Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1984: Genealogy

Waiting for a while outside, my mother-in-law took a blue booklet and walked out. The booklet is not heavy, roughly looking at it, almost only one centimeter thick, the size is similar to a4 paper.

"Hoo, this is what your grandfather left behind." Not long after her mother-in-law came to the front, handed over the blue booklet.

Li Xuehao took over and even took it. Even if it was usually in front of the mountain, he couldn’t resist the impulse. This is a genealogy. The four big characters on the blue cover are extremely conspicuous—Li’s genealogy .

There is a crease of the "Ten" on the genealogy. It is estimated that it has been folded, the appearance is very old, and the four corners are still white. This is the damage that has been rubbed and rubbed for many years. It can be seen that it already has Very long history.

This is what the cheap grandfather left, a clan genealogy.

Of course, if it is just an ordinary genealogy, Li Xuehao will not be so excited. The reason for his excitement is that this genealogy and the genealogy he once saw are generally different from the outside.

But the genealogy has been burned by him, and there is no such thing in the world, so the only explanation is...

He couldn't wait to open the cover. The first page of the genealogy is the ancestral training. I saw the iron painting with the iron hook: "Ming my ancestors, Han Shiliufang, training and grandchildren, knowing the original meaning, relying on the purpose, more Push in detail..."

That's right, this is the same, even the ancestral training is the same, then things are hidden in the cover.

Li Xuehao suppressed the excitement and carefully touched the cover. He felt that there was a mezzanine inside, and there was something in the mezzanine. The ordinary person might not be able to touch it, but he was sensitive and knew when he touched it.

"Hao, do you know the words above?" It was not long before the mother-in-law saw him open the cover and looked at the words inside, seemingly to know the same.

"This is Chinese, I know a little." Li Xuehao said modestly, not waiting for her question, continue to say, "This is a genealogy, recorded a book of family genital reproduction and important deeds."

“Is it important?” My mother-in-law asked a little nervously, and it sounded important.

"In fact, it is not very important, because the genealogy is lost, you can reorganize one." Li Xuehao explained that he guessed that the genealogy and the genealogy he had seen before were from the same person, that person may It is the ancestor of Li.

As for why it is divided into two genealogies, this is not complicated. It must be known that in ancient times, many large families were too fast to breed, so they could not accommodate so many people in one place, so they would be separated, and this genealogy is extremely It may be brought out from the family when they were separated.

In this way, even if the two places are separated, they all sacrifice the same ancestor. When they are in trouble, they can help each other. It has only been passed down to the present, time is too long, and the relationship between war and chaos, modern people do not have too strong clan concept, basically the old and the dead do not come and go.

I heard that it is not very important. My mother-in-law has not been too concerned about it for a long time: "Since it is left by your grandfather, Hao Er, you should take care of it."

"Okay." Li Xuehao solemnly promised to come down.

After waiting for her mother-in-law to leave, Li Xuehao returned to his room with the genealogy, and he had to take out the contents as soon as possible.

The mezzanine in the cover was opened very well, and he gently stroked it with his fingers, splitting a hole in it, and a yellow glow flashed through it.

Followed by the mouth, Li Xuehao took out the yellow light inside.

This is a neatly folded and cover-sized piece of paper with a golden glow on the surface. It doesn't know what material it is made of, and may have been sealed in the cover, so it looks very new. Just like the one just put in.

Open the folded golden paper, only from the original a4 paper size, into a huge paper with a sheet of a4 paper size, the whole paper is as thin as a flap, no wonder after many layers of folding, in When you touch the cover, you can hardly feel its existence.

The paper is full of dense words, each of which is like a fly mosquito, but it is neat and orderly, clearly distinguishable, just like printed.

"Sure enough..."

Seeing the above handwriting, Li Xuehao can no longer suppress the excitement in his heart. On this huge piece of paper, it is recorded that he once found the sequel to the practice of the genealogy, that is, under the "God's Policy" book.

The real person I met when I went to the Chikun Mountain Treasure Hunting Adventures in Gunma County said that this is the secret of his teacher's door. There are two volumes. What Li Xuehao got was only the first volume, and the contents of the next volume, in order to exchange the real person before the death, in exchange for him, but he refused.

I couldn’t think of breaking through the iron shoes, and I didn’t have to work hard. The contents of the next volume were in his hands, but they were also hidden in a genealogy, and this genealogy and the book were destroyed by him. The genealogy is actually one.

In this regard, Li Xuehao is very suspicious of the real person's statement, this may not be the secret of his teacher at all, he said so, just for the excuse to find for himself.

Throwing out some of the mixed ideas, Li Xuehao concentrated on the contents of the next volume.

And the book focuses on the arrangement of the array, the way to crack, and the technique of medicine, Bu, star, and phase. The contents of the next volume are more about the enemy's killing.

Just looking at a few eyes, Li Xuehao has determined that if the book is biased against the defensive, then the next book is the road to killing.

All the secrets recorded on it have only one purpose, which is to kill the enemy.

This made him a little ecstatic. Before he was entangled in his own enemies, there were few methods. He basically used his powerful strength to crush opponents, but if he encountered the same level or higher opponents, he would be dwarfed.

The appearance of the book "God's Policy" is undoubtedly a long drought, and he estimates that if you cultivate the secret law of the next book, plus the dragon ribs of the son of Peng Peng, you may be able to directly break through the foundation and achieve Jindan Avenue. .

When there is a secret law and a blessing of the sword, even if it is a dragon girl, it is not without the possibility of victory.

Of course, at this stage, it is only speculation, but this makes him see the hope of defeating the dragon girl. Although the two sides should not become opponents, this feeling of being suppressed has always cast a shadow on his heart. The sword of Damocles on top of the head.

With the book "God's Policy", at least half of this shadow is gone, and the sense of crisis is no longer so urgent.

Li Xuehao greedily absorbs the above secrets. For him, it is not difficult for him to look at ten lines. In just two or three hours, he remembers all the above.

Next, I will practice and practice in the same way.

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