That's please." The long-haired wife's black voice was relieved, the smoke in his hand had been exhausted, the cigarette **** was extinguished, a small glass bottle was taken out, the extinguished cigarette **** was put in, and the lid was covered. It is estimated that this is her "ashtray". Then I took out a box of cigarettes from the pocket of Bai Dawei, took one out and handed it to him. "Is it?"

"Hey..." Li Xuehao is a bit dumbfounded. Do the teachers now like to give students a cigarette? Especially a female teacher. In fact, in Japan, even two adult men who greet each other are rude.

Before the water bridge Ryoko gave him a cigarette, Li Xuehao even tried to smoke one, the kind of sweet lady cigarette gave him a very deep impression. But now at the school, Li Xuehao does not want to cause any trouble, so he refused the "good intentions" of his long wife.

The long-haired wife’s black voice smiled lightly and took back the smoke. She ignited herself and took a sip: “After the class, I will wait for your good news.” After that, he turned and left.


After the class, Li Xuehao pushed Shan Benliang to invite him to go to the spiritual level activity room, and one person went home with his bag. As for the club activities, it is not too late for him to "cheat" the singer of Sakai Yuko to the school. Even if he does not participate, I believe no one will say anything.

Putting the bag home, Li Xuehao went directly to the municipal Pingchuan Middle School.

When I walked into the school, it was still the time of the club activities. Although there were people everywhere in the school, no one left. It is necessary to know that secondary schools are more manageable than high schools, there is almost no soil for otaku survival, and club activities are very frequent. Sometimes, even on holidays, they have to go to the school to participate in club activities.

Li Xuehao knows the class of Yuki Yuki. The last time he sent a document for Fuyuan Zhimei, it was sent to the martial arts minister of Pingchuan Middle School, the boy who is even more beautiful than the girl.

I remember that when I passed the big playground, I also met Yuki Yuki who went to the garbage with my classmates. However, it is a problem to find out Yuji Yuko.

Although he knows that the class is correct, he can't go straight to find it, and maybe she has already gone to Huadao in this time. After all, she is the minister of Huadao.

It seems that I can only find someone to call out Yuki Yuki. With his understanding of her, as the minister of the flower society, it must be also the "man of the storm" in the school. There should be many people who know her.

With this in mind, Li Xuehao began to shuttle the students passing by. Soon, he found a suitable candidate. He said that the suitable candidate is still known to him, and she certainly knows Yuki Yuki.

It was a little girl, and it was about the same size as Yuki Yoshii. It was also the height of one meter and five, and it was petite. However, unlike Yuki Yuki, she wore a pair of ponytails, and the ponytail was thin and long, hanging down on both sides of the shoulder, almost reaching the waist.

Wearing a flat school uniform in Pingchuan, a dark green suit and a black skirt, the delicate and cute face reveals an unhealthy pale color. At this moment, I am struggling to carry a bucket of garbage and walk hard ahead.

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