Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 332: Visit the previous plan, insider!

The parents of the bright moon knots are obviously very open, at least in Li Xuehao, if he visits, he will definitely receive a grand reception.

Red bean rice must be indispensable.

And this is why he hesitated to go.

The meaning of red bean rice in Japan is unusual. Generally, there is a good thing in the family. It usually refers to a kind of meal that will be done when married or a son-in-law and a son’s girlfriend come to the door, and eat with sesame salt.

Because the red beans in the red bean rice will dye the glutinous rice, which symbolizes the color of the fire and the sun, is considered auspicious color.

In zg, red beans are more called acacia beans, and the meaning is more specific and obvious.

Therefore, he is really a little dare to go to the door.

"Sit down, we can eat and say." The moonlight swayed and shook his delicate and compact lunch box and sat down on a bench.

Li Xuehao also sat down, but separated her from the distance, and did not open the lunch box that Yamamoto's voice prepared for him. He had to wait for the blessing to come up and eat together.

"Are you waiting for the woman in Fuyuan?" Mingyue spent a small mouthful of his own lunch, seeing that he did not move, suddenly asked.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao did not deny that anyway, she had already seen him eating lunch with Fu Yuanzhimei, and also misunderstood his relationship with Fuyuan Zhimei, and did not need to explain or conceal it.

"Then I guess she didn't come up so fast." The bright moon knotted while talking, and also pulled out a schadenfre smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Well?" Li Xuehao looked at her in confusion, listening to her meaning, seems to know what the reason.

"It seems that the consultant of the Kendo club is looking for her... Oh, the adviser of Kendo Club should know that it is the woman's uncle, Fu Yuanjun teacher."

"I know." Li Xuehao nodded. He didn't know it. He knew it after playing with Fu Yuanjun, and he was "revenge" by Fu Yuanzhimei. However, seeing that the moon is not going to say good things, he is a little impatient. "If you have a word for the bright moon, let's just say it."

Seeing his impatience, the bright moon knot flower is also bright: "Yesterday, you said, will go to my house after the class in the afternoon, right?"

"Yes." Li Xuehao really wants to deny that he had already promised her yesterday, and he did not want to be a villain.

"Before this, I want to explain some things first." Mingyue said.

"Please tell the seniors of the moon." Li Xuehao said.

"My parents and parents have misunderstood our relationship, so they may be at an attitude... weird, I hope you don't care too much when you visit." Mingyue said that the flowers are somewhat ambiguous.

If he didn't eavesdrop on their family's conversation last night, Li Xuehao might not understand what it means to be "weird," but know that her parents and parents have treated him as "a son-in-law". He can understand the true meaning of "weird". What does it mean in the end?

"And, when I visit my home, I try to be strange to me. Even if the attitude is worse, it doesn't matter." Mingyue continued to say, "Oh, you can also say that you have already interacted with other girls." It should make my parents die."

"The most important point is that you must never bring a gift to your door, otherwise my parents will misunderstand it." The moonlight knot especially emphasizes this sentence.

Li Xuehao was frowned. It was an indispensable etiquette to come to visit the present, but to be honest, he did not intend to bring any gifts to the moonlight, but now she is so deliberately mentioned by him. It feels too rude to not bring a gift. Originally, he could deliberately forget it, but now he wants to "forget" and forget it.

"Well, for the time being so much. As for what I said after seeing my parents, it depends on your ability to respond in the real world. I believe that you will not let me down." The moon is completely standing and talking. Backache.

Li Xuehao nodded. For the time being, he did not think of any good explanations. It is also a good idea to "interpret" according to the moon's knot. And she knows more about her parents, I believe that I know how to do the most.

"Right, do you like to eat red bean rice?" Originally thought that the conversation was over, I did not expect that the moon will suddenly ask another question.

"What?" Li Xuehao was shocked, but on the surface he pretended not to hear what she meant.

The bright moon knots are also somewhat unnatural, but they are strong and calm: "I am talking about red bean rice. The red bean rice cooked by my mother tastes very good. Because it is the first time the guest came to the door, she was also carefully prepared."

"I don't particularly like it..." Li Xuehao knows very well what the red bean rice represents. He believes that the moon will be asked by him, and he is also expected to find an excuse to say that he can be said to eat red bean rice at night.

"If you don't like to eat..." The moon is ready to go on, and the iron gate at the entrance of the rooftop suddenly "hits" and is pushed away. One person walks out from inside.

The two people brought two lunch boxes, one large size, one exquisite trumpet, the same shape as the bright moon knot, tall and slender, although the body is not as good as the former, but the delicate and cute face is completely Make up for this.

The long black hair is also tied with a pony tail, but the long hair on both sides of the horn is wrapped around a circle with a white ribbon. It has a small bow at the end of the hair, which is very playful and has Girlish style.

With such obvious signs, people who come will not have others except Fu Yuan Zhimei.

When I saw a woman on the rooftop, Fu Yuanzhimei looked a bit gnashing and hurriedly walked over: "Mingyue knotted flowers, you are really here!" Look at her, if it is not carrying a bento box on hand, but If you are a wooden sword, it is estimated that it has been directly implemented.

"Fu Yuan is straight and beautiful. Speaking of it, we don't have much hatred." In the past, when the knots of the moon are met, this situation will definitely be ridiculed, or completely inappropriate. Today, it is surprisingly said, it sounds like It seems to be... is it weak?

Fu Yuanzhimei couldn’t help but apparently did not expect her to say so, but immediately reacted and snorted. At the same time, the footsteps are light, go to Li Xuehao and sit next to him.

"I remember that in the first grade, the two of us joined the Kendo Club together." The moon and the knot continued, and the expression was somewhat cherished in the past.

Fu Yuanzhimei suddenly a little excited: "That is because you betrayed the kendo, only know the woman who is fighting for power! You are not worthy of the sword!"

"I just want to change the atmosphere of the school. Is there anything wrong with this?" The moonlight knot was completely ignorant, and said faintly.

"Speaking very well, the moon is knotted, do you know that because of your withdrawal, let us lose to Yanghai Academy for two consecutive years?" Fu Yuanzhi was angry and yelled.

Li Xuehao also heard the secret secret. It turned out that there is such an inside story. The moonlight flower was originally a member of the Kendo Club.

If you think about it carefully, if you have the strength of the moon and the same moon, you will definitely add a general to the Kendo club. Yanghai Academy may not be able to win their Sakurano High School.

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