Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 333: Fukuoka Naomi’s please, Yamamoto’s voice!

"That is your problem, Fu Yuanzhimei, as the minister of the Kendo Society, you should find the reason from you, and I am the minister of the Fengjihui, and will only be responsible for the internal affairs of the Fengjihui." Even if it was not prepared and The noisy Mingyue knotted flowers heard the failure of the Yanghai Academy for two consecutive years on her head, and it was cold.

"...the guy who betrayed the kendo!" Fu Yuanzhimei bit his teeth, perhaps there is nothing to refute what she said, and then coldly asked, "Hey, what are you looking for?"

"I just went to my house after visiting the class." Mingyue’s face said indifferently, just like talking about a very small thing.

"No!" Fu Yuanzhimei immediately refused.

"He has already promised." The moon is still faintly said.

Fu Yuanzhimei's face could not be changed. Looking at Li Xuehao, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Secret sister, in fact, the Ming Dynasty predecessors hope that I can explain things clearly in front of her parents." Li Xuehao said quickly, will go to the purpose of the moon lanterns home. Of course, the cause of the "misunderstanding" was also taken by him.

"Well!" After listening to it, Fu Yuanzhimei nodded, apparently convinced his explanation, and said coldly, "Mingyue knotted flowers, this time even."

The moonlight faintly glanced at her, didn't speak, and ate her own lunch.

Fu Yuanzhimei did not take care of her again. He handed a stool box in his hand to Li Xuehao around him: "Ho, this is yours."

"Thank you for your beautiful sister." Li Xuehao took it over and said that the lunch of Fu Yuanzhimei had not been eaten for a few days, and it was really nostalgic.

The moonlight flowers are watching. The "intimate" manners of the two people make her heart feel a little weird. She has never seen Fuyuan Zhimei actually have such a "gentle" side. The girls in the relationship are really so happy. ? Even the habit has changed.

The three were eating lunches, didn't speak, and the atmosphere seemed quiet.

The lunch of the moon is the smallest, and it is also the first to start eating. In addition, as an "outsider", she also feels that it is not suitable for a long time. When she has not finished eating, she has already picked up the lunch box and stood up: "I eat Full, leave." Walked away.

Fu Yuanzhimeimei sent her back to leave, regained her gaze, and said faintly: "Hao, can I please you one thing?"

"Please say, Zhimei Sister." Li Xuehao was somewhat unexpected. Fu Yuanzhimei actually had something to ask him.

"It’s about Guiyi." Fu Yuanzhimei took a bite and said.

"Hey, Guiyi... What happened to the seniors?" Li Xuehao was shocked and almost accustomed to calling the name of Fuyuan Guiyi. Fortunately, the key moment was changed.

However, Fu Yuanzhimei did not find the abnormality in his name. He continued: "After the cultural festival ended, I found that his face was hurt and it didn't look like he accidentally encountered..."

"Is it being beaten?" Li Xuehao asked, since it was not accidentally bruised, then only this one is possible.

"Well, I asked, but Kyuichi did not say." Fu Yuanzhimei nodded.

"What do the seniors of Zhimei want me to do?" Li Xuehao’s heart faintly guessed what Fuyuan Zhimei was preparing to ask him.

"I hope that Hao Er can help me check the situation of Keiichi." Fu Yuanzhimei said.

"No problem, I know how to do it, after the class..." When I said this, I suddenly remembered that I was going to visit the Minghua Festival, and Li Xuehao stopped.

"Since I promised the woman, I will do it well first, and I can do it tomorrow." Fu Yuanzhimei also knows what his unfinished words are and does not make him embarrassed.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded, and his heart was relieved, and he continued to eat the lunch in his hand.

"I want that." Fu Yuanzhimei suddenly said something inexplicable.

"What?" Li Xuehao did not respond at the moment.

"Shrimp!" Fu Yuanzhimei stared straight at a fried shrimp in his lunch box.

Li Xuehao also finally understood what she meant. She used to eat fried shrimp. Although she felt strange, this was what she prepared for herself. If she wanted to eat it, she should also prepare some of her own lunch boxes. ?

However, I thought about it in my heart, but my movements were not slow. I hurriedly moved the box to the past and let her clip it.

Fu Yuanzhimei shook his head, just looking at him, seems to be waiting for something.

At the beginning, Li Xuehao was still a bit stunned. Suddenly he felt a move and faintly understood what he had caught.

Fu Yuanzhimei had a slight pink on his face, but he did not hesitate. He opened his mouth and bitten the fried shrimp and swallowed it.

Seeing that Li Xuehao’s heart is jumping, is this an indirect kiss?


After eating the lunch, Fu Yuanzhimei took away the lunch box she brought, and left.

Li Xuehao also picked up the lunch box of Yamamoto's voice, and went down from the rooftop. When he passed the third floor of the corridor, he saw an unexpected person.

The height of about one meter six, wearing a school uniform, short and medium hair, delicate and lovely face, and the chest is a part that can not be compared with adult women, standing there in a pretty way, while having the purity and adulthood of a girl. The feminine charm of women, but not mixed at all, is not abrupt, but very harmonious.

"绫音..." Seeing Yamamoto's voice is like waiting for him deliberately, Li Xuehao suddenly has some guilty conscience.

"Hao, it seems that you get along very well with the predecessors of the United States." Yamamoto's voice is expected to bring some ridicule.

Li Xuehao is even less emboldened. He has just been alone with Fuyuan Zhimei on the rooftop. It seems that Yamamoto’s voice has been known for a long time.

Seeing him pick it up, Yamamoto’s voice smiled softly: “Do not worry, I am not swearing, it’s the words of the predecessors, there is no problem at all.”

Listening to her is easy, and it does not seem to be pretending. Li Xuehao’s heart is slightly safe: “Is it a good time to eat it?”

"Well, I have already eaten it in the classroom, give it to me." Yamamoto said, while reaching out.

Li Xuehao knew what she meant and handed her an empty lunch box to her.

Yamamoto’s voice took over the lunch box and suddenly looked at him: “Hao, would you feel that I was not responsible for being a girlfriend, and even the cultural festival did not accompany you to visit?”

"...No, I have heard from Liangtai, you have been very busy during the cultural festival." Li Xuehao said quickly, in fact, he should be him, as a boyfriend, did not care about her.

"Well, the next step is easy, we can have a lot of time together." Yamamoto's voice smiled sweetly and turned around briskly. "Then I will go first. Hoji also wants to cheer, goodbye. !"

Seeing that she left briskly, Li Xuehao felt a little weird. What does it mean to "get good to cheer"? Does he have a direction to work hard now?

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